April 27, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Todd Creek, Dan McGowan, Melvyn Marshall, John Fetherling, and Joe Kerwin

Absent: Jerry Dole, Francis Smith

Attendance: Jerry LeSage, Director of Building & Zoning; Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hebert; Karl Zillgitt; Trustees Noel Burke, Diane Dole and Annette LaMore.

In the absence of Chairman Smith, Commissioner Fetherling chaired the meeting.

Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Fetherling

MOTION: A motion was made by Creek, seconded by Kerwin, to waive reading of the minutes of January 26, 2010, and accept them as presented. Motion approved 5-0. Dole and Smith absent.


Commissioner Fetherling opened up the public hearing for a special use permit request to operate a minor automobile repair facility at 22 West First Street in the C-1 Zoning District.

PC-SUP 09-01 – The request for the special use is submitted by Robert Eakins III and Karl

D. Zillgitt.

MOTION: A motion by Kerwin, seconded by Creek, to waive the reading of the legal description. Motion approved 5-0. Dole and Smith absent.

Mr. Karl D. Zillgitt addressed the commission concerning the request. He is hoping to use the building to put 4 x 4 custom kits and lift kits on various vehicles. He submitted a petition signed by residents and neighbors in support of the special use permit.

There were no comments from the public for or against the special use request.

Commissioner Marshall asked about parking of customers and/or vehicles being worked upon. Mr. Zillgitt stated that vehicles would only be worked upon by appointment. All will be stored inside the shop. There is space for three (3) vehicles within the building. This is a 1-2 man operation. He will have a small retail area, possibly 8x10. All parts will be kept inside shop and they are custom ordered. There will be no work outside of building or in the street.

Commissioner Fetherling would like to see all cars stored inside the building at night. He also asked about any painting that could be done at the premises. Mr. Zillgitt stated that there would be no painting done and if it is required it would be sent out. Mr. Zillgitt has contacted a pick-up service for any used oil and will be taking any used scrap metal to Belsons.

Trustee LaMore asked about the air compressor and potential noise. Mr. Zillgitt stated that the air compressor is one that is already present in the building and it has not created any noise issues with neighbors in the past.

Commissioner Fetherling closed the public hearing portion of the meeting.


1. Special Use Permit Request – 22 W. First St.

The commissioners were presented with a proposed plan commission recommendation to approve the special use permit for 22 W. First St. Commissioner Fetherling had a few stipulations that he would like to see added to the recommendation. After some discussion the following were added to the recommendation.

·  All parking of vehicles and parts are to be stored inside the building overnight.

·  No parking of immobile cars in the street.

·  No painting or spraying will be allowed unless there us proper ventilation.

·  No storage of fuels in large containers within the building.

·  Require a fire inspection and to complete one annually.

·  Require owner of business to prepare a policy to handle complaints from neighbors.

·  Hours of operation will be 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.

Jerry LeSage stated that instead of saying what he can’t do, how about stating what he can do – so the stipulation that all work must be completed within the confines of the building was added instead of stating that no work can be done in the street or alley.

MOTION: A motion by Creek, seconded by McGowan, to approve Plan Commission Recommendation 09-12, a recommendation approving a Special Use Permit for the operation of a minor automobile repair facility at 22 W. First St., Manteno, IL with the above mentioned stipulations added. The motion waived the reading of the recommendation and also accepted the finding of facts submitted. Motion approved 5-0. Dole and Smith absent.

2.  Shed Ordinance Change (8-1-15)

Jerry LeSage came upon a shed at 85 W. Sixth that is not in compliance to our current ordinance. Mr. Hebert, owner of the shed, wrote a letter and asked for the village to consider a change to the current shed ordinance that would allow for metal siding for an accessory building. Jerry stated that technology has changed and the intent of the original ordinance was to prohibit the metal buildings that are cheap and tend to rust very easily. In Jerry’s research he did find that this type of shed is still being sold, but maybe the ordinance can be modified to allow for certain types of metal siding.

Commissioner McGowan asked if we could list a minimum gauge of metal siding in the change. It was discussed that this might be hard to do since manufacturers don’t always list the gauge of the metal and then homeowners might buy a product that would not fit our ordinance.

Jerry LeSage thinks he can control the type of sheds being proposed by looking at details during the permit processes.

The commission still wanted to add a minimum 2 x 2 stud frame construction to the proposed change in the ordinance.

MOTION: A motion by Marshall, seconded by Kerwin, to approve Plan Commission Recommendation 09-13, updating 8-1-15 to keep up with changing building practices with the added minimum 2 x 2 framing construction requirement. Motion approved 5-0. Dole and Smith absent.


Due to cost cutting measures the Plan Commission will only be meeting once a month beginning in May. The Commission will meet the second Tuesday of each month if there are items for the agenda.

Commissioner Fetherling asked if the Baptist Church was doing an addition. Jerry LeSage apologized that he should have brought the project before the Commission, it was handled at the staff level and Keslin Engineering has reviewed it also.

Jerry LeSage wanted to apprise the commission of changes that may be coming from NFSA as it relates to the requirement of sprinklers in new single family home construction. Three states have added this requirement and Jerry thinks that the 2012 code will have the requirement listed in the IRC. The village will be in line to adopt the 2012 code, so the requirement will need to be looked at.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is May 11th, if there are items for the agenda.

MOTION: A motion by Creek, seconded by Kerwin to adjourn the Plan Commission meeting at 6:50 p.m. Motion approved by voice vote.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk

Plan Commission Minutes, April 27, 2010 Page 3/3