FEBRUARY 17, 2015
The Village Board of the Village of Combined Locks was called to order by Village President John Neumeier. Trustees in attendance included: Rick Strick, Ruth Wulgaert, Beth Sewall, Justin Krueger, and Roger Kirch via telephone. Jim Ponto was absent.
Also in attendance were Administrator Racquel Shampo-Giese, Public Works Director Ryan Swick, Public Works employee Keith Weyenberg, residents Ken Walton and Brian Edinger, and Judy Hebbe of the Times Villager.
The first item to consider was a request for an additional sewer credit from the property owner of 150 Green Way Drive. Mr. Brian Edinger explained to the Board that around the middle of December his son discovered that the outside faucet was opening and water was running. He turned off the water upon discovering it. His water and sewer bill for the quarter of 10/22/14 – 01/20/15 reflected 105,600 gallons used. The Administrator immediately contacted Mr. Edinger when the meter readings were received and asked him to make an appointment for a profile of the meter which shows when and how much water passes through the meter. Mr. Edinger did not call back or make the appointment until 02/17/15. The profile data shows that roughly 4,000 gallons of water per day for 23 days passed through the meter. Mr. Edinger’s request is to void all or most of the sewer charges because the water ran outside and did not go into the sanitary sewer. The Administrator explained that there is not a way to prove or disprove that the water did not enter the sanitary sewer. The matter was discussed. R. Wulgaert made a motion to provide the standard sewer credit for Mr. Edinger. B. Sewall seconded the motion, and it passed with six (6) ayes, and J. Ponto absent. The standard sewer credit is calculated by charging the old sewer rate of $6.25 per 1000 gallons instead of the current rate of $9.70 per 1000 gallons. This calculates to a credit of $339.24.
The next item on the agenda was to review the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and view a GIS demonstration from Public Works employees Ryan Swick and Keith Weyenberg. The employees provided and overview of how the GIS technology can be used. Functions included are: plotting of water main breaks, terrace trees, street signs, water and sewer mains, storm water infrastructure, and measurements. The CIP was reviewed and slight modifications were noted.
The next item on the agenda was to review and consider Resolution 2015-5 to officially authorize the loan request of $400,000 for water main improvements on Prospect Street. J. Krueger made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-5 as presented. R. Strick seconded the motion, and it passed with a roll call vote: J. Krueger aye, R. Kirch aye, J. Neumeier aye, R. Strick aye, B. Sewall aye, and R. Wulgaert aye. J. Ponto was absent.
The next item on the agenda was to review and consider Resolution 2015-5 to officially authorize the loan request of $400,000 for sewer main improvements on Prospect Street. J. Krueger made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-5 as presented. R. Strick seconded the motion, and it passed with a roll call vote: J. Krueger aye, R. Kirch aye, J. Neumeier aye, R. Strick aye, B. Sewall aye, and R. Wulgaert aye. J. Ponto was absent.
The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of an option to fill the vacant administrative office position. The Administrator presented an option to create a part-time Deputy Clerk position and part-time Deputy Treasurer position. The Deputy Treasurer position would be filled by current Administrative Assistant Amy Vander Hyden, and the Deputy Clerk position would be advertised. The wages, benefits, work hours, and savings to the Village were discussed. B. Sewall made a motion to move forward with advertising for a part-time Deputy Clerk as presented and to re-evaluate the position after one year. R. Strick seconded the motion, and it passed with six (6) ayes, and J. Ponto absent.
In other business and updates, the Administrator provided documentation from the Governor’s budget regarding DOT Aid and the move to County-wide assessments. She also explained that the $6000 budgeted to overhaul the 1998 Toro is only about 50% of what will actually be needed; a meeting is scheduled for 02/27 for an update on the CE/HH roundabout and HH reconstruction; Mr. David Linskens has decided to request annexation of his property from Town of Buchanan to Village of Combined Locks; and the updates to the Mark Van Thiel Room are complete as well as the upgraded website.
J. Krueger made a motion to adjourn. B. Sewall seconded the motion. The motion passed and meeting adjourned.
Committee of the Whole