East Brainerd Elementary

School Fee and Supplies

First Grade

2017 - 2018

The school fee is $50.00. The fee is used to purchase additional items that will be needed throughout the year. Below is a list of all supplies that should be brought to school during the first week. If you want your child to have what you bought, please write their name on items.

1 Backpack (standard size) - NO WHEELS PLEASE- All Grades

1 pair of ear buds for computer lab (this is a must have)

2 packs of yellow #2 pencils (12 or more)

2 packs of 24 Crayola brand crayons (please do not buy bigger sets)

1 pack of colored Post it brand post its

1 4 pack of skinny black Expo dry erase markers

1 4 pack of fat black Expo dry erase markers

1 pack of washable markers

12 glue sticks

1 pair of Fiskars scissors

1- 1 inch or 1 ½ 3 ring binder with clear pockets on the outside (no designs)

4- 3 prong folders (1red, 1blue, 1yellow, 1green) no designs

2 Spiral One Subject notebooks (no designs)

2 lined marble composition book (no designs)

1 zipper pencil pouch (one that has the holes for a binder)

1 roll of paper towels

1 packs of Clorox or Lysol Wipes (BOYS)

1 bottle of hand sanitizer (GIRLS)

1 box of Band-Aids (Non-latex) (BOYS)

2 LARGE boxes of Kleenex

1 box of quart/sandwich size Ziploc bags

1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (GIRLS)

1 pack of large pink erasers

2 pack of pencil cap erasers

1 crayon box for desk

3 reams of copy paper

1 8-pack of watercolor

Wish List (We always need extra of the following):

Glue sticks ear buds

24-pack Crayola Crayons construction paper

Copy paper watercolors


***These items are considerably less expensive when they go on sale in the summer.

Dress Code Apparel

Students are expected to be dressed neatly and appropriately every school day. Short shorts, tank shirts, hats, torn or tattered jeans, spaghetti, strapless, backless and bare midriffs are not suitable. Students are not permitted to wear flip-flops, platform shoes or sandals. Shoes must be closed toed. No advertising or graphic designs allowed. Shirts should be tucked in and pants worn at natural waist.