****** November 15, 2011 ******

6 Park Ave., Arkport, NY 14807

Pledge to the Flag

Call to order: Regular Board Meeting, 7:00PM

Roll Call: Mayor William Roderick Trustee Mike Brewer Trustee Jon Hedges Trustee Susan Thompson

Absent Call: Trustee Jeff Bossie

Others Present: Jennifer Bush, Clerk; Robert Mauro, DPW; Bill Rusby, C.E.O.; Cathy Smith, Book Center; Sue White; Timothy Patton; David Brewster: Joanne Bisson; Charles Flanders; Brian O’Neil; Wendy Lindu; David Galabers; Rachel Bossard; Michela Smallman; Hannah Truax; Jared Theilan;Chris Porcaro; Angela Sutfin, Newspaper.

Approval of Minutes- No corrections or additions to the October 13, 2011 Board workshop minutes. No corrections or additions to the October 18, 2011 regular Village Board meeting minutes.

M32 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve the minutes as distributed. All ayes. Motion carried.


Cemetery – Tom Hunt – Absent -

Code Enforcement Officer- Bill Rusby – Report on file (green) – One building permit issued to Jason Flaitz for the month of October.

DPW/Water Department – Bob Mauro – Report on file (blue) – Housing and discharge on the 12 year old leaf vacuum are in poor condition. We need to consider replacing it within the next two years. Bob will get some prices together for the budget planning. This would be a piece of equipment we could share with the Village of North Hornell if they are willing to consider. Roof shingles on park pavilion have been replaced. The structure appears to need some bracing from the support posts to the roof frame to stop the sway. Bob will fix it this week. Last day for leaf and brush pick-up will be November 18, 2011. Need a new snow blower to do sidewalks. We need to enforce the Village code. Walks are dangerous when children walk to school.

Book Center – Cathy Smith – Report on file (pink) – There were 251 Arkport owned books checked out and 78 STLS books for the month of October. Seventy-three people visited the book center. One hundred small books were ordered from Scholastic to give out on Halloween instead of candy. All 100 were given out before 8:00pm. Received our first order of books from Barnes and Noble with our STLS monies. Next Book Center meeting will be January 10, 2012 at 6:30PM.

Treasurer – Li Gallant – Report on file (white) – Absent- Trustee Hedges will give report.

M33 Motion made by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Mayor Roderick, to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. All ayes, Motion carried.

Resolution 11-12 to amend the 2011-2012 budget for the upcoming Steuben County Self Insurance Plan for Worker’s Comp. payment in January. Increase Worker’s Comp. General Fund $5,827.00, increase Worker’s Comp. Water Fund $1,549.00. Decrease Contingency (Water Fund) $1,549.00. Use of fund balance-unassigned $5,827.00.

M34 Motion made by Mayor Roderick, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve Resolution 11-12 as read. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution 11-13 to amend the 2011-2012 budget for supplemental appropriations to the General Fund Budget. Increase DPW-Equipment $1,000.00, decrease DPW- Operations & Maintenance $1,000.00

M35 Motion made by Mayor Roderick, seconded by Trustee Thompson, to approve Resolution 11-13 as read. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Comment:

Old Business:

·  Shared Services at District’s Fuel Island: Mike Brewer and Li Gallant have met with Mr. Niles at the Arkport School. The School Board has agreed to allow us the same cost as they are charged. Mr. Niles will send a draft contract for Village approval when the District lawyer completes it.

New Business:

·  December 6, 2011 7:00PM has been set for the Public Hearing for Local Law #3-2011-Property Tax Cap.

·  December 6, 2011 has been set for a Village Workshop meeting at 6:00PM.

·  Tim Patton: Crossing Guards. The pay scale of $10.30 per day for the Village crossing guards is very low compared to other districts. Hornell pays $18.00 per day and Canisteo pays $17.00 per day. All three crossing guards in attendance would like the pay increased to be comparable to other districts. The Board will consider this and make an adjustment to the 2012-2013 budget, which will be effective June 1, 2012.

·  Snyder Brother’s has incurred several rising costs; fuel prices, health and liability insurances, which are beyond their control. Therefore, they find it necessary to increase the cost of grave openings $25.00 per grave as of January 1, 2012. The Board will discuss this change and how it affects the cemetery at the December 6th workshop meeting.

Ratification of Abstract #5, Voucher #138 to #168, in the amount of $32,538.25.

M36 Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Mayor Roderick, to approve ratification of Abstract#5. All ayes. Motion carried.

Next Meeting Date: December 20, 2011 at 7:00pm


M37 Motion made by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Hedges, to adjourn the meeting 7:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer D. Bush,Clerk


} ss:


I, Jennifer D. Bush, the undersigned clerk of the Village of Arkport, do hereby certify as follows:

1. A meeting of the Board of Trustees, Village of Arkport, Steuben County, State of New York, was held on November 15, 2011, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minutes Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of meetings of said Village Board.

2. Said Minutes correctly state the time and place when said Meeting was convened and the Board Members present.

3. Public notice of the time and place of said Meeting was duly posted and duly given to the public and the news media in accordance with the Open Meeting Law, constituting Chapter 511 of the Laws of 1976 of the State of New York, and that all members of said Village Board had due notice of said Meetings and that the Meeting was in all respects duly held and a quorum was present and acted throughout.

4. In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have affixed the corporate seal of the Village of Arkport this 20th day of December, 2011 as approved by the Board of Trustees.


Arkport Village Clerk Jennifer D. Bush

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