Teacher: E. Vásquez Subject: Life Science Date: May 12-16, 2014

Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014

/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade
Monday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment. / Identify the functions of the circulatory system
#2,#7 / How do we get oxygen to every cell in our body?
#4,#6,#7,#9 / Group #5 presents on Circulatory System
#2,#7 / S. ISN note taking
#4,#9 / Exit Slip
List at least 3 new facts you learnt about the system
S. rate presentations
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Tuesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment. / Identify the functions of the reproductive system
#2,#7 / Describe what the goal of the reproductive system is
#4,#6,#7,#9 / Group #6 presents on the Reproductive system
#2,#7 / S. ISN note taking
#4,#9 / Exit Slip
List at least 3 new facts you learnt about the system
S. rate presentations
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Wednesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment. / Identify the functions of the endocrine system
#2,#7 / What happens to our hearts and breathing rates when we’ve been scared?
#4,#9 / Group #7 presents on Endocrine System
#2,#6,#7 / S. ISN note taking
#4,#9 / Exit Slip
List at least 3 new facts you learnt about the system
S. rate presentations
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Thursday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment. / Identify the functions of the nervous system
#2,#7 / Hypothesize how the human brain is important for the functioning of the human body.
#7,#8 / Watch Discovery’s Brain Power
#2,#7 / S. take notes in ttheir ISN
#2 / Exit Slip
List at least 3 new facts you learnt about the human brain from this documentary.
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Friday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment. / HOLIDAY / HOLIDAY
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
