Villa de Paz Neighborhood Meeting
MinutesMay 09, 2013
The MayVilla De Paz and Laurelwood Homes Block Watch meeting was held at Villa de Paz (VDP) Elementary School. The meeting began at 1830 (6:30 pm), and closed at 1945 (7:45 pm). Attendance: 31. CAO Tony Cuciti from Estrella Mtn Precinct and Georgeanne Sobrey from Parks & Recs also attended.
The following items were discussed:
POLICE UPDATE:Officer Cuciti gave a quick over view of activities in the area. Burglary still is an issue. Secure your home and watch out for your neighbors. He informed us of a car chase that used air services (in case we saw all the activity around 89th ave); a home that was invaded due to drug gang activity (one group ripping off another) and one area was using anti-graffiti paint (the tagging does not stick) and was having success.
The Precinct newsletter indicated that domestic violence was on the rise. Tony believes that the increase is due to increased reporting, not an actual increase in events. The pd has made inroads in the Latino community and residents are coming forward more frequently.
Several additional general questions were addressed.
-Report suspicious activity to Crimestop at 602-262-6151.
Attaboys!: Georgeanne Sobrey, from Parks and Recs joined us and presented a “Ranger Rick” hat to the group for all our work. Alan will pass the hat to Jim as he is the “King” of the park when it comes to graffiti. Thank you Georgeanne! In addition, Bobby C presented the group with a “Thank you” cake for all the work in keeping the children safe during school opening and closing!
Opportunities/Discussion Items:
-City/State volunteer;
-Website: We are looking into improving the site. The goal is to make the website the “Go To” place for information. Please start using the website for information. The more we use it the better it will get.
-Go to the Estrella Mountain Precinct website to keep abreast of information the precinct believes is important. The April issue discusses Domestic Violence,police supervision, PNP training, K2/Spice and upcoming events.
-Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol training: July 13, 0730 – 1200; 2075 E Maryland Ave.
-Review the “Phoenix @ Your Service” flyer that comes in your water bill. Great information on elections, trash pickup schedule, Crime Reduction Plan (Persons, Places, Behaviors) and how to get rid of old batteries. Good things to know!
NO JUNE MEETING! Next meeting will be held 11 July 2013, 6:30 pm, Villa de Paz Elementary School. Newsworthy Items or Questions: Contact Alan at 623-877-3674, or .
Respectfully submitted,
Alan Gaugert
Block Watch Captain
PNP Citywide/BWVDP/Minutes/2013-01-10