18 January 2013


It is notified for general information that Her Majesty The Queen has approvedamendments to the regulations for the Vietnam Logistic and Support Medal. Theseregulations are known as the Vietnam Logistic and Support Medal Regulations 1993.

ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God Queen of Australiaand Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth:

TO ALL to whom these Presents shall come,


WHEREAS by Letters Patent dated 24 February 1993 We instituted anAustralian medal, designated and styled the Vietnam Logistic and SupportMedal, for the purpose of according recognition to certain members of theAustralian Armed Forces and certain other persons who rendered servicein support of the Australian Armed Forces in operations in Vietnam:

AND WHEREAS the Letters Patent ordained that the award of theVietnam Logistic and Support Medal be governed by the Vietnam Logisticand Support Medal Regulations set out in the Schedule to the LettersPatent:

AND WHEREAS by Letters Patent dated 8 August 2012 thoseRegulations were amended:

AND WHEREAS it is desirable to amend those regulations:

KNOW YOU that We do, by these Presents, declare Our Pleasure that theVietnam Logistic and Support Medal Regulations set out in the Scheduleto the Letters Patent dated 24 February 1993, and as amended by theLetters Patent dated 8 August 2012, are amended as set out in theSchedule.

IN WITNESS whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be madePatent.

GIVEN under the Great Seal of
Australia at Our Court at
St James's on 18 January 2013

By Her Majesty's Command

Prime Minister


Amendments of the Vietnam Logistic and SupportMedal Regulations

[1] Regulation 4, heading


4 Conditions for the award of the Medal—service inarea of operations of Vietnam

[2] Subregulation 4 (2A)


[3] After regulation 4


4A Conditions for the award of the Medal—service inThailand

(1)The Medal may be awarded for service of one day or more:

(a)as a member of the Royal Australian Air Force; and

(b)while posted, or attached, for service in the area ofUbon Air Base in Thailand; and

(c)during the period beginning on 25 June 1965 and endingon 31 August 1968.

(2)A person who has been awarded the Vietnam Medal, or who iseligible for the award of the Vietnam Medal, is not eligible forthe award of the Vietnam Logistic and Support Medal.

(3)The Medal may be awarded posthumously.