‍‍Rémy Hassanin

0473 371 504|


I am interested in a position as a labourer within your company. I am fit and enjoy manual labor and have had previous non paid laboring jobs. I realise that my resume doesn’t reflect manual laboring experience but I have performed manual laboring tasks over the years. I grew up on a 2 acre big property that constantly required mowing by hand, moving rubbish and other general maintenance work. I have helped friends make their properties safe before bushfire season by clearing the bush to create fire breaks. I have also had my own garden and crop and am an avid amateur gardener.


Videographer|federation university|may 2015 – january 2016

·Videoed practical outdoor education skills and Exercise Science professional practice placements.

·Edited and created videos from the footage to be viewed online by students.

·Uploaded all content to an online forum.

Freelance photographer|sole trader|may 2015 – january 2016

·LaKitchen 2 U photoshoot, capture, editing and release of images for website.

·Michelle Maierportraitphotoshoot,capture, editing and release of images for website.

international student mentor|federation university|may 2014 – may 2015

·Facilitated English language activities.

·Read and commented on written work.

·Met informally to provide advice on study and any other required support.

Storeroom supervisor|federation university|August 2014 – September 2015

·Organised all storeroom sporting equipment in the School of Health Sciences.

·Ensured all sporting orders were prepared for collection and packed away upon return.

·Responded to emails and kept stock of the equipment.

outdoor education program officer|Federation university|April 2015 – September 2015

·Organised the Outdoor Education storeroom.

·Liaised with businesses, picked up and unloaded trailers, organising trip gear and de-tripped as well as many other administrative tasks that are part of the program.

Sessional tutor|Federation university|May 2012 – September 2015

·Designed, developed and coordinated the soccer unit.

·Delivered all course material in Philosophical and Contemporary Issues in Sport unit.

·Graded all students work.

sports coach|clamart 92|September 2010 – september 2011

·Designed and delivered all training sessions of the u/9 and u/11 boys rugby team.

·Organised, coached and chaperoned the children at tournaments.

sports educational officer|garvz academy|January 2007 – August 2009

·Marketed the after school program in schools around the region.

·Designed and delivered all training sessions at the schools involved with the academy.

·Delivered afterschool cricket, soccer and rugby depending on seasonal demands.

head rugby coach|university of zululand|February 2009 – August 2009

·Designed and delivered all training sessions.

·Advised and oversaw all conditioning of the athletes.

·Developed specialized and individual training plans.

·It was the first year in history the team won the league.


phd|2015|federation university, Australia

·I completed a 3.5 year paid position as a research student in the Faculty of Health. My research project explored the impact of culture on coaching practices in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.

masters|2011|Paris est creteil, France

·This was a 12 month degree and included a research project.

bachelor|2008|university of zululand, South africa

·Major: Sports Coaching

·Minor: Psychology

Qualifications and Workshops

  • PADI Open Water Diver
  • Storytelling levels 1 and 2
  • Ken Good 4WD driving course levels 1 and 2
  • Intermediate Bicycle Mechanics - Bicycle Training Victoria
  • First Aid Level 2 (Senior First Aid)
  • Rugby Coaching Levels 1 and 2


  • Special Olympics sports coach
  • Camp Cooinda leader
  • St Patrick’su/14 rugby coach
  • International student mentor
  • Soup bus volunteer

Interests and Associations

I enjoy bushwalking, canoeing, fishing and generally spending extended periods of time in the outdoors. I enjoy being active and learning new skills. I am currently associated with the Ballarat Camera Club and PADI.

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