Skills Victoria


Video Transcript: Dylan and Jim

Dylan: Hi. At Nova we’ve also tried to sound ‘perty’, but nowadays we have to look ‘perty’ too on the web. That’s why we employ some clever dudes to make all that stuff happen. Clever dudes like Jim Drivas. Hey Jim.

Jim: Hey.

Dylan: Wassup?

Jim: How you going mate?

Dylan: Good thanks. So Jim, what made you want to get in to the world of the web…ness?

Jim: Well I was always into ah, drawing, and into arts, and my mum was a painter so um, you know, and I actually didn’t discover that I wanted to do multimedia, or web design until a teach of mine, at this, at my first ever TAFE course, he saw that I was doing really well in this design subject so he said, “You know, why don’t you get into multimedia. It might be better for you.” So I was like, “Oh yeh! That’s cool” and it opened up my eyes and I was like, yeh cool, that was it. I wanted to do that.

Dylan: So what kind of qualifications did you end up getting for this gig?

Jim: Well, um, I started off by doing a Certificate Two in Interactive Multimedia, which was then my stepping stone in getting into the Diploma Course, mid year intake at Swinburne TAFE, and everything. And um, you know, in that course I learnt pretty much what I do now. Photoshop, front end development, umm, HTML, CSS, and uh, really fancy stuff like that and um, yeh, and I use these skills everyday which has been great.

Dylan: Hey, so Jim, seeing as this is going on the website, can you promise that you’ll make me look really pretty in it?

Jim: Well, I’m not a magician, Dylan.

Dylan: Hahahahah. Thanks Jim. So if you want an awesome job in an awesome place like this, all you need is awesome skills. For more details head to the Youth Central website. (Dylan Beatboxes)

Skills Victoria – Nova Radio