Course:English 102, Comp IICredits:3
Instructor:Dr. Gretchen SkivingtonDays:M/W & T/H 7:30 & 9:30
Email:Office Hrs:M/W 7:30-10:00
Other by appointment
Catalogue Description
Composition II is a three-credit course that continues the reading and writing done in ENG 101. The course emphasizes writing from sources, argument, the investigative paper, and research techniques. The purpose of this course is to help you become better writers and more critical readers, as well as to help develop a sense of your own voice and place in a community of writers. This course will help you discover your purpose for specific types of writing and develop authority in communicating your ideas and experiences to your intended audience. We
will also focus on conducting research and discover ways to analyze, evaluate and synthesize sources. We will use many forms of research including field, library and Internet, while exploring a variety of topics. Pre-req= ENG 101
Course Description
Composition II focuses on research. Several forms of research are included – field, library, Internet – while exploring selected topics. Because the course applies research to writing, it necessarily requires a student to think about and to synthesize information from multiple sources and to effectively incorporate that information into his or her academic writing.
Course Objectives:
This course addresses the major goals of research-based writing:
- to enjoy the academic project of research for its own sake
- to read with critical facility, especially for future academic work
English 102 concentrates on learning to read closely and reflectively and on integrating the reading material into an intelligent, accessible written version for another audience.
- to produce clear, concise, interesting prose
English 102 recognizes that every student can write, but improvement is always possible. Writing is both a skill and an art requiring the regular practice that perhaps only a writing course provides.
- to understand and practice the key academic research skill: synthesis
Synthesis is that technique which combines the material discovered during research into a new, coherent piece of writing that pays particular attention to voice. Voice is the writer behind the words; voice allows the audience to hear the author of the document.
- to understand the use and misuse of statistics
English 102 offers the perspective that although research involves statistical data, not all data is reported in good faith or with clear motive. Researchers must be able to evaluate the use of statistics and to recognize the inflated, sensational, or oversimplified use of them. The text Stat-Spotting: A Field Guide to Dubious Data has been chosen to further understanding of mass data.
- to learn documentation formats (MLA & APA)
Writers are expected to follow standardized reference formats. English 102 reviews these two widely used academic and professional formats.
Learning Outcomes / MeasurementsGenerate ideas for writing / Evidence in prewriting, rough drafts
Choose appropriate point of view, diction / Quality of written essays, rubric evaluation
Organize essay into relevant rhetorical pattern / Quality of written essays, rubric evaluation
Apply principles of coherence, clarity, unity / Quality of connectedness of sentences and paragraphs in essays, rubric evaluation
Apply fundamentals of revision
Produce final MLA formatted research paper / Comparison of early drafts with final draft
Final research paper peer & instructor review
Methods of Instruction
This is a live class and will be taught traditionally in class as such. Canvas/Web campus will not be used, but I shall post the syllabus, rubrics and calendar for your convenience.Assignments will by physically submitted in hard copy on the date due. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED. You will often be working in groups on pre-determined activities. Your active participation and advance preparation is required and an important part of your grade!
Required Text
The Everyday Writer, Lundsford 6th ed with LaunchPadSolo ISBN: 978-1-4576-9847-7. No need to buy additional text for ENG 102! Works for both. Excellent reference. You can always also keep up with MLAversionsonline throughGBC Library and/or ASC links: Research, English, MLA.
Course Requirements
Attendance and participation are critical to the success of this course. Each student’s active participation and preparation are required at each class session. You must come to class prepared with the assigned readings; Likewise, you are required to submit assignments in a timely fashion. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED. Please plan ahead.
Students are also expected to assist in the creation of a supportive, creative environment and to be highly attentive to the needs of their classmates and ask for and offer constructive criticism through the process of peer editing.
- Attendance: roll will be taken every class period. You are allowed 3 absences
as per GBC policy for a 3 credit class. After the third absence you are required to
schedule a conference with me to determine the reasons and discuss continuation.
- Tardiness: will not be tolerated. You have one free emergency pass; thereafter,
3 tardies = 1 absence. 3 unexcused absences constitute grounds for exclusion
the course. At your third tardy are required to conference with me.
- Participation: You are expected to come to class every day prepared. In your
groups and as an individual you should be highly engaged and focused. You will often be working in groups or in pairs. Show up for yourself and others!
Journal= corroboration and evidence of your active participation (and being a nice,
organized person who brings donuts) Did you hear me say, “organized”?
Self+ Instructor Grade = this will be completely confidential at midterm check at the end of the semester. I’ll be checking your participation and progress throughout during the semester annotating it (+ -) in my gradebook.
Assignments Points:
Class Participation = 2 ASC tutor appts.)100
50 X2 = 100- ASC
Essay #1: Definition (1-2 pg) 1prewrite 50
1 outline 50
1 draft100
Final 100
Essay #2: Compare/Contrast Outline 100
(2-3 pg) 1 draft 100
Final 200
Essay #3: Research Essay Outline 100
(4-5 pg) 1 draft 100
Final Research Essay 300
1300 points = Essays
Journal+ Log (daily record & notes) 200 *you must keep a log (record of class activities and assignments & basic reflections + journal (notes, brainstorming for essays, paper progress “written thinking” + drafts and graded copies of above requirement: Abstract, Sources I, Draft, Bibliography, Sources I) EFFORT here = participation
4 JOURNAL CHECKS: First class of each month (Feb, March, April, May) + Final Check
1 Attendance/Participation “grade” check @midterm
1,500 points total for grade
Rubrics: required evaluative grading rubrics are provided for all point assignments (see above). It is important to keep these forms (blank and then graded) in your journal as a reference.
Late Enrollment and Excessive Absences/Tardies: GBC will register students during a late enrollment period of one week. If you register late, you will miss not only assignments, but also commentary on course goals, grading policies, and course expectations. Late enrollment does not excuse you from work missed, nor free you from class policies and withdrawal/refund policies.
Excessive Absences/Tardiesthe first three weeks of the class constitute grounds for dropping you from the class. 3 absences allowed total during the semester as per GBC policy..
You must attend class to fully understand each assignment because additional information about specific assignments will be provided throughout the semester. Any student who reaches four absences will be withdrawn from the class. Withdrawal:If you do not complete the course and do not formally withdraw by the drop deadline of 4/5 , you will automatically be assigned a grade of F.
Grading: Percentage of Total Points and Letter Grades
92% ‒ 100% ‒ A88% ‒ <89% ‒ B+78% ‒ <79% ‒ C+60% - <70% - D
90% ‒ <91% ‒ A-82% ‒ <87% ‒ B72% ‒ <77% ‒ C<60% ‒ F
80% ‒ <81% ‒ B-70% ‒ <71% ‒ C-
Academic Success Center (ASC) * GBC Library
The Academic Success Center in the Electrical/Industrial/Technology Building provides students with free tutoring services in mathematics, science, English, writing, accounting, economics, and foreign languages. The center has a full-service computer lab with access to the Internet and library databases. Tutors are available to assist students with basic computer skills such as word processing, accessing the Internet, or accessing a Web Campus course site. Students can walk in to the center for help or make an appointment by calling 775.753.2149. The ASC is especially helpful for students who have been out of school for a while or who just need extra help in a challenging course. Operating hours for the ASC are posted each semester.
There will be 2 required sessions with an ASC tutor at your convenience. = 100 participation. Be SURE to sign in electronically at the ASC with your 10 digit GBC student ID for full credit. Tutoring sessions may be electronic or in-person.
Academic Honesty
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words, ideas, or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references, and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the student will acknowledge the source whenever:
• Another person’s actual words are quoted.
• Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words.
• Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge. A nationally recognized plagiarism software may be used to check student work.
If you have concerns or academic problems, please discuss with me first ASAP. Then consult the grievance procedure in GBC General Catalogue 2016-17 .
Confidentiality: The English Department respects the policy that your grades are private (your instructor is the only other person familiar with your grades). However, during the semester, student writing will be shared with peers and/or Writing Center tutors for revision purposes and may be publicly displayed. This is an integral part of the college writing program. If you have comments concerning this policy, please make them known to me during the first week of the course.
ADA Statement: Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities (Julie G. Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775.753.2271.
Campus Security: GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention programs for violence on campus under the Jeanne Clery Act as well as the Campus SaVE( Sexual Violence Elimination Act) and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), which are amendments to Clery. Acts of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Acts of violence can occur on the physical campus or centers of GBC in addition to field placement sites, clinical practice settings, and other places where college or class activities occur. As well, the online environment at GBC is considered a GBC site. If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or violated, or if you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to me, any center director, or staff member, or directly to the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security (775.753.2115) or the Vice President for Student Services (775.753.2282).
Schedule (Mon, Wed class)
M 1/23Intro: Class Business, Syllabus, ScheduleREAD: p. 91-104
W 1/25Discussion of Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)
M 1/30Review of Reading. Grading: * Form/ContentREAD: p. 107-119
W 2/1Clanwork, In-class writing, prewriting (PW)READ: p. 129-143
M 2/6ESSAY #1: Prewriting (PW), Review of Reading (ROR)
W 2/8Prewriting (PW) DUE, review in class outliningModel: p. 139-143
M 2/13E#1: Outline DUE
W 2/15PR, Clanwork (CW) QUICKHELP (QH): p. 639-640READ: p. 122-138
W 2/22E #1: Draft DUE, PR
M 2/27E #1: Final DUE, PR *Form/Content
W 3/1TBA
M 3/6E #2: Prewriting PW in class, QHREAD: p. 305-310
W 3/8ROR, PW cont., outline draft
M 3/13E #2: Outline DUE, PRREAD: p. 311-314
W 3/15TBA: PR, CW, ROR, QH & wxyz
M & W 3/20--24GBC SPRING BREAK ASC appointments
M & W 3/27—31ECSD SPRING BREAK *presentations: p. 246
M 4/3E#2: Draft DUE: PR *Form/ContentREAD: p. 320-321
W 4/5E #3: TBA, Discussion
M 4/10**CLAN PRESENTATIONS (Participation Grade)READ: p. 323-324
W 4/12**CLAN PREZ cont. Thesis-organizing ideaREAD: p. 461-508
M 4/17Thesis Statement/1st page Draft DUE: PR
W 4/19Clanwork CW, PR *Form/Content
M 4/24E #3: Outline DUE: PR *Form/ContentREAD: p. 147-190
W 4/26TBA: CW, QH, ROR
M 5/1E #3 Draft DUE: PR *Form/ContentREAD: Checklist p. 197
W 5/3Checklists: p. 467, 475-477, 482, 486, 488 490, 492,496, 506 Final Checks p. 192-198
M 5/8, W 5/10TBA: Instructor consult, ASC, librarians, clanwork, PR, picnic?
F 5/12**Research Paper Due: MH 127 by 5:00 p.m. MH 127 only. NO LATE PAPERS!
Schedule (Tues, Thursclass)
T 1/24Intro: Class Business, Syllabus, ScheduleREAD: p. 91-104
H 1/26Discussion of Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)
T 1/31Review of Reading. Grading: * Form/ContentREAD: p. 107-119
H 2/2Clanwork, In-class writing, prewriting (PW)READ: p. 129-143
T 2/7ESSAY #1: Prewriting (PW), Review of Reading (ROR)
H 2/9Prewriting (PW) DUE, review in class outliningModel: p. 139-143
T 2/14E#1: Outline DUE
H 2/16PR, Clanwork (CW) QUICKHELP (QH): p. 639-640READ: p. 122-138
T 2/21PRESIDENT’S DAY HOLIDAY (credit for Mon section off)
H 2/23E #1: Draft DUE, PR
T 2/28E #1: Final DUE, PR *Form/Content
W 3/2TBA
M 3/7E #2: Prewriting PW in class, QHREAD: p. 305-310
W 3/9ROR, PW cont., outline draft
M 3/14E #2: Outline DUE, PRREAD: p. 311-314
W 3/16TBA: PR, CW, ROR, QH & wxyz
TH 3/20--24GBC SPRING BREAK ASC appointments
TH 3/27—31ECSD SPRING BREAK *presentations: p. 246
T 4/4E#2: Draft DUE: PR *Form/ContentREAD: p. 320-321
H 4/6E #3: TBA, Discussion, Theses
T 4/11**CLAN PRESENTATIONS (Participation Grade)READ: p. 323-324
H 4/13**CLAN PREZ cont. Thesis-organizing ideaREAD: p. 461-508
T 4/18E #3 Thesis Statement/1st page Draft DUE: PR
H 4/20Clanwork CW, PR *Form/Content
T 4/25E #3: Outline DUE: PR *Form/ContentREAD: p. 147-190
H 4/27TBA: CW, QH, ROR
T 5/2E #3 Draft DUE: PR *Form/ContentREAD: Checklist p. 197
H 5/4Checklists: p. 467, 475-477, 482, 486, 488 490, 492,496, 506 Final Checks p. 192-198
T 5/9, H 5/11TBA: Instructor consult, ASC, librarians, clanwork, PR, picnic?
T 5/16**Research Paper Due: MH 127 by 5:00 p.m. MH 127 only. NO LATE PAPERS!