Taylor Szabo
Final exam
- Sleep Hygiene
- I would give this website an excellent rating. I found it to be extremely easy to navigate and it was very self explanatory. When I took the online quiz that the site offered, I learned a decent amount of useful information regarding my sleep habits.
- To improve this website, I would work on the graphics. The site seems a little outdated and could use some modifications to help give it a more modern appearance.
- I would add photos of the people who created the site and who conducted the research study. This site has minimal visual presentation which makes it appear to be amateurish.
- I believe that the information was indeed accurate being that it made sense and it had a “scientifically validated” seal on the page. When I clicked on the seal, it directed me to a pdf file that displayed a study that was conducted, proving the site’s accuracy.
- I could use this site in my future career as a way to assess my client’s needs and conflicts. Because these quizzes are online, it makes obtaining the results fairly convenient and easy.
- This website offered multiple quizzes but did not offer a calculator of any sort. When I took the sleep hygiene quiz, it asked me very specific questions and gave me a score at the end of the quiz. This score evaluated how inadequate my sleep habits were.
- Fitness Level
- This website was very easy to use but I would not say that the quiz was very useful.
- This website does not necessarily need any technological improvements. I found it to be very attractive and organized. It is unfortunate that the ads kept popping up, but I do not count that against the site itself. I think that the format was very clean and consistent.
- To improve this site, I would add a page displaying all of the chosen authors that are a aprt of the team. One of the things I like about the website, thoughtcatalog.com, is that there is a page that shows all of the members that contribute to the website. When each member’s photo is clicked, it directs you to their expert page. This site would gain more credibility if they added that.
- I do not think that the information the quiz provided me with was accurate. The questions were all followed by answers that were very black and white. For example, one of the questions asked about how you would rate your flexibility, and gave the options of ‘i can practically bend in half’, ‘I can almost touch my toes’, and ‘I can only imagine a good stretch’. This quiz had many questions like this and it was difficult for me to choose a valid answer being that there was hardly a answer that fell in between the extremes.
- Despite the invalid quiz offered, this site did have a lot of useful articles and tools to offer. I enjoyed looking through all of the site’s workout material, I found it to be easy to select the type of exercises I was interested in. I think that this site would be beneficial to future clients because it provides accurate, clear, relative information that will enhance their current knowledge and further educate them on any material of their interest.
- This site offered quizzes, a bmi calculator, a calories burned calculator, and a daily caloric intake calculator. These calculators were a good set of tools that could be used in sync with one another.
- Prescription Drugs
- I would give this website a great rating. I found it to be extremely easy to navigate and it was very self explanatory. I was able to look up any type of medicine with ease because they were in alphabetical order.
- I would technologically improve this website by providing photos of what forms the medication comes in. So often, the pharmacy makes a mistake and gives the wrong medication to patients. This could potentially pose an issue for people if they are unaware of what their medication should look like.
- I would improve this site by adding either what the medications are used for after each listing or by providing a separate option to navigate through the medications by category. For example, if I was currently taking an ADHD medication and I wanted to see what other types of medication fall into the same category, it would be more convenient for me to look under the ADHD tab and see what else the pharmaceutical companies have to offer.
- The information on this website was very accurate. With each listing, the site offered a great amount of information for each drug. I am not sure exactly how safe some of these drugs are, but it was assuring to see that the ingredients were all provided.
- This site could be useful in my profession because if any of my clients are taking medications, they can use this website to see if any herbal supplements or alternative medicine will interfere with the medication’s effectiveness.
- This website provided several tools including medical videos, calculators, and quizzes. I used the bmi calculator and received accurate results. I also took the asthma quiz and found out I do not have asthma (which I already knew). I would say that this site provides tools that relay an accurate assessment.
- What’s Your Real Age
- This site was pretty useful. I found the quiz to be fun and interactive. It was relatively easy to navigate as well.
- This site looks pretty doldrum when you first log on. Just because there is a picture of Dr. Oz, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is reputable. To improve the appearance of this site, I would add more color to it.
- This site could use more structure to its categories. It is overwhelming seeing all of the categories listing below one another, therefore, maybe by alphabetizing them in a table, it will help add to the organizational aspect.
- This information was accurate to my knowledge. I took the skincare assessment and was provided with information on what precautions I can take to improve my daily regimen. I have read information like this in the past and have gone to a dermatologist many times throughout my life who has told me similar information as well.
- I would use this site in my future profession because it is an excellent tool for my clients to use when an assessment is needed of them. It can provide ample information on how they can improve areas of their daily lives, such as managing their weight or if they needed to find a specialized doctor in their area.
- When I took the skincare assessment, I felt like the assessment was spot on. The results identified my issues and addressed what habits I need to change in order to resolve the issues. I was unable to find any calculators relating to my needs, but I did come across a number of quizzes that accurately assessed me.
- Ideal Height and Weights
- This site was easy to use but it provides a very limited amount of information, therefore, I wouldn’t say it is entirely useful. It provides exactly what it says it provides.
- This site needs a great deal of work done to it. For instance, it needs an index page. As soon as you log onto the webpage, there is no type of introduction. It would seem more credible if there was a page that would direct you to the information it initially provides.
- I would add an “information” page, a “sources” page, and a “calculations” page. The information has little to no structure and is overwhelming.
- The information was in fact accurate being that it was based off of studies conducted by the NCBI.
- I would use this site in my future career as a tool to assess how proportionate my clients are. This can help me figure out what a more distinguished direction to address their health in.
- When I clicked around on the site, I found that it offered a BMI calculator and an ideal weight calculator. Their assessment of me was accurate and credible, as I have gotten the same results from other resources I have used. I felt that this site surprisingly was able to provide me with credible information.