Thursday, October 3, 2013 9:00 A.M. Tape No:______
Dana Farris, Chief of Legislative Services
Lynwood Roberts Rm., 1st Floor, City Hall Cheryl Brown, Council Secretary/Director
Research: Jeff Clements, Chief of Research R


Damian Cook, Executive Administrator




Lori Boyer, Chair

Chuck Arnold

Cynthia Austin

Shannon Blankinship

Elaine Brown

Betty Burney

Leon Carrero

Rena Coughlin

Lad Daniels

Ben Davis

Kay Ehas

Wyman Duggan

Dr. Georgette Dumont

Kay Ehas

Broderick Green

Tony Hill

Betty Holzendorf

Jordan Logue

Bill Mason

Sam Mousa

Michael Munz

Jim Rinaman

Steve Rohan

Peter Rummell

Dwain Senterfitt

Opio Sokoni

Kerri Stewart

Tom Taylor

Ray Treadwell

Paul Tutwiler

Dr. Kelli Wells

Rev. Dr. Marvin Zanders

Giselle Carson (Alternate)

Paul Dillard (Alternate)



Meeting Convened Meeting Adjourned

If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

CHARGE: Undertake an in depth review of the history, formation and operation of the consolidated government, including a full examination of all departments, divisions, boards, commissions, and independent authorities. Study the relationship between the Beaches and Baldwin and the Consolidated City of Jacksonville.

DEADLINE: Final report with recommendations for possible reform and change through legislative action, local referenda and if necessary, suggested state legislative action, by April 30, 2014.


1) Welcome

6) Recap of Sept. 19th and Sept 26th Meetings

2) Discussion: New Topics/Research Ideas

2) Historical Background: Office of General Counsel, City of Jacksonville

3) Panel Presentation: Former General Counsels, City of Jacksonville

4) Panel Presentation: City Council Members, City of Jacksonville

7) Wrap-up & Questions; Adjourn

Next Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2013 in the Council Chamber, City Hall

F:\Consolidation Task Force\CTF agenda 10 3 13.doc