113 Oak Street
Park River, North Dakota 58270
“Bringing Souls to Christ and helping Christians grow to Maturity”
Pastor Mark Antal Parsonage: 284-6886
Office: 284-7411 Pastor Antal’s cell phone: 331-1173
Office hours: Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM - noon and/or by appointment
e-mail address:
Organist: Mavis Onstad Pianist: Ruth Larson
January 3rd, 2016
Sunday after New Years
PRELUDE: ..…………..…..…………… Time for Meditation and Prayer
HYMN: “As With Gladness Men of Old” ..………………………….…53
RESPONSIVE READING: Psalm 115 (S-46) …………………..page129
CONFESSION OF SIN: …………………………………………….page 2
KYRIE: ………………………………………………………………page 3
OLD TESTAMENT: Isaiah 42:1-9 ..…..……………………….page 513
SECOND: Psalm 16:5-11 ..….……..………………………….page 388
GOSPEL: Luke 2:25-32 …..….………………………………..page 725
CONFESSION of FAITH: the Apostle’s Creed ……..………….…page4
HYMN: “O God Our Help in Ages Past” ..……………...………...... 50
MINISTRY of the WORD: ..…..…………………..…………Pastor Antal
Prayer Requests
Pray for our district churches: West PrairieLutheran
Church, Pastoral vacancy, Kindred, ND.
Pray for our church: The Victory Church Board, Men who volunteer to preach at Borg. All of our Sunday School
teachers. Pastor Antal, and Pastor Hinrichs..
Pray for our youth: God’s blessings and wisdom on our
students and advisors and teachers.Pray for each other: Paul, our college students,
Safetyand good weather for all involved in farming, Bob Antal,
Nicholas Trosen (serving in the Navy), Rachel Olson, Murray East,
Greg Martens, Edie Axvig, Ruth Larson, Christ Lutheran Church (Stover MO), Mary Jane and DuaneTollefson, Wayne Nygard,
Michael Rasmussen, Art Srnsky, Connor Armstrong,
John Armstrong, Sheila (Wiste) Boger, Jeremiah Galloway,
Kim Blake, Mavis Dahl, Abbie Sondeland.
If you would like to activate the prayer chain, call Pastor Mark at (284-6886) or Glenn Rost at 284-6024. To be added to the prayer chain, call ClaireneHinrichs at 284-6943.
_____ I/ We would like a visit from the pastor.
_____ I/ We would like more information about Victory Free Lutheran
_____ I have a prayer need. ______
Name: ______
Phone number: ______
Please place this request in the offering plate, or hand to pastor. / HYMN: “I Come to Thee O Blessed Lord” ………….…………….275
CLOSING PRAYER: …………………………………………………….
BENEDICTION ..………………………………..…… DOXOLOGY
Sunday: January 3rd
2:00 PM Borg Home Worship Service.
2:30 PM Good Samaritan Center Worship Service.
7:00 PM Community prayer time, at the Good Samaritan Center.
Monday: January 4th
7:00 PM Deacon Meeting.
8:15 PM Church Council Meeting.
Wednesday: January 6th
6:00 PM Confirmation
7:00 PM Youth Group.
Sunday: January 10th
9:45 AM Sunday School for all ages.
Coffee and fellowship
11:00 AM Worship Service.
2:00 PM Borg Home Worship Service.
2:30 PM Good Samaritan Center Worship Service.
7:00 PM Community prayer time, at the Good Samaritan Center.
Victory Annual Meeting: Sunday, January 24th. A pot-luck dinner will be held after the worship service. The annual meeting will begin shortly after dinner clean-up.
Welcome to Victory Free Lutheran Church
Members of the Association Free Lutheran Congregations
Prayer Requests
Pray for our district churches: West PrairieLutheran
Church, Pastoral vacancy, Kindred, ND.
Pray for our church: The Victory Church Board, Men who volunteer to preach at Borg. All of our Sunday School
teachers. Pastor Antal, and Pastor Hinrichs..
Pray for our youth: God’s blessings and wisdom on our
students and advisors and teachers.Pray for each other: Paul, our college students,
Safetyand good weather for all involved in farming, Bob Antal,
Nicholas Trosen (serving in the Navy), Rachel Olson, Murray East,
Greg Martens, Edie Axvig, Ruth Larson, Christ Lutheran Church (Stover MO), Mary Jane and DuaneTollefson, Wayne Nygard,
Michael Rasmussen, Art Srnsky, Connor Armstrong,
John Armstrong, Sheila (Wiste) Boger,Jeremiah Galloway,
Kim Blake, Mavis Dahl, Abbie Sondeland.
If you would like to activate the prayer chain, call Pastor Mark at (284-6886) or Glenn Rost at 284-6024. To be added to the prayer chain, call ClaireneHinrichs at 284-6943.
_____ I/ We would like a visit from the pastor.
_____ I/ We would like more information about Victory Free Lutheran
_____ I have a prayer need. ______
Name: ______
Phone number: ______
Please place this request in the offering plate, or hand to pastor.