NFB videos –
Ontario Office of Francophone Affairs
Metis Nation –
iTunes – Free French song on iTunes each week
Radio Canada
Traditional French Songs in Ontario
French Children’s songs
Roch Carrier Raconte – Book and CD
David Bouchard – Books and CD
La Nuit sur l’étang-Festival de Chansons et de Musique Francophones à Sudbury /
Fédération de la Jeunesse Canadienne Français /
Le Festival Franco-Ontarien /
Festival de Journées de Musique
La Chasse Galerie
Les Communautés Canadiennes Métis
Treasure box – artifact box with an item, 20 questions to guess what the object might be, brainstorming vocabulary on SMART Board at the same time
Clothing items, fashion show of historical clothing
Question du Jour – based on cultural expectations
Food Guides in French and First Nations Languages
CEFR – “Je peux…” checklist for levels
iPads – Explain Everything, iMovie
Drama, Readers’ Theatre, singing
Talking Dice (TRALCO)
Questiomanie (Poster Pals)
Jeu – “Histoire de la Francophonie dans l’Ontario, each student researches an important event, person or place. On a card, student completes an illustration and on the reverse side creates easy and difficult questions and provides the answers.
“Objet mysterieux” - Place a “cultural artifact” in a cloth bag, students ask questions to guess what the object is
Talking stick
Sharing and explaining recipes from Quebec
Canadian Heritage Moments
Aboriginal Artists
Metis Nation of Ontario Cultural Portal and Map
Aboriginal Affairs –
Moon River Metis Council
First Peoples Cultural Council
First Nations Education Steering Committee
Language Portal of Canada
Ontario Office of Francophone Affairs
Reseau du Patrimoine franco-ontarien
WordQ - to listen to texts online or student and/or teacher created texts
Pen pals with students in French speaking communities in Ontario, Quebec and French-speaking communities across Canada
Student created trivia games and questions about communities
Franco-Ontarien recipes
Festival Couleurs de Monde
Pow Wow in Central Ontario
Scavenger hunt in the school to find French words or phrases
Students create labels in French and/or posters to be placed around the school and changed in a timely manner
Scavenger hunt in your village, town or neighbourhood to find French words
French Idioms – “Expression de la Semaine”, design a poster, matching games
QR Code activities
Intercultural Awareness: Ideas to engage your students:
(click on "Activités)
•Survey students – what do they know about Francophonie? Metis communities? Canadian French speaking communities, (KWL chart, student generated questionnaire, Survey Monkey)
•Organize a Culture Portfolio (Mon Portfolio Culturel)for each student for use throughout the year
•Create a “Coin de Culture” in your classroom – focus on specific expectations, 4 activities 1 created in each of the 1 strands, located near technology centre, hands-on activities, artifact box, art activities
•Teach intercultural understanding through the arts (music, drama, dance, visual art)
•Listening centre – books with CD
•Take home “Culture Question of the Week” “Question de la culture”
•Exit card ideas