Vice President for Equality & Diversity
The post of Vice Presidentfor Equality and Diversity is a new and exciting opportunity in NUI Galway. Responsible to the President, the Vice Presidentfor Equality & Diversity will be a member of the University Management Team (UMT)with responsibility foradvancingequality-related outcomes across the university. There will be a particular focus on gender-equality initially.
The university is committed to effecting cultural and systemic change to ensure that
- The contribution of all staff to the University is recognised and valued; and
- All staff are equally supported in their work to achieve their full potential.
The idealcandidate
- will be a graduate, with a higher degree
- will have significant experience of academic leadership
- will be passionate about equality
- will have demonstrated experience of strategic planning, policy formulation, leadership development and advancement of gender equality based on international best practice
- will have demonstrable expertise in gender equality
- will have an in-depth knowledge of the policy and legal framework supporting gender equality and diversity in employment
- will have a good understanding of the Higher Education sector in Ireland
- will have the capacity to create trust, listen, and facilitate a positive working environment
- will have excellent inter-personal skills
- will have excellent communication skills both verbal and written
- will demonstrate commitment to the ethos and vision of the University
The post will be for a period of eight years initially with a commitment to the post-holder to move to an appropriate post on completion of contract.
Salary: €106,515.68 - €136,275.84 p.a.
Candidates who wish to discuss the post should contact the office of the University Secretary at +353 (0)91-492220.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 17.00 (Irish Time) on 29thOctober2015.
Please Note Garda Vetting may apply
For more information and Application Form please see website:
Applications should be submitted online.
Please note that appointment to posts advertised will be dependent upon University approval, together with the terms of the Employment Control Framework for the higher education sector.
National University of Ireland Galway is an equal opportunities employer.
Background to the Role
This new position has been established by the University in recognition of the fact that women have not enjoyed equal participation across the sector generally and in NUI Galway specifically. It follows the establishment of a Task Force on Gender Equality by the University’s Governing Body with the remit “To consider the University’s present gender mix among staff, including academic and support staff, and advise the University what measures it should take and over what timescale to develop effective gender equality”
This new post reflects the University’s commitment to transformational change (see The Vice President with the support of dedicated resources will lead this change to ensure that equality of opportunity is provided to every member of staff as well as developing and implementing a strategy that establishes the University as an exemplar of best practice in the area.
Key Responsibilities
- Develop and implement a University wide Strategy on Equality and Diversity.
- Lead a programme of change management across the University to eliminate bias and remove barriers to equality of opportunity in employment.
- Develop targets and timetables in relation to the delivery of equality of opportunity.
- Develop best practice policies and procedures to support equality & diversity.
- In conjunction with the relevantoffices, ensure that education and training supports are available to all staff of the University and that staff involved in key decision making committees, recruitment selection / promotion decisions receive appropriate training in equality and diversity.
- Lead the implementation of the recommendations from the Task Force on Gender Equality.
- Lead the University’s participation in the Athena SWAN Charter. NUI Galway became a member of the Athena SWAN charter in 2014. The attainment of an Athena SWAN Institution award has been identified as a key performance indicator in the University’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020.
- Oversee the University's engagement with sectoral programmes and reviews of gender equality
Key Working Relationships
The Vice-President will report to the President.
The VP will be a member of the University Management Team (UMT) and will work collaboratively with colleagues of UMT, Vice-Presidents, Deans, Heads of Schools and Administrative Units, staff and Trade Unions.
Requirements for the Post
The ideal candidate
- will be a graduate, with a higher degree
- will have significant experience of academic leadership
- will be passionate about equality
- will have demonstrated experience of strategic planning, policy formulation, leadership development and advancement of gender equality based on international best practice
- will have demonstrable expertise in gender equality
- will have an in-depth knowledge of the policy and legal framework supporting gender equality and diversity in employment
- will have a good understanding of the Higher Education sector in Ireland
- will have the capacity to create trust, listen, and facilitate a positive working environment
- will have excellent inter-personal skills
- will have excellent communication skills both verbal and written
- will demonstrate commitment to the ethos and vision of the University
- Application
- Current NUI Galway employees
If you are a current NUI Galway employee please use the NUI Galway Employee Self Service (ESS) portal to apply for this post. The following is a link to the ESS portal:
The following is a link to a User Guide for ESS:
Please ensure that you read the attached guide prior to applying for this post and allow sufficient time to make your online submission in advance of closing date.
Please note that closing dates/ times will not be extended for user error
Late applications will not be accepted
Non NUI Galway employees
If you are not a current NUI Galway employee please use the NUI Galway online recruitment portal to apply for this post. The following is a link to the online recruitment portal:
The following is a link to a User Guide for the online recruitment portal:
Please ensure that you read the attached guide prior to applying for this post and allow sufficient time to make your online submission in advance of closing date.
Please note that closing dates/ times will not be extended for user error
Late applications will not be accepted.
Please submitthe following documents under the Applicant CV section of the online form:
- A cover letter/personal statementoutlining why you wish to be considered for the post and where you believe your skills and experience meet the requirements for the post of ‘Vice-President of Equality and Diversity’ ’.
- A comprehensive CV clearly showing your relevant achievements and experience in your career to date.
The completed application document must be submitted online to reach the Human Resources Office no later than 5.00 p.m. (GMT) onThursday, 29thOctober 2015. Please note that an application will ONLY be considered if documents a to b above are fully completed and received by the closing date.
- All applicants will receive an acknowledgement of application. If you do not receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your application or if you have any other queries regarding the application process please contact
or telephone 091-492151.
- Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER):
It is a condition of the Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER) as set out in Department of Finance Circular 12/09 that retirees, under that Scheme, are debarred from applying for another position in the same employment or the same sector. Therefore, such retirees may not apply for this position.
- Pension Entitlements:
This is a pensionable position. Details of the applicable Pension Scheme will be provided to the successful candidate. The Pension element of this appointment is subject to the terms and conditions of the Pension scheme currently in force within the University. This Scheme may be amended or revised by the Irish Government or its agents at any time.
The Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004 set a minimum retirement age of 65 and removed the upper compulsory retirement age for certain New Entrants to the Public Sector on or after 1 April 2004. Effective from 1st January 2013, The Single Public Service Scheme applies to all first-time new entrants to the public service, as well as to former public servants returning to the public service after a break of more than 26 weeks.
Retirement age set, initially, at 66 years; this will rise in step with statutory changes in the State Pension Contributory (SPC) age to 67 years in 2021 and 68 years in 2028.
Compulsory retirement age will be 70.
- Declaration:
Applicants will be required to declare whether they have previously availed of a public service scheme of incentivised early retirement. Applicants will also be required to declare any entitlements to a Public Service pension benefit (in payment or preserved) from any other Public Service employment and/or where they have received a payment-in-lieu in respect of service in any Public Service employment.
- Collective Agreement: Redundancy Payments to Public Servants :
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform letter dated 28th June 2012 to Personnel Officers introduced, with effect from 1st June 2012, a Collective Agreement which had been reached between the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Public Services Committee of the ICTU in relation to ex-gratia Redundancy Payments to Public Servants. It is a condition of the Collective Agreement that persons availing of the agreement will not be eligible for re-employment in the public service by any public service body (as defined by the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Acts 2009 – 2011) for a period of 2 years from termination of the employment. Thereafter the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform will be required prior to re-employment. People who availed of this scheme and who may be successful in this competition will have to prove their eligibility (expiry of period of non-eligibility) and the Minister’s consent will have to be secured prior to employment by any public service body.
- Department of Health and Children Circular (7/2010)
- Declaration
- Work Permits:
Work permits are permits which are granted to non-EU/EEA Citizens to allow them to work in Ireland legally. It's an illegal offense to work in Ireland without a work permit and both the employer and the employee are held responsible.
For more information on work permits and for future updates, visit the Enterprise, Trade and Employment website
2.Assessment Procedure
(a)Board of Assessors
Applications will be considered by a Board of Assessors, which will shortlist and interview candidates and report to the University Appointing Authority.
Where a specific Irish Language competence is set out as an essential criterion for a post, candidates will be required to sit an Irish Oral and Written Examination at the initial stage of the recruitment process. Applications from candidates that successfully complete this initialstage will be considered by a Board of Assessors, which will shortlist and interview candidates and report to the University Appointing Authority.
All applications and other materials submitted by applicants will be treated in strict confidence by all panel members and others involved in the administration of the recruitment. No information about the identity of applicants, or details of their applications, will be released to others, except where it is necessary as part of the selection process.
(b)Presentation & Interview Dates
Candidates will be advised of arrangements in due course. We endeavour to give as much notice as possible for interview dates etc., candidates should make themselves available for interview and presentation on the date(s) specified by the University.
Candidates who do not attend for interview or other test when and where required by the University or who do not, when requested, furnish such evidence as the University requires in regard to any matter relevant to their candidature, will have no further claim to consideration.
Expenses are paid to candidates invited to the Assessors’ Interview (see (a) above). For further information see the University policies on expenses at the following link
(d) Referees
Referees listed on the application form of the successful candidate will be contacted following interview.
All candidates will in due course be notified of the outcome of their application. The Human Resources Office will offer the post to the candidate appointed once the appointment has been made by the University Appointing Authority.
The successful candidate will be required to submit evidence of age, original qualifications and may be required to complete a medical examination. Once a conditional job offer has been made, the candidate will be asked to complete a pre-employment health questionnaire that the University’s Occupational Health Service will use in order to assess medical fitness to undertake the duties of the post.
The information provided on the questionnaire will be used (i) to assess the candidates medical capability to do the job applied for; (ii) to determine whether any reasonable adjustments may be required to accommodate any disability or impairment which the candidate may have; and (iii) to ensure that none of the requirements of the job for which the candidate applied would adversely affect any pre-existing health conditions the candidate may have.
Human Resources OfficeSeptember 2015
/ OllscoilnahÉireann, GaillimhNational University of Ireland, Galway
National University of Ireland Galway was established in 1845 as Queen’s College Galway by Charter under the Queen’s Colleges (Ireland) Act. Under the Irish Universities Act 1908, it became a Constituent College of the National University of Ireland established under that Act, and a new Charter was issued, changing its name to University College Galway.
Under the Universities Act, 1997, the College (together with the other Constituent Colleges) was reconstituted as a University and its title was changed to National University of Ireland Galway/ OllscoilnahÉireannGaillimh.It is at the same time a Constituent University of the National University of Ireland, almost all of whose functions were transferred under the Act to the Constituent Universities.
The legal standing of the University derives from the Irish Universities Act 1908, its Charter issued under that Act, the University College Galway Acts, 1929 and 2006, and the Universities Act 1997. The provisions of these instruments are further developed in Statutes and Regulations, made in accordance with those Acts and Charter.
The University’s general relationships with the State are mainly conducted through the Higher Education Authority.
The Charter and relevant legislation provide for two authorities, ÚdarásnahOllscoile (The University Governing Authority) and the Academic Council.
Subject to the provisions of the relevant Acts and Charter, ÚdarásnahOllscoileis empowered to manage and control all the affairs of the University.Its membership (40) for the three-year period 1 February 2013 – 31 January 2016 is as follows: an external Cathaoirleach (Chairman), the President, the Registrar and DeputyPresident, 5 Professors/Personal Professors, 5 other academic staff, 3 other employees, 2 elected officers of the Students’ Union, 1 postgraduate student, 4 graduates, 7 elected by the local authorities of the region, 2 nominees of the NUI, 3 nominees from selected external organisations (including business and industry), the President of St. Angela’s College, Sligo, a member drawn from artistic and cultural interests, and 3 nominees of the Minister for Education and Skills.
Under the Universities Act 1997, the question as to whether the President, or another person (not an employee of the University or a member of ÚdarásnahOllscoile), is to be Cathaoirleach of ÚdarásnahOllscoile is a matter for decision by ÚdarásnahOllscoile at its first meeting and from time to time thereafter.
The Academic Council is the chief academic authority and, subject to review by ÚdarásnahOllscoile, controls the academic affairs of the University, including the curriculum, instruction and education provided by the University.Its members are the President, the Registrar and Deputy President, the Vice-Presidents, the Deans of Colleges, Heads of Schools, the Professors (including Personal Professors), the other Heads of discipline and other members drawn from the other academic staff grades and the student body, the Librarian, Director of Information Solutions and Services, Director of Lifelong Learning, the Príomhfheidhmeannach of AcadamhnahOllscolaíochtaGaeilge, the Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching; its present total membership is about 150.The President is entitled to preside at all meetings of the Council.