Sonoma County Continuum of Care Program Standards
In Sonoma County, Rapid Re-Housing is a critical strategy for ending homelessness for households with children due to the extreme shortage of affordable housing. It is also a high priority for single adults who assess as self-sufficient and can address affordability through a combination of shared housing and increasing income.
- Target groups: Income is assessed below 50% AMI (by regulation) at intake, assesses as capable of living self-sufficiently, and has the potential to increase income enough to afford the rent for appropriate-sized unit, within approximately 12 months, not to exceed 24 months. Wherever possible, options for shared housing (secondary tenant or co-tenant) or increasing income are identified.
- Evaluating eligibility for assistance
- Homeless per federal definition 1 or 4 (see attached “HomelessDefinition_RecordkeepingRequirementsandCriteria.pdf”)
- Income <50% AMI
- Produce required documents at intake or within 90 days:
- Two forms of Identification (at least one photo ID, per attached list of acceptable forms of identification). If accepting non-government-issued or other alternate identification, RRH programs will allow 30 days for participants to obtain government-issued photo ID, and will provide support in this process if necessary.
- Documentation of Homelessness per definition 1 or 4 (see “HomelessDefinition,” attached)
- Income verification
- Bank Statements (If income is Direct Deposit—3 months of statements)
- If employed, three most recent pay stubs (both spouses if applicable)
- Social Security Statements (or Award Letter if SS recently awarded)
- VA Award Letter (if applicable)
- General Assistance Paperwork & Food Stamp Verification (if applicable)
- Student Loan and/or Child Support documentation (if applicable)
- Documentation of Legal Cash Income (e.g., letters)
- Verification of other regular income
- Credit report (if available)
- Eligibility screening: Assess for tier placement on RRH Triage Tool with most recent version of the locally designed assessment (see attached “ETO_RRH EligibilityCombined r1” and “file_Rapid_Re_Housing_Triage_Tool.pdf”).
- Comprehensive Assessment: Use most recent version of Case Management Functional Acuity & Barrier Assessment Matrix (see attached “Matrix [date]”) and budget form. A sample budget is attached.
- Changes to forms: The Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Program Standards Group will meet quarterly. Proposed changes to forms will be brought to this quarterly meeting. Changes will be considered and agreed to by working consensus. Any conflicts will be discussed and resolved in person. The relevant Emergency Solutions Grants or Continuum of Care regulations will rule first. On other issues working consensus will be the required process for resolving disputes. If no consensus can be found within a reasonable length of time, the majority will rule.
- Coordination with other providers
- Coordinated intake (CI)
- Universal prescreening for Rapid Re-Housing with local assessment (under development) & refer
- All RRH providers will work with CI to receive prescreened referrals, and will work with CI to best address client needs. CI referrals will be made according to known availability. RRH programs will accept prescreened referrals from Coordinated Intake for further assessment; if a referral is turned away or no slots are available, clients will be offered the attached common grievance procedure [each agency has individual agency procedure – all agencies to bring agency grievance forms next time]. Tanya will take them – all to email to Tanya and she will outline differences and send to group.
- Street Outreach
- Outreach workers will refer people on the street into CI as quickly as possible, prescreen them for RRH as possible, and assist them to make linkage with RRH staff. On occasion this may mean accompanying RRH staff in visits on the street.
- Prevention & One-time Financial Assistance providers
- Assess households seeking assistance for homeless vs. at risk housing status. If homeless, prescreen for RRH with CI screening tool and refer through CI to a Rapid Re-Housing program.
- RRH providers will collaborate with agencies providing one-time assistance, for one-time assistance or deposit assistance, (e.g., SOS, HCA, SSVF).
- Shelter providers
- Prescreen for Rapid Re-Housing with local CI screening tool (under development) & refer as appropriate.
- Determining and prioritizing accepted clients vs. other forms of assistance
- Each adult referred will be assessed, using most recent version of Case Management Functional Acuity & Barrier Assessment Matrix (see attached “Matrix 0613”) and budget form.
- Sonoma County RRH providers will from the viewpoint of screening people in rather than out. In doing so they commit to being good stewards of the funds, acting in the best interest of the client, and with transparency regarding the limits of the program.
- Families and individuals who cannot be assisted within regulatory guidelines will be routed to shelter and permanent supportive housing, or transitional housing [reviewed to here].
- Determining what percentage or amount of rent and utilities costs each program participant must pay
- 30% of current monthly income per HUD guidelines, adjusted quarterly. IFSN:Pay up to 100% of first month; 40% for balance of first quarter; - for discussion next time.
- How long a particular program participant will be provided with rental assistance
- Typical length of assistance: 12 months
- Extensions may be approved up to 24 months
- After program exit for at least 6 months, participants can re-enroll once.
- Whether and how the amount of assistance will be adjusted over time
- Income assessed quarterly and assistance adjusted up/down so participant pays 30% of current household income per HUD guidelines
- Occupancy standards
- Limits on the homelessness prevention or rapid re-housing assistance
- Maximum amount of assistance
- Determined by Fair Market Rent of appropriate-sized unit for Household
- Fair Market Rent x 24 months lifetime maximum
- Maximum number of months the program participant receives assistance
- Assistance approved in 3-month increments, with reassessment every 90 days.
- Average rental assistance to be 12 months.
- Extensions can be approved up to 24 months
- Maximum number of times the program participant may receive assistance
- Twice, the original enrollment and no more than one return enrollment.
- Reason: Repeated returns to homelessness indicate Tier 4 challenges are impacting participant’s life; household should be referred to permanent supportive housing with more services.
With thanks to the RRH Program Standards Development Group:
Catholic Charities: Tanya Wulff
COTS: Ann Clark, Bill Hess, Judy Kayoleros, Monica Savon, Heather Sweet
Interfaith Shelter Network: Beth Hennigan, Sienna Johnston
Sonoma County Community Development Commission: Teddie Pierce
Sonoma County Continuum of Care: Jenny Abramson
- Valid driver’s license or identification card issued by DMV
- Valid driver’s license or identification card from the state or country of origin
- Birth Certificate
- United States Passport
- Foreign passport
- Verification of citizenship, alienage, or immigration status
- Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card
- Employment Authorization Document (Card) that contains a photograph
- Green Card
- Work Visa
- Certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship
- American Indian Card
- Voter’s registration card
- US military card
- Military dependent’s ID card
- Social Security Card or Tax ID number
- State Benefits Card
Assessment Type: Rapid Re-Housing Program
Assessment Date: ______Assessment Time:______
Assessment Type: RRH Eligibility Assessment Taken By:______
ETO/HMIS Entry Date: ______Entered By:______
Assigned Staff:Client Demographic Data(for entry into EtO Demographics screen)
First Name / Middle Init:
Last Name / Suffix:
SSN / ______/ Quality: / [ ] Full SSN Reported
[ ] Partial SSN Reported
[ ] Refused
[ ] Don’t Know
DOB HOH / MM/DD/YYYY format) / Quality: / [ ] Full DOB Reported
[ ] PartialDOB Reported
[ ] Refused
[ ] Don’t Know
Gender / [ ] Female [ ] Transgendered Male to Female
[ ] Male [ ] Transgendered Female to Male
Race Primary
Race Secondary / Primary:
[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native
[ ] Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
[ ] Asian
[ ] Black or African American
[ ] White
[ ] Other Multi-Racial / Secondary: (ONLY IF DIFFERENT FROM PRIMARY)
[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native
[ ] Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
[ ] Asian
[ ] Black or African American
[ ] White
[ ] Other Multi-Racial
Ethnicity / [ ] Hispanic/Latino [ ] Non-Hispanic/Latino [ ] Refused [ ] Don’t Know
Family Phones: / [ ] Cell Phone ______
[ ] Home Phone ______
[ ] Work Phone ______
Emergency or Other Contact (Optional) / First Name ______Last Name ______
Contact Phone / ______
Contact Email / ______
Contact Relationship / Describe: ______
Household / Homeless Status Information (For entry into RRH Program Assessment)
Household (Family) Name / N/A
Total # in Family / No. Adults
No. Child (Under 18)
How were you Referred to the RRH Program (agency or other name): / Referred By Contact Name & Phone: / ______
Have you or any member of your family applied to any RRH program since July 1, 2012 / No____ Yes ____
Program Name:
______/ If you have applied and been denied, explain why:
Approximately what date did your family become Homeless? / Month______
Year ______
Day ______/ Approximately what date did your family begin living in Sonoma County? / Month______
Year ______
Day ______
Is participant currently residing in a program in Sonoma County? / Emergency Shelter ______
Transitional Housing ______
SAFE DV House ______
Other Program Housing ______
______/ If in housing program list current Case Manager and Phone / Case Manager
Phone ______
Email ______
Describe your family’s living situation over the last two weeks: / Where did your family stay last night? / [ ] Place not meant for human habitation
[ ] Emergency Shelter
[ ] Transitional Housing
[ ] A friend or family member’s
Length of Time without housing including Start Date of current Homeless episode / State Date of Current Episode: ______
Total Length of Time Homeless ______/ Chronically Homeless Determination / This participant is determined to be Chronically Homeless:
Yes ______
No ______
Participant Relationships
Has participant ever been involved in a domestic violence relationship and if so when? / Prior Domestic Violence No ______Yes ______
If Yes, When ______
Is participant in imminent danger now? Yes ______No ______
Does participant have pets? / Pet Type ______NO Pets ______
Pet Type ______
Pet Type ______
Assistance Sought:
Please check all reasons you are unable to pay rent, utilities or moving costs: / [ ] Loss of Job Date ______
[ ] Wages Cut Date ______Start Wage______Current Wage ______
[ ] Hours Reduced Date______Start Hours ______Current Hours______
[ ] Illness or Injury Date ______
[ ] Increase in Rent Date ______Start______Current Amt ______
[ ] Other (Describe) ______
What type(s) of assistance are you seeking (check all that apply): / [ ] Rent assistance (less than three months)
[ ] Rent assistance (three-six months)
[ ] Rent assistance (up to one year)
[ ] Security Deposit (one time)
[ ] Utility Deposit (one time)
[ ] Utilities in arrears (number of months) ______/ How soon might you be able to fully support your family without financial assistance / [ ] In less than six months
[ ] In about a year
[ ] It would take over a year
Other Family Information:
How many times has your family moved in the past two months? / [ ] Once [ ] Twice [ ] Three or More Times
If your family has moved more than twice in the past two years from today – provide an explanation:
How many times has your family moved in the past two years? / [ ] Once [ ] Twice [ ] Three or More Times
If your family has moved more than twice in the past two years from today – provide an explanation:
Credit & Financial Condition: / When was your credit score last run: ______[ ] Don’t Know
Do you have Rent, Utilities or Property Mgmt payments in arrears? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know
Do you have any credit card, medical or other payments in arrears? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know
Have you filed for bankruptcy? [ ] No [ ] Yes [ ] If Yes, approximate date ______
Do you have child support payments? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know
If Yes, are the support payments in arrears? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know
Does participant have a current (within 3 mos.) credit report [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know
(If No refer to to obtain)
Does participant have a bank account [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know
If Yes, type of account [ ] Checking [ ] Savings [ ] Investment [ ] Other ______
If No, is participant able to open an account? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t Know
Is participant willing to participate in a savings plan? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If No, explain ______
Are there any other financial problems that may need to be addressed before we proceed with housing search – please explain: ______
Household Debt Information: / Total Income: $______Total Debts Owed: $______
Debt Ratio: ______
Disabilities / Do you or any member of your family have any of the following disabilities? [ ] Physical [ ] Developmental [ ] Chronic [ ] Mental Health [ ] HIV/AIDS [ ] Other
Substance Abuse: / Are you or any member of your family considered to currently have or have had a substance abuse problem?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
If you answered Yes, are you currently in recovery? [ ] Yes [ ] No How Long? ______
If you answered No, please complete the following:
When did you last consume alcohol? ______
Have you ever previously used recreational drugs? [ ] Yes [ ] No How Long? ______
Criminal Background: / Do you or any member of your family have a criminal background: [ ] Yes [ ] No
If you answered yes please number by family member and type of crime:
Head of Household ______Misdemeanors ______Felonies Date mm/yyyy ______
Other Adult ______Misdemeanors ______Felonies Date mm/yyyy ______
Other Adult ______Misdemeanors ______Felonies Date mm/yyyy ______
Child under 18 ______Misdemeanors ______Felonies Date mm/yyyy ______
Child under 18 ______Misdemeanors ______Felonies Date mm/yyyy ______
Is any member of the household on probation or parole? No ______Yes ______
If so who ______
Parole Officer Name ______Phone ______
Has any member of the household been in Jail or Prison? No ______Yes ______
If so who ______
Other Criminal or Legal Problems not mentioned above: ______
Household Employment Information: / Head of Household (HOH):
Currently Employed: No____ Yes ____
If not currently employed, is participant able to work? Yes ______No ______
If employed, how many hours did you work last week? ______
Wages for the week: _$______
If Unemployed, are you currently looking for work? Yes____ No ____
Last/Current Job position ______
Length of time employed at this position ______
Starting Pay $______Ending Pay $______
Employer/Supervisor Name ______/______
Employer Reference – will he/she provide a good work reference for the participant? Yes ____ No ______
If No, provide explanation ______
If participant has left this employment, state the reason why
If participant has every been fired from a job(s) explain why
If currently unable work for any other reason please describe:
Other Adult (18 or over) or 2nd HOH job:
Currently Employed: No____ Yes ____
If employed, how many hours did you work last week ______
Wages for the week: _$______
If Unemployed, are you currently looking for work? Yes____ No ____
If currently unable work or other information about your employment ability please describe:
Other Adult (18 or over):
Currently Employed: No____ Yes ____
If employed, how many hours did you work last week? ______
Wages for the week: _$______
If Unemployed, are you currently looking for work? Yes____ No ____
If currently unable work or other information about your employment ability please describe:
Household Education: / Highest Degree of Education Obtained HOH ______
Certificates or Licenses ______
Rental History (include past 5 years): / Last Permanent Address: ______Zip______
Dates Resided Start ______End ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
Landlord Name ______Phone ______
Will he/she provide a good reference? Yes ______No ______
If No, explain ______
Last Permanent Address: ______Zip______
Dates Resided Start ______End ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
Landlord Name ______Phone ______
Will he/she provide a good reference? Yes ______No ______
If No, explain ______
Last Permanent Address: ______Zip______
Dates Resided Start ______End ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
Landlord Name ______Phone ______
Will he/she provide a good reference? Yes ______No ______
If No, explain ______
Has participant ever had any evictions? Yes ______No ______
If there are evictions list date and reason
Date ______Reason ______
Date ______Reason ______
Date ______Reason ______
Housing Readiness: / Is participant and/or family ready to move into housing? Yes ______No ______
If No, explain ______
Does participant have a Section 8 Voucher or other form of rental subsidy? Yes ______No ______
If Yes, how much is the client portion of the rent? $ ______% of Income ______
How much is participant household able to spend towards housing?
[ ] $500 - $650 [ ] $951-$1100
[ ] $651 - $800 [ ] More than $1,200
[ ] $801 - $950
What percent of the total gross monthly income is the household able to spend towards housing?
[ ] 30% or below [ ] 56% - 65%
[ ] 31% - 45% [ ] Over 65% of income
[ ] 46% - 55%
Program Case Manager or Intake Staff Assessment: / At what level does the Household assess for Rapid Re-Housing consideration?
[ ] Tier 1 - Household Needs Minimal Assistance
[ ] Tier 2 - Household Needs Routine Assistance
[ ] Tier 3 - Household Needs More Intensive and Longer Assistance
[ ] Tier 4 - Household Needs More Intensive and Long Assistance to Overcome Poor Criminal, Credit and Rental History
Family being referred for further RRH Assessment and potential placement: Yes____ No ____
Other Reason for Ineligibility:
[ ] Overall not eligible due to recommended tier
[ ] Family does not meet federal Homeless Definition
[ ] Family accepted into other/different services
[ ] Combined Family Income exceeds 30% AMI
[ ] Family experienced too many L3/4 issues and referral was made to additional services
[ ] Other Reason: ______
[ ] Referrals Made: ______
Other Note: ______
Sonoma County Continuum of Care, updated August 5, 2013
Sonoma County Continuum of Care Program Standards
Rapid Rehousing
Case Management Functional Acuity & Barrier Assessment Matrix
Client’s Name: ______Last 4 of SSN: ______
Screening Date:______
Assessment Date: ______
Referral by:______
Basic Requirements
- Income verification meets Extremely Low or Very Low category of Sonoma County AMI
- Meets Definition for Homelessness (As stated by HUD)
- Willingness to participate in ongoing Case Management
Sonoma County Continuum of Care, updated August 5, 2013
Sonoma County Continuum of Care Program Standards
Domains / ( 1 )Little/No Barriers / ( 2 )
Low Barriers / ( 3 )
Medium Barriers / ( 4 )
Medium-HighBarriers / ( 5 )
High Barriers
Rental History / An established local rental history. No evictions, landlord references are good to fair. / Rental History is limited or out of state / May have 1 explainable eviction for non-payment. Prior landlords may report a problem with timely rent. Partial damage deposit returned / Rental history includes up to 2 evictions for non-payment. Prior landlord references fair to poor. Security deposit may have been kept due to damage to unit. Some complaints by other tenants for noise. History of chronic homelessness. / Extremely poor rental history, multiple evictions, serious damage to apartment, complaints.
Credit History / Credit history is good, with the exception of a few late utility and credit card payments. / Credit history shows pattern of late or missed payments. / Credit history includes late payments and possible court judgments for debt, closed accounts. / Credit history is poor, includes records of late payments, judgments, wage garnishments, and/or closed accounts. / Credit history includes multiple judgments, unpaid debts to landlords, wage or bank garnishments, and/or closed accounts. Or no credit history
Criminal History / Household has no criminal history / Household has no serious criminal history, but may have a few minor offenses such as moving violations, a DUI, or a misdemeanor / Household may have some criminal history, but none involving drugs or serious crimes against persons or property / Criminal history, violations may include drug offense or crime against persons or property / Extensive criminal background
Employment History/ Income / Participant is employed full time
Income is over $1,450 per month for a single person. For a family, the combined family income is sufficient to meet all needs. / Participant is employed part time. Participant has strong employment history
Income is over $1350 for a single person. If a family, combined family income is sufficient to meet most needs / Participant has strong employment history Participant has employable skills (i.e. CDL, Specialty license, education). The participant has at least 2 employment references.
Income is over $1200 per month for a single person. If a family, combined family income is not sufficient to meet needs / Participant has inconsistent employment history with gaps up to one year. The participant has at least one employment reference.
Income is less than $1200 for a single person. If a family, combined family income is low enough that it causes a great stressor and impacts ability to meet basic needs. / Participant has worked but has little employment history with gaps up to 24 months. The participant has no credible employment references
Income is $0 or the income Participant/family has is going to be cut off within the next few weeks.
Physical Health / No medical problems. / Immediate problems are being adequately addressed. The Participant has access to primary care provider and accesses care when necessary (annual checkup). / Participant has some chronic health problems (i.e. hypertension, diabetes etc.) but help is available and Participant’s quality of life is not severely impacted. / Participant has severe health problems (i.e. insulin dependent diabetes, severe chronic pain, seizure disorder, HIV) that have a significant impact on quality of life and the Participant is marginally engaged with medical care. / Participant has serious life threatening health (i.e. End-Stage Liver Disease, kidney failure, dialysis, AIDS) that puts Participant at imminent and acute risk if left untreated or if Participant remains homeless, but the Participant does not meet COPES level of care for SNF placement.
Substance Abuse / No evidence to suggest that use of substances constitutes abuse or dependence; no evidence of behavioral disturbances related to substance use. / History of substance abuse/dependence; no current indication of dependence or abuse or need for treatment / History of substance abuse or dependence; is currently in treatment with ongoing abstinence or in need of treatment and voices willingness and desire to attend / Relapse risk ; voices desire to not use, but evidence indicates Participant may not be committed to treatment/abstinence; or Participant is in harm reduction group with ongoing use / Ongoing substance abuse crisis, refusal of treatment services; dangerous behaviors such as infection-risk; will require intensive effort on case manager’s part to motivate Participant to enroll and remain in treatment
Relational Issues / No relational issues / Currently owns a pet / Has a history of domestic violence and/or child abuse / Has a recent history of domestic violence and/or child abuse; recent CPS case; has multiple pets / Ongoing domestic violence and/or child abuse; open CPS case
Mental Health / No problems or diagnoses / Immediate mental health problems are being addressed and are not impacting Participant’s quality of life / Linked to mental health treatment, but his/her mental health issues interfere with quality of life; Participant continues to report continued mental health symptoms / Linked to mental health treatment, but has severe mental health problems that greatly impact his/her quality of life and functioning (i.e., frequent hospitalizations, going off meds and decompensating, recent suicide attempt(s) / Severe mental health problems not being addressed; Participant is not willing to engage in mental health treatment to receive help for severe mental health issues that interfere with his/her functioning
Column total: / ______+ / ______+ / ______+ / ______+ / ______