Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States

Fred J. Estes Post 9876

Pattaya, Thailand

Date: May 9, 2017

1. Call to Order: The meeting of Fred J. Estes Post 9876 was called to order at 1303 hours this date.

2. Roll call of Officers: All officers were present except for Trustee Donahue.

Attendance: Visitors: Mr. Paul from the Pattaya Orphanage and Roger Fox. A total of 28 members and 2 visitors were present.

3. Reading and referring of membership applications: 1 Transfer application was received. Life membership transfer from Jeffery Stringfield, USA, transfer from Korat, Thailand was read. A motion was made to accept the application by Commander Larsen and seconded by Comrade Smith. Motion carried.

4. Reading of Minutes: The Minutes of the April meeting were distributed by the Adjutant. A motion to

accept the minutes (subject to corrections) was made by Comrade Hart and seconded by Comrade

Kashkarofv. Motion carried.

5. Quartermaster Report: Quartermaster Guarnucio read the April 2017 report. A motion was made to

accept the report as read and subject to audit by Comrade Hunter and seconded by Comrade Knorr. Motion carried.

6. Reading of Bills: Comrade Warner submitted a bill for 700 for office assistance. Commander Larsen submitted a bill for 875 for a wreath for Comrade Britland. These expenses were previously approved.

7. Service Officer's Report: Chaplain Warner assisted 5 veterans and 4 widows for a total of 24 hours of service.

8. Comrade in Distress/Draping of Charter: Chaplain Warner reported that comrade “Bear” Hudson suffered a stroke at home on May 7th and is in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. The Post Charter was draped and a prayer was said for Comrade Britland who passed away on May 1st. The Post Honor Guard provided a service on May 8th.

9. Committee Reports:

A.  Charity Committee: Chaplain Warner introduced Mr. Paul from the Pattaya Orphanage. A post member had purchased soap for the orphanage and other donations were made that will be taken to the orphanage after the meeting. Mr. Paul appreciated the assistance provided by the post.

B.  Community Service: SVC Hunter gave the Community Service Report. There were 31 volunteers, on 18 projects, with 155 hours, and driving 68 miles, and total money of $583.52.

C.  Event Committee: Comrade DJ advised that the VFW has a full schedule for members to participate and is emailed monthly (Commander Larsen can add your name to the list if you contact him). Bowling will be changed to the first Tuesday of the month at 1400 starting in June.

D.  Sports Committee: Comrade DJ reported that the NFL draft is completed and it’s never too early to start researching for the VFW Fantasy Football league which will be drafting in late August or early September. If you would like to participate, you must have a Yahoo email account. We are looked to start a 2nd league.

E.  Membership Committee: Commander Larsen reported that we have 414 members, 372 life, 2 new, 3 reinstated, and 37 continuous. Post stands at 98.33% and needs to reach 421 members to be 100%.

F.  Buddy Poppies: No report.

G.  Safety Officer's report: Comrade Meek the possible benefits of coffee. Some studies have shown that one cups a day may provide certain health benefits.

10. National Home: Remembrance to our National Home was observed at 1331 hours.

11. Old Business: None.

12. New Business:

1.  Commander Guarnucio spoke to the post about the upcoming school year at the Pattaya Orphanage. He made a motion that the post donate 15,000 baht, seconded by Comrade Smith. Motion carried.

2.  Comrade Hart made a motion that up to 2,000 baht be authorized for Commander Larsen to pay for transportation to/from the airport to attend the District V meeting. Seconded by Comrade Storno. Motion carried. Comrade Knorr volunteered to drive the Commander to/from the airport.

13. Good of the Order: Received 1,400 baht from the Post Lottery. Winner: Comrade Codman. He donated his winnings back to the post.

1.  Mail box dues of 1,200 baht should be paid to Commander Larsen by July 1st.

14. Closing Ceremonies: Closing Ceremonies were held in accordance with the Manual of Procedure at 1343

hours. The next meeting will be held at 1300 hours on June 13, 2017 at the Hogs Breath Saloon.


Post Adjutant

Harold Hart