2014 - 2010:
Skalle P.,Aamodt A. and Lauman K.: Integrating human related errors with technical errors to determine causes behind offshore accidents. Safety Science, Online publ.: DOI , Printed publ.: Vol. 63, March 2014. Elsevier. pp 179-191
LavrovA., TaghipourA., YtrehusJ.D., MårdalenJ., LundH., VrålstadT., LundB., CarlsenI.M., SaasenA., WoldS., AbdollahiJ., TorsvollA., ReyesA., NæumannJ.R., MelchiorsenJ.C., SkalleP.: Borehole stability of non-circular wells in high-permeability formations: Numerical and experimental study. Sent to Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering in February 2013
GundersenO. E., SørmoF., AamodtA., SkalleP.: A real-time decision support system for high cost oil-well drilling operations. AI Magazine, Volume 34, Number 1, Spring 2013. ISSN-0738-4602. pp 21-32.
Skalle P., Aamodt A., Gundersen O. E.: Detection of Symptoms for Revealing Causes Leading to Drilling Failures. SPE Drilling & Completion Volum 28 (2). 2013. pp. 182-193.
Islam A. and Skalle P.: An experimental investigation of shale mechanical propertiesthrough drained and undrained test mechanisms. Published online in Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. DOI 10.1007/S00603-013-0377-8, March 12, 2013 ( http:/link.springer.com/), 23 pages
Skalle P., Aamodt A., Gundersen O. E.: Experience transfer for process improvement. Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 26 (2013) 2206-2214.
Islam A. and Skalle P.: Experimentally evaluating shale dilation behavior. AAPG. Submitted Nov, 2011.
Skalle P., Toverud T. and Johansen, S. T.: Transient pressure in long wellbores (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014)
Taghipour A., Lund B., Ytrehus J. D. and Skalle P.: “Experimental study of hydraulics and cuttings transport in circular and non-circular wellbores: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2013, Nantes, June 9-14, 2013,
Taghipour A., Lund B., Ytrehus J. D., Opedal N., Carlsen I. M., Skalle P., Saasen A., Reyes A., Melchiorsen J. C. and Abdollahi J.: Experimental Study of Friction and Cutting Transport in Non-Circular Borehole Geometry”. SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 7–9 October 2013.
Taghipour A., Ytrehus J. D., Lund B., Skalle P., Prakash B. and Lund M.: “Experimental Study of Mechanical Friction in Non-Circular Wellbores”. Journal of Friction fall 2013
Shokouhi S. V., Skalle P. and Aamodt A.: An overview of case-based reasoning applications in drilling engineering. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Review, ISSN 0269-2821, published online: 03 January 2012.
Aamodt A., Skalle P., Gundersen O. E., Sørmo F., and Solstad, J.: Method and system for monitoring a drilling operation. Patent No.: US 8170800 B2, May 1, 2012
Mme U. and Skalle P.: Effects of mud properties, hole size, drill string tripping speed and configurations on swab and surge pressure magnitude during drilling operations. JournalInternational Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology (IJPST). Vol 6, No 2 (2012), 143-157
Mme U. and Skalle P.: CFD calculations of cuttings transport through drilling annuli at various angles. JournalInternational Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology (IJPST). Vol 6, No 2 (2012), 129-141
Islam M. A., SkalleP.: Mud design models for underbalanced drilling wells in shale; Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011, (ICME11-ABS-251), 18- 20 December 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Islam M. A., SkalleP. and Søreide O. K.: “Evaluation of consolidation and material yielding during underbalanced drilling in shale- A numerical study”. In conference proceeding, presented at the 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, held in Salt Lake City, June 26–30, 2010.
Islam M. A., SkalleP. and Al- Ajmi A. M.: “Stability analysis through shale in deviated boreholes using the Mohr- Coulomb and Mogi - Coulomb failure criterion”. In conference proceeding, presented at the 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, held in Salt Lake City, June 26–30, 2010.
Valipour S.S., Aamodt A. Skalle P.: “Applications of CBR in oil well drilling- A general overview”, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP2010), Manchester, October 2010, pp 102-111
Valipour S.S., Aamodt A. Skalle P.: “A semi-automatic method for case acquisition in CBR; A study in oil well drilling”. Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA-2010), Innsbruck, February 15-17 2010. ACTA Press, 2010. pp 263-270.
Chowdhury D, Skalle P. and Rahman M. M.: “Prediction of stand pipe pressure using conventional approach”, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, Vol 13, No 1, 2009.
Skalle P., Aamodt A. and Gundersen O.E.: “Transfer of experience for improved oil well drilling”, Advances in Drilling Technology – E-proceedings of the First Intl. Conf. of Drilling Techn. (ICDT – 2010). ISBN: 978-93-80689-03-6, Copyright by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, 18-20 Nov. 2010.
2009 - 2005:
Shokouhi S. V., Aamodt A., Skalle P. and Sørmo F.: “Determining Root Causes of Drilling Problems by Combining Cases and General Knowledge”, L. McGinty and D.C. Wilson (Eds.): ICCBR 2009, LNAI 5650, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg pp. 509–523, 2009.
Valipour S.S. and Skalle P.: “Enhancing Decision Making in Critical Drilling Operations”. SPE 120 290, presented at the 2009 SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference held in the Bahrain, 15–18 March 2009.
Valipour S.S. and Skalle P.: “Data Management for Well Complexity Analysis on North Sea Wells”. 71st EAGE Conference & Exhibition- Amsterdam, 8 - 11 June 2009.
Islam M. A., Skalle P. and Mahmud S., 2009a. “Faults orientation and its impact on drilling operation”. In proceedings of the GeoDev 09, Geological and Geophysical
conference, Dhaka, October 26-30, 2009.
Islam M. A., Skalle P. and Tantserev E.: “Underbalanced drilling in shale - Perspective of mechanical borehole instability for inclined wells”. IPTC/SPE paper 13475, In proceedings of the IPTC 09/SPE drilling conference, Qatar, December 7 -9, 2009.
Islam M. A., Skalle P., Faruk A. B. M. and PierreB.: “Analytical and numerical study of consolidation effect on time delayed borehole stability during underbalanced drilling in shale”. SPE paper 127554. In proceedings of the KIPCE 09/SPE drilling conference, Kuwait, December 14 -16, 2009.
Valipour S. S., Aamodt A., Skalle P. and Sørmo F.: “Integration of real-time data and past experiences for reducing operational problems”, IPTC 13969-paper prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Doha, Qatar, 7–9 December 2009.
Islam M. A., SkalleP.: Prediction and evaluation of borehole shear failure risk in shale under in-situ stress state – A sensitivity analysis; Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009, (ICME09-ABS-40), Dhaka, 26- 28 December 2009.
Valipour S.S., Aamodt A. Skalle P.:, and Frode Sørmo: “Comparing two types of knowledge-intensive CBR for optimized oil well drilling”. Proceedings of the 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09), Tumkur, India, December 16-18, 2009, pp. 722-737.
Nybø R., Bjørkevoll K. S., Rommetveit R., Skalle P. and Herbert M.: “Improved And Robust Drilling Simulators Using Past Real-Time Measurements And Artificial Intelligence”, SPE paper 113776 prepared for presentation at the 2008 SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition held in Rome, Italy, 9–12 June 2008.
Islam M. A. and Skalle P.,. “Improved Efficiency and knowledge Based Support of Oil Well Drilling through Case Base Reasoning (CBR) Approach” SPE paper 111849 in proceedings of the
SPE Intelligent Energy Conference & Exhibition, held in Amsterdam, Feb 25-27, 2007.
Fossli B., Sangesland, S. Rasmussen, O. S. and Skalle, P.: “Managed pressure drilling; Technique and optimization for improved efficiency, operability and Well Safety in Subsea TTRD”, OTC 17798, prepared for the 2006 OTC, Huston, May 1-4, 2006.
Ramadan A., Skalle P., and Saasen A.: ”Application of a three-layer model for solids transportation in Inclined channels”, Journal of Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 60, Issue 10, 2005, pp. 2557-2570.
Skalle P., Rasmussen O. and Sangesland S.: ”Potential of and challenges for Through Tubing Rotary Drilling”, 56th Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag 2005, Erdöl/Erdgas – Förderung und Speicherung, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, June 2005.
2004 - 2000:
Ramadan A., Saasen A. and Skalle P.: ”Application of the minimum transport velocity model (MTV)
for drag reducing polymers, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 44, 2004, pp. 303-316.
Abdollahi J., Carlsen I. M., Mjaaland S., Skalle P., Rafiei A. Zarei, S.: “Underbalanced drilling as a tool for optimal drilling and completion contingency in fractured carbonate reservoirs”. SPE paper presented at the 2004 SPE / IADC Underbalanced Techn. Conf. & Exib., Huoston, 11-12 Oct., 2004
Ramadan A., Skalle P. and Johansen S.T. 2003. A mechanistic model to determine the critical flow velocity required to initiate the movement of spherical bed particles in inclined channels. Journal ofChemical Engineering Science, Vol. 58, 2153 –2163.
Abdollahi J. and Skalle P.: ”Case study: Abnormal drillstring wash-out and fatigue experienced when drilling hazardous formations in Iranian oil field”, paper SPE 85327 presented at the SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Techn. Conf. & Exhib., Abu Dhabi, 20-22 Oct. 2003.
Johansen S.T., Skalle P. and Sveen J.: ”A generic model for calculation of frictional losses in pipe and annular flows”, J. of Canadian Petr. Techn., Vol. 42, No. 4, April 2003, pp28-37
Skalle P. Holand P. and Sangesland S.: ”Evaluation of deepwater kicks and future countermeasures”, presented at the Deep Water Technology Conference /PennWell, New Orleans, Nov. 13-15, 2002.
Dørum Jare M., Aamodt A. and Skalle P.: “Representing temporal knowledge for case-based prediction”, Advances in case-based reasoning; 6th European Conference, ECCBR 2002, Aberdeen, September 2002. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 2416, Springer, 2002, pp. 174-188.
Ramadan A, Skalle P, Johansen S.T., Sveen J. and Saasen A.: ” Mechanistic modelfor cuttings removal from solid bed in inclined channels”, J. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 30, 2001, 129 – 141
Ramadan A, Saasen A. and Skalle P.:”Application of shear-induced diffusivity in solid particle transportation: Experience and modelling”, presented at the Nordic rheology conference 2001, Trondheim, June 14-16, 2001. Printed in Annu. Trans. of the Nordic Rheology Soc. Vol 9, 2001, pp 23-29.
Skalle P.: “Cementing problems when setting casing through porous gas and water bearingformations”, Oil and Gas European Magazine, Vol 28, No 1, 2001, pp 18-22
Skalle P., Sveen J. and Aamodt A.: “Improved efficiency of oil well drilling through case-based reasoning”, The PRICAI Conference, Melbourne, September 2000, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 1886, Springer, 2000, pp. 712-722.
1999 – 1995:
Skalle P., Backe K.R., Lyomov S.K. and Sveen J.: "Barite segregation in inclined boreholes”, J. of Canadian Petr. Techn., Vol. 38, no. 13, Special Edition 1999.
Backe K.R., Lile, O.B., Lyomov, S.K., Elvebakk H., and Skalle P.: "Characterizing CuringCement Slurries by Permeability, TensileStrength, and Shrinkage," SPE Drilling & Completion 14 (3), Sept. 1999, pp 162-167.
Skalle P. Aamodt A. and Sveen J.: “Case-based reasoning, a method for gaining experience and giving advise on how to avoid and how to free stuck drill strings”, Proc., IADC Middle East Drilling Conf., Dubai, Nov. 3-4, 1998.
Skalle P., Jinjun H. and Podio A. L.: “Killing methods and consequences of 1120 Gulf coast blowouts during 1960-1996”, SPE paper 53979, presented at the 1999 SPE latin American Conf. & Carribiean Petrol. Eng. Conf., Caracas, April 21-23, 1999.
Skalle P., Backe K.R., Lyomov S.K., Kilaas L., Dyrli A.D., and Sveen J.: “Microbeads as Lubricants in Drilling Muds Using a Modified Lubricity Tester”, paper SPE 56562 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3-6 Oct. 1999, pp 341-347.
Backe K.R., Skalle P., Lile O.B., Lyomov S.K., Justnes H., and Sveen J.: "Shrinkage of oil well cement slurries”, J. of Canadian Petr. Techn., Vol. 37, no. 9, 1998, pp 63 -67.
Skalle P., Podio A. L.: “Trends extracted from 1200 Gulf coast blowouts during 1960 – 1996”, World Oil, June 1998, pp 67-72
Skalle P., PodioA. L.: “Trends extracted from 800 Gulf coast blowouts during 1960 – 1996”, SPE paper 39354, presented at the IADC / SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, 3-6 March, 1998.
Skalle P., Backe K.R. and Lyomov S.K.: "Segregation of barite in inclined boreholes", Proc. CADE/CAODC Spring Drilling conference, Calgary (June 6-9, 1997).
Lyomov S.K., Backe K.R., Skalle P. and Sveen J.: "Cement slurry shrinkage at high temperatures", Proc. CADE/CAODC Spring Drilling conference, Calgary, June 6-9, 1997.
Lile O.B., Backe K.R., Elvebakk H., Lyomov S. and Skalle P.: "A new technique for measuring permeability and strength of a curing cement", Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 9, no. 34, April 1997, pp 47-54
Lile O.B., Justnes H., Skalle P., Backe K.R., and Sveen J.: "Dissolved gas as a problem in drilling fluids and well cements", Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 8, no. 32, October 1996, pp 137-142.
Justnes H., Skalle P., Sveen J. and Øye B.: "Porosity of oil well cement slurries during setting", Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 7, No. 25, Jan. 1995, pp. 9-12.
v.d. Zwaag C.H., Skalle P. and Lukowski J.: “Der dynamic Pellet Test - Eine effective Methode zur Auswahl und Optimierung wasser-basischer bohrspülungen zum durch-denfen tonmineralhaltiger Formationen”, presented at a Symposium in Dresden, June 19-21, 1995.
1994 – 1990:
Skalle P., Backe K., Elvebakk H., Justnes H., Lile O.B., Lyomov S. and Sveen J.: "Integrated testing programme for qualifying well cement slurries against formation gas intrusion", paper presented at Development of offshore oil and gas fields in Russia, St. Petersburg, 22-26 Nov. 1994.
Remvik F. and Skalle P.: "Shale-fluid interaction under simulated downhole conditions, and its effect on borehole stability", Paper presented at the Rock Mechanics Symposium, Madison, Wi, USA, April 1993.
Liu C., Skalle P. and Sveen J.: "Rig-site tests of drilling cuttings for index properties", Paper no. 93-105 presented at the CADE/CAODC spring drilling conference, Calgary, Alberta, April 14-16, 1993.
Skalle P., Sveen J., Brandhaug H., Grindhaug G. and Eliassen R.: "Gas migration through oil well cement", Paper presented at the Lerkedalverksted, Trondheim, Feb. 1992.
Skalle P., Sveen J. and Justnes H.: "Vibration of oil well cement", Paper presented at the ADNOC/SPE Middle East Petroleum Conference, Abu-Dhabi, May 1992.
Berg K.A., Skalle P. and Podio A.L. "Numerical simulation of transient gas flow during underbalanced drilling into a gas sand", In situ, 15 (1) 1991, pp 87-114.
Skalle P., Podio A.L. and Tronvoll J.: "Experimental study of gas slip velocity and its effect on bottom pressure in a vertical well", SPE paper 23160, SPE Drilling Conference, Aberdeen, Sept. 1991.
Skalle P. and Sveen J.: "Emulsion Cement", SPE paper 23075, SPE Drilling Conference, Aberdeen, Sept. 1991.
Before 1989:
Podio A.L., Skalle P. and Yang A.P.: "Analysis of events leading to an offshore shallow gas blowout by history matching of field data using an advanced gas kick simulator", paper presented at International Well Control Symposium, Baton Rouge, Nov. 27-29, 1989.
Johnsen H.K., Skalle P., Podio A.L. and Bjørnsen, B.: "A new surface gas detector for drilling fluids", OTC paper 5793, Houston (May 1988).
Johnsen H.K., Skalle P., Podio A.L., Sirevaag, G. and Vigen, A.: “Development and field testing of a high accuracy full-bore return flow meter", IADC/SPE 17229, Dallas, March 1988.
Skalle P.: "Roller Rick Bit Hydraulic Program", IADC/SPE 14773, Dallas (Feb. 1986).
Miska S. and Skalle P.: "Theoretical Description of a New Method of Optimal Program Design", Socl. Petr. Eng. J., Aug. 1981, pp 425-433.