Spring 2018 Huxley College
Veteran’s Scholarship
Huxley College of the Environment will award an additionalscholarship to our students for the 2018-2019 academic year. This scholarshipdoes NOTrequire a FAFSA/WAFSA (financial aid). Huxley College pre-majors or majors may apply.
Please reviewthescholarship criteriabelow. Then fill out the following pages and return all materials to Kara Franklin in ES539 or email . The deadline to return the application materials isFriday, May 25, 2018.Recipientswill be notified by 6/8/2018.
Note: Huxley College requires each applicant to write a one-page statement that (1) describes educational and career goals; (2) addresses scholarship-specific topics, as noted in the scholarship-specific criteria below; and (3) states how the scholarship-specific criteria are met.
Applying? / Scholarship Name / Scholarship-SpecificCriteria / Statement Requirements?☐ / Veteran’s Scholarship / Huxley College student of whom is a veteran of U.S. Armed Forces. Preference given to student of non-traditional age who has worked while attending college. Statement should include description of service in the U.S. Armed Forces as well asemployment heldwhile attending college. / Yes
Last NameFirstNameM.I.Student Number
E-Mail AddressBirth date (Optional)
Permanent Address (Street,City, Stateand Zip)Permanent Phone Number
Current Local Address (Street,City, Stateand Zip)Current Local Phone Number
U.S.Citizen?WAStateResident?Marital Status(Optional)
☐ / Yes / ☐ / Yes / ☐ / Single☐ / No / ☐ / No / Resident ofwhat state? ______/ ☐ / Married
☐ / American Indian/Alaska Native / ☐ / Spanish/Hispanic☐ / Asian/Pacific Islander / ☐ / White /Caucasian
☐ / Black /African American / ☐ / Other
Academic Major:Minor
Proposed Occupation
Cumulative GPAMajor GPAExpected Graduation Date
Name ofSchool / Location / MonthandYear Attended / Year
Graduated / Credit Hours Earned / Cumulative
From / To / Quarter / Semester
Thefollowingitemsmustbetypedorword-processedonseparatesheetsofpaper. Pleasenotetheitem number or question on the page(s).
(1)Listsignificantactivitiesandhonorsattainedwhileinhighschoolandcollege.Alsolistvolunteer activities and employment information.Ifyou prefer, this summary may be written résumé-style.
(2)Provide a one-page statement that (1) describes your educational and career goals; (2) addresses scholarship-specific topics, as noted in the scholarship-specific criteria on page one of this application; and (3) states how you meet the scholarship-specific criteria. If you are applying for multiple scholarships, you may include more than one statement as necessary.
Pleaselistat least tworeferences who will send recommendations totheScholarshipCommittee on your behalf. Youmaysubmitthelettersofrecommendationwithyourcompletedapplicationpacket,ortherecommender may mail or email them n the Huxley College office by the deadline date, Friday, May 25, 2018.
Last Name FirstName Position
Last NameFirstNamePosition
I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Iauthorizethereleaseofmygradetranscripttointerested donors ofscholarships who request this information.
Signature ofApplicantDate
Mailor email yourcompletedscholarshipapplicationalongwiththe requiredmaterialsby Friday, May 25, 2018to:
Huxley College ofthe Environment
Western Washington University
516 High Street,MS-9079
Bellingham, WA98225
(360) 650-3521 |
WesternWashingtonUniversityiscommittedto equalopportunityandnon-discriminationinallprogramsandactivitiesanddoesnot discriminateonthebasisofrace,color,ethnicity,creed,religion,nationalorigin,sex,age,disability,maritalstatus, sexualorientation, Vietnam-era or disabled veteran status.