Kent Film & Television Board
Notes from meeting held 5 July 2011 at Maidstone Studios
Present: / Foz AllanBrenda Blethyn OBE
Jill Cochrane
Jan Dunn
Lesley Fissenden
Gabrielle Lindemann
Geoff Miles
Jo Nolan
Michael Poraj-Wilczynski(for Elaine Thomas)
Sally Staples
Elaine Wickham / Apologies: / Amanda Cottrell
Paul Dixon
Alistair Stewart
Juliette Kaplan
Sarah Williams
1 / Brenda Blethyn and Geoff Miles: Introductions and welcome
2 / Sally Staples: Arts Development Unit & Kent Film Office
Sally updated the meeting on KFO’s new position in Communities and under her line management andgave an overview ofthe Kent Arts Development Unit, the Kent Cultural Strategy and Cultural Board.
3 / Discussion on Networking and Mediatree
Discussion ensued around developing networks, which is key but not as a “one size fits all”. Jo said Screen South worked with three networks – industry, heritage and community. Questions were raised as to how this industry network could be utilised, as well as the need to connect to existing networks like Meejahub. / Discussions with KFO and Kent Arts Development Regeneration Team re Networks. – GL
Discussion with Screen South networking partners on how to utilise their networks – GL, JD, EW
Discover and engage with existing networks - GL
4 / Discussion on KEiBA (Kent Excellence in Business Awards).
The best Business From Creative Industries Award is open to all sector businesses, including marketing and PR. Board expressed a desire for creation of a new award focusing on businesses generating their own original ideas/work with ahigh creativity level.
Discussion points and suggestions:
- Speak to KEiBA administrators: Morag Welham (KM) and Alison Campbell-Smith (KCC)
- Set up new award name and criteria: eg rather than restricting it to businesses based in Kent (thus excluding many visiting film companies) criteria could reflect the impact on Kent and thus include films made in Kent, etc.
- Look at Marketing the Award to get more creative businesses to apply.
- Need to raise around £10,000 sponsorship money for Board to ‘host’ award (max 2 sponsors per award) – perhaps by getting people to sponsor the Board itself or by bringing some glamour to the event – BB offered to help with either or both
5 / Jo Nolan: Screen South general Kentupdate
- Current festival funding –Swale Film Festival , Folkestone Film Factory, Canterbury Anifest – all excellent organisations doing great work but will still need advice and support.
- Work with schools: Mediabox funding is no longer available, however First Light continues and so does Film Club, which allows schools to join up as members so teachers get free films to show to pupils.
- is part of Accentuate Programme – online site for young disabled and non-disabled film makers ( still beta testing) Formal launch 14 September at BFI.
- North Sea Screen Partnership – network of countries bordering North Sea (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK). £600k program aiming for co-production, innovation and partnership. Planning access to funding for training day in Maidstone.
6 / Discussion around Kent Film Festival
- Discussed possibility of a nationally/internationallysignificant Kent film festival – as nothing currently exists. Suggestion made for a Kent Film Week, in different locations (possibly around coastline). Beyond “in Kent” need a USP – perhaps a European/international angle.
- Best festivals start from grass roots, need someone with the drive and passion tostart it up, and then build on that (eg Dan at Animate & Create, Jan’s contact at Cheltenham who also has good experience of charity funding).
- Separate group (think tank) needed to suggest a way forward - Sally and Geoff and all to contribute thoughts on who else should be at that meeting.
7 / Jo Nolan: Screen South Creative England Update
- From 1 October, this will replace existing network of regional screen agencies.
- Three regions: North, South, Central (excludes London). Within each region, three teams: talent development and production; cultural offer; inward investment - probably around 2 people in each team, with very small central staffing.
- No formal definition of what it will cover yet, basically “screen”.
- Aiming to ensure existing talent and management is not lost. Not yet decided whether a Creative England office will remain in east of region, e.g. Pinewood or elsewhere. Could be an opportunity for Kentto develop a hub/centre of excellence in Maidstone? Share back office functions?
8 / Gabrielle Lindemann: Kent Film Office Update
- Gabrielle provided leaflets and update on the The Darling Buds of May Trail:
- film tourist trails need more than just film – Boleyn Trail incorporated culture, the Darling Buds of May included food
- Journalist tour and preview 8 July
- official launch at Kent Show 15th July as well as online
- postcards and web pointers to drive traffic to trail, trough TI offices, libraries, Visit Kent Website, Produced in Kent Website,, local papers, radio, tv
- competition around the trail to effect monitoring
- partners were Visit kent, produced in kent, explore Kent, Kent Life, KCC Media Centre, KCC Events Team - Notes/amendments re Progress Report:
- Penultimate page: website dip occurred when KCC website crashed, since then, KFO have externalised website and no longer have speed or capacity issues, it is also cheaper
- Last page: Generated Kent spend figure should read £268,850, not £68,850.
- LA studio executive fam trip:
- Jo pointed out that there is a buzz around last year’s Kent visit and therefore would like to bring execs to Kent again in 2011
- Penshurst Place, Allington Caste were suggested and suitable hotel accommodation in Kent highlighted as potential stumbling block.
9 / Any other business
A big thank you expressed to Gabrielle from Jo, Jan and Elaine – the Kent Film Office always deliver!
Thanks also expressed to Geoff for hosting and Brenda for being able to make the time to attend.
10 / Next meeting
To be arranged for beginning of December around Brenda’s schedule. / Via KirstyIreland,Kent Film Office Assistant
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