Visual ArtsGrade 9/10

Essential Unit 5 (EO5)

Personal exploration 5

Interpretation of Frans Hals’ Group Portrait

(June 2011)

Some background information to the artwork illustrated above.

The group portrait of theRegents of the St Elizabeth Hospital(Hals Museum, 1641) sets the key for the sober restraint of the late period, when his pictures became darker and his brush-strokes more economical. The culmination of this phase -- indeed of his entire career -- are his group portraits of theRegentsand theRegentesses of the Old Men's Alms House(Hals Museum, c. 1664), which rank among the most moving portraits ever painted. By this time Hals was using in his commissioned portraits the bold brushwork and thealla primatechnique which early in his career he reserved for genre pictures. No drawings by him are known and he presumably worked straight on to the canvas.

Unit Statement:

The student will create a photograph in color and in black and white based on Frans Hals’ painting.

Essential Outcomes: (Assessed)

  1. The Student Will research Frans Hals group portraits (1 page)
  2. TSW plan his own ideas that depict Regents of the St Elizabeth Hospitalgroup portraitby using their own body instead.The student investigates some different options how to do it. (2 pages).
  3. TSW identify artists depicting group portraits. (1 page)
  1. TSW research about Baroque painting. (1page)
  1. TSWcreate a final photograph. ( 1 photograph including all group members)

Suggested Materials:

White, Bob, and Mark White.Advanced Art & Design: White & White.[S.l.]: Philip Allan Updates, 2006. Print.

Investigation Workbook

Assorted types of papers, canvases

Assorted media materials

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

Teacher observation, questioning, and critiquing.

Student participation and response.

Use of rubric.



Depicting Space in Art

‘A’ Level Mastery / ‘B’ Level Mastery / ‘P’ in progress
TSW #1 / The Student Will show excellent understanding of the ideas and techniques that underpin artistic expression. / The Student Will show satisfactory understanding of the ideas and techniques that underpin artistic expression. / B Level Not Achieved
TSW#2 / TSW demonstrate exploration of ideas reflecting cultural and historical awareness. / TSW demonstrate personally relevant ideas. / B Level Not Achieved
TSW#3 / TSW showthoughtful development of ideas and strategies for depicting movement in Expressionism. / TSW identify artist depicting movement in Expressionism. / B Level Not Achieved
TSW #4 / TSW showthoughtful development of ideas and strategies for depicting movement in Futurism and today. / TSW showdevelopment of ideas and strategies for depicting movement in Futurism and today. / B Level Not Achieved
TSW #4 / TSW review and modify his/her work to a resolution of ideas and medium and show very good technical competence. / TSWcreate a work following his/her plan. / B Level Not Achieved
  • For ‘A’ Level Mastery the student will have to master at least 4 ‘A’ Level MasteryTSW.

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