Verona High School
Algebra CP 1 2014 Summer Assignment
- All VHS incoming freshmen who are taking Algebra CP 1 must complete this summer assignment.
- The completed assignment is due on the first day of school, Thursday, September 4th.
- There are three multi-part problems that are based on work you have done at HBW.
- All work is to be done on your own—no parents, siblings or friends. You may use textbooks or internet resources to help you understand the problems but you cannot use any solutions to the problems in this packet you may find online.
- If you need any help with these problems, Mr. Cashill of the VHS Math Department will be happy to assist you. He can be reached via email at . A link to this packet will be posted on MR. Cashill’s school website at
- Please print your name and sign the Academic Integrity pledge below. If you are not sure of what constitutes “unauthorized aid” please contact Mr. Cashill.
Student Name: ______
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment.”
Student Signature: ______
VHS Algebra CP 1 Summer AssignmentPage 1
Summer Problem #1: AreYouReadyforSomeFootball?
(6.EE.1, 6.EE.2, 6.EE.9, 7.NS.1, 7.NS.2, 7.EE.3, 7.EE.4, A-CED.4)
Wewill soon be inthemidstofanotherexcitingNFLseason just as we come back to school in September. Asidefromtheactualfootballgamesbeingplayed,a“fantasy” gamebasedontheNational football League (NFL)isbecomingmore and more popular. Fantasyfootballisplayedbyanestimated25to30millionpeopleeachyear. Toplay,contestantsjoinorformaleagueandhaveadrafttoformtheirownteamscomprisedofNFLplayers. EachpersonintheleaguetypicallydraftsanNFLquarterback,runningbacks,widereceivers, etc. Themoreoffensiveproductionoutofyourplayers,themorepointsyouget, the more games your team wins
Leaguescoringsystemsvary,butplayers usually earn pointsfortouchdownpasses,passingyard, rushing yards, receiving yards and receptions with interceptions and fumbles earning negative points.
WebsitessuchasESPN.comandYahooSportswho host fantasy leaguesuseformulastocomputethenumberofpointseachplayerandteamtotalsinanNFLweekend.
- Inweekoneofthe2013–2014seasonTomBradythrewfourtouchdown passes,had 510passingyardsandthrew oneinterception. FindthenumberoffantasypointsTomBradyscoredthisweek. Showyourworkbelow.
- Inweektwo,CamNewtonthrewonetouchdownpass,had420passingyardsandthreeinterceptions. FindthenumberoffantasypointsCamNewtonscoredthisweek. Showyourworkbelow.
- Lookbackatyourmethodfor finding total points in theprevioustwoproblems. Writeaformula or rule thatgivesthepoints(p) as a function of the numberoftouchdowns(t),passingyards(y),andinterceptions(n).
- Drew Breesthrewfor180yards,had threeinterceptionsandended with15totalpoints. Useyourrule from abovetofindthenumberoftouchdownpasseshethrewfor. Showyourworkbelow.
- Geno Smith hadatotalof 35fantasypoints. Hehadfourtouchdowns,oneinterception. Useyourruletofindthenumberofpassingyardshe threwfor. Showyourworkbelow.
- Robert Griffin III had18totalfantasypoints. Hehadonetouchdownpassand320passingyards. Useyourruletodeterminehowmanyinterceptionshe threw. Showyourworkbelow.
Wide Receivers and Tight Ends
- Writearulethatcalculatesthenumberoffantasypointsforawidereceiver. Explainwhateachterminyourrulerepresents. Showyourworkbelow.
- UseyourruletofindthenumberoffantasypointsearnedbyLeSean McCoywhohadsevenreceptions,100yards,twotouchdownsandnofumblesinweekseven. Showyourworkbelow.
- Thewidereceiveronmyfantasyteamscored24fantasypointsonSunday. There are numerous combinationsofreceptions,receivingyards,touchdownsandfumblesthatwouldtotal24fantasypoints.Show two different combinations using all four methods of scoring to total 24 fantasy league points.
Running Backs
- InweeksevenoftheNFLseason,whichrunningbackscoredmorefantasyfootballpoints? Show all work.
•Reggie Bush who had120yardsreceiving,5receptionsand2touchdownsand115rushingyards OR
•Marshawn Lynch who had253rushingyards,zerofumbles,zeroreceivingyards,zeropassingyardsandonetouchdown.
- Writeanalgebraexpressionthatgivesthetotalpointsscoredbyanyplayerforanynumberofppassingyards,rrushingyards,vreceivingyards,creceptions,ttouchdownsandffumblesorinterceptions.
- Bonus Points for correctly naming the three old time players whose pictures are shown. You can use your father’s or grandfather’s help on this one.
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Summer Problem #2: WhoisGoingBacktoSchool?
(6.RP, 6.EE, 6.SP, 7.RP, 7.SP, 7.EE)
AccordingtotheU.S.CensusBureau’s2010data,78millionstudentsareprojectedtobeenrolledinthenation'selementary and secondary schools(Kindergarten—12th Grade).
Use the table below to answer the questions on school enrollment.
2010 / 2000 / 1990 / 1960PopulationofUnitedStates / 308,745,538 / 281,421,906 / 248,709,873 / 179,323,175
NumberofStudentsEnrolled / 78,519,000 / 72,214,000 / 60,588,000 / 46,260,000
% of Population Enrolled in School
- Writetwodifferentmathematicalstatementscomparinganyofthedatainthetable.
- Usingthe2010Censusstatistics,whatpercentoftheUSpopulationwasenrolledinK-12schoolsin September,2010?(Pleaseshowyourwork.)
- Usingthe2000Censusstatistics,whatpercentoftheUSpopulationwasenrolledinK-12schoolsin2000?(Pleaseshowyourwork.)
- Usingthe1990Censusstatistics,whatpercentoftheUSpopulationwasenrolledinK-12schoolsin1990?(Pleaseshowyourwork.)
- Usingthe1960Censusstatistics,whatpercentoftheUSpopulationwasenrolledinK-12schoolsin1960?(Pleaseshowyourwork.)
- DoesthisimplythattheUSpopulationisgettingolder,younger,lesseducated,moreeducated,orsomethingelse? Explain your reasoning.
- Thereareapproximately14.8millioncomputersforuseintheclassroomintheUnitedStates according to the 2010 Census. Onaverage,howmanystudentswouldonecomputerserve?
2010 / 2000 / 1990
PopulationofMassachusetts / 6,547,629 / 6,349,097 / 6,016,425
- WhatpercentofthepeoplewholiveintheUnitedStates in 2010liveinMassachusettstoday?
- Based on the 2010 census, howmanystudentswouldyouguesswillbe enrolled inK-12schoolsinMassachusetts in 2010?
According to the 2010 Census the average annual earnings based on the highest level of education attained are as follows:
Highest Education Level / Annual Earnings / $ DifferenceBetweenHighSchoolDiplomaIncome & Others / PercentChangefromHighSchoolDiplomaIncome & OthersNoHighSchoolDiploma / $21,023
HighSchoolDiploma / $31,283 / 0 / 0.00%
Bachelor’sDegreeFromCollege / $58,613
AdvancedCollegeDegree / $83,144
- Usethetableabovetohelpyoucalculatethedifferenceinearningsbetweenpeoplewithvariouseducationlevels. Show your work here.
- WhydidIaskyoutocalculatealloftheseincomedifferences?
Problem #3: Predicting the Future
(CCSS: 8.SP.1 , 8.SP.2 , 8.SP.3 ,HSF-IF.B.6,HSS-ID.B.6)
On opening weekends, a movie’s opening gross income is often used as a way of measuring the movie’s eventual success. Can you predict a movie’s total gross income from its opening weekend count?
The table on the next page has data on 15 movies that you might have seen. We’ve included the gross amount that they earned on their opening weekend and the gross amount that they have earned since they came out. We also included Godzilla but did not give its long-term gross income since it just opened in May.
I’ve also left a few blank lines in the chart above for you to add your favorite movies. You can find the opening weekend and final gross data at
- Check off whether or not you have seen the movies.
- I am wondering if you can predict what this movie’s total gross income will be from studying the opening weekend data. Maybe there is a pattern between the opening weekend data and the final gross total income of the movie. Let’s see if that is true.
- On the page following the table I’ve created a graph for you to use to create a scatter plot. The horizontal axis will represent the Opening Weekend Income of each film. The vertical axis will be the Final Gross Income of the movie. Plot the data from the table on the chart.
Selected Movie Grosses
Title / Seen/Not Seen / Opening Gross / Total Gross / Opening DateMarvel's The Avengers / $207,438,708 / $623,279,547 / 5/4/12
Wreck-It Ralph / $188,440,226 / $189,180,082 / 11/2/12
Iron Man 3 / $174,144,585 / $409,013,994 / 5/3/13
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 / $169,189,427 / $381,011,219 / 7/15/11
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire / $158,074,286 / $424,668,047 / 11/22/13
The Hunger Games / $152,535,747 / $396,022,168 / 3/23/12
Spider-Man 3 / $151,116,516 / $336,530,303 / 5/4/07
The Twilight Saga: New Moon / $142,839,137 / $296,623,634 / 11/20/09
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 / $138,122,261 / $281,287,133 / 11/18/11
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest / $135,634,554 / $423,315,812 / 7/7/06
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 / $125,017,372 / $295,983,305 / 11/19/10
Toy Story 3 / $110,307,189 / $415,004,880 / 6/18/10
Godzilla 2014 / $93,188,384 / 5/16/14
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax / $70,217,070 / $177,412,055 / 3/2/12
Frozen / $67,391,326 / $400,523,079 / 11/22/13
- Is the relationship between Opening Weekend Income and the film’s Final Income a linearassociation or something else? How can you tell? Describe the association between the two variables.
- Draw a Line of Best Fit (A straight line that balances the vertical distance of all of the points and the line itself) that best models the data. How do you decide where to draw your line?
- Using your Line of Best Fit predict what Godzilla will finally earn? Do the same for any additional movies that youplotted? What are your predictions based on?
- Describe your confidence in your prediction(s).
- Based on the data you graphed above, how much would you expect movies to make in gross that had opening weekends of:
- $60 million
- $80 million
- $100 million
- $180 million?
How did you determine your estimates?
- Write the linear equation for your line of best fit (y = mx + b). This equation should give a reasonable (yetrough) prediction of the amount of money a movie will gross for any opening weekend total. Please show or explain how you came to your rule.
10. When the data becomes available go and check the actual domestic gross for Godzilla (and anyother movies that you plotted. You can get this data from Describe how accurate your predictions for lifetime domestic gross were.
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