Regular Meeting of Wednesday, December 9, 2009 MINUTES

Agua Dulce Women’s Club

33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce, CA

Council Members Present: Mary Johnson (MJ)-President, Lorene Cangiano (LC)-Secretary Don Henry (DH)-Treasurer, David Aiello (DA), Annette Fortuna (AF), Gary Hebdon (GH)

Council Members Absent: Donal MacAdam (DM) late, present for short part of regular meeting

Community Members: About 4 people in attendance

ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING: Regular Council Operations: 6:00 PMMotionsDecision

  1. Call to order: 18:10 by MJ

  1. Agenda: Approval of Agenda: Add Letter from Stellings, Information from Dept. of Public Works Trash Franchise, Notice of hearing Sweetwater Café, Stelling response letter.
MSP: Move to accept agenda with changes / M:GH
S:DA / 6-0-0
  1. Minutes: Approval of Regular Meeting of November 11, 2009, Approval of Special Meeting of November 11, 2009 (tax exempt application): Special meeting, MSP: Move to approve as submitted
  2. Regular Meeting: MSP: Move to approve as submitted
/ M:DA
S:DH / 5-0-1 LC
4-0-2 GH, LC
  1. Council Reports

A.President Report
1)Incoming Correspondence
  1. Agua Dulce Women’s Club donation request:ADTC does not make community donations. Requestors may present at a ADTC meeting and solicit individual donations. Send letter to them with standard reply
MSP: Send standard letter that ADTC does not give donations but will present to community attendees
  1. Stelling Letter- Received letter stating they prefer the zones to remain the same
  2. Trash Franchise Letter-postponing rollout plan until 2011
  3. Notice of Public Hearing January 13th 2009 9:00 AM Regional Planning for Sweetwater Cafe

2)Outgoing Correspondence
  1. Supervisor Antonovich: Support for undergrounding future transmission projects

  1. Supervisor Antonovich: ARTC community rep on EH TAC

  1. Mitch Glaser-Regional Planning-OVOV: Not supportive of zone change and elimination of R-R

  1. Carolina Blengini-Regional Planning Staff: Sweetwater Café supportive of CUP for ABC license

  1. Richard Lavin-Environmental Health: Recommendation of Don Henry to serve on TAC- hope to hear response by January 2010

3)Draft response to Stelling letter: MSP: Send letter with suggested changes and attach Regional Planning new zone allowable uses grid. / M:LC
S:DA / 6-0-0
4)Assoc of Rural Town Councils (ARTC)- No meeting
5)Tax Exempt application process- Mailed: May receive response in early January
B.Secretary Report-Nothing to report
C.Treasurer Report- Starting balance $5620.61, Expenses to Non Profit filing $300.00, Final balance $5320.61
  1. Committee Reports

A.Election Committee – Dropped off 2009 Election year Treasurers report. ADTC did not discuss it at this meeting.
B.Water Committee-Neither DA or MJ could get their well information from State, advised Rosalind of findings.
  1. Hauled Water Report-MJ created community handout to insert to Country Journal make January 13thADTC meeting a hauled water meeting for the community. DH, MJ refine handout, Country Journal will make a cover announcing the Jan 13th Meeting on the 2nd and 9th editions. AF will put flyers around town.
  2. Response Letter to Environmental Health on procedures for obtaining water supply approval utilizing a well water mitigation process: continue in regular meeting
  3. NOWTS- Resend letter from May to hold off until state regulations are finalized.-Continue in regular meeting

C.Land Use/CSD Revision Committee-Waiting on Regional’s Response, will contact Mitch
  1. OVOV-DEIR comment period extended to February 1, 2010, RPC Hearing continued to February 24, 2010

D.Disaster Planning-deferred to regular meeting
E.Parks and Trails-Nothing reported
F.Ways and Means-deferred to regular meeting
G.Charter/Bylaws-Nothing reported
H.Film-Nothing reported
I.Acton/Agua Dulce School Board Liaison-Nothing reported
COMMUNITY MEETING: Reports and Presentations: 7:00 PM 12 community members present
  1. Call to order—Pledge of Allegiance DA

  1. Agency Reports

A.California Highway Patrol/COPS Team: Officer Burton- 22 Traffic collisions, 5 DUI, 9 injury accidents, 13 property damage.
B.Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy: Deputy Scott Short- Gary Hebdon presented Deputy short with a certificate of appreciation
C.Los AngelesCountyFire Dept/Community Service Rep: Stephanie English- no report
D.Other: LA County Dept of Public Works and US Forest Service: Mark Caddick gave presentation on CARE: Multi-agency program offering free engineering advice for homeowners affected by Station Fire as well as anyone with concerns about erosion, mud-flows and related issues: 800/214-4020. One website, one stop shop for answers, Can sign up for e-notify on road closures etc.
  1. 5th District Report: Valencia library closing for two months for renovation
ADTC advised Rosalind that the Fire rebuild policy for EH cannot rely on old well permits- MJ and DA checked on theirs and the State says they do not have well permits
  1. Bob Hauter from Buck McKeon’s office gave update.

  1. Presentations

A.Recognition and appreciation of Election Committee members: Lorna Leslie, Judy Bartlett, Julianne Feuerhelm, and Marie Richarz-
B.Certificate of Appreciation to: Doc Ellis for name plates every year; Dawn Kimball for website maintenance; Lillian Smith of Country Journal; Acton Agua Dulce News; Rosalind Wayman
C.Farewell to retiring Council members: Mary Johnson and Gary Hebdon
Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation from the ADTC to Mary Johnson for her 5 years of service and specifically for her last year as president of the Town Council.
Certificates from Congressman Buck McKeon’s office
Certificates from Michael Antonovich office
Certificates from Assemblywoman Audra Strickland
D.Introduction and Installation of New and Re-Elected Council Members: Lianne Swanson, Alan Difatta, David Aiello, Don MacAdam
E.Election of Town Council Officers for 2010
President-Don Henry
Secretary-Lianne Swanson
Treasurer-Dave Aiello
F.Reading and Discussion of Charter, Bylaws, Rules of Order, Brown Act: Charter read
G.Disney’s Golden Oak: Overview of proposed new 56-acre production studio: No attendee, may schedule for January
  1. Committee Spotlights

A.Water Committee
1)Hauled Water Report: Proposed Community Outreach and potential affects to all private well owners-re-stated discussion of administrative meeting, ADTC meeting of January 13, 2010 will discuss hauled water and then a meeting with EH will be scheduled, possibly March for a special meeting.
Response to Environmental Health on proposed regulations for Well Treatment Devices: Due 1/1/2010-Letter Procedures for obtaining water Supply Approval Utilizing a Well Water Mitigation
MSP: Approve letter as written and sent / M:LC
S:DA / 6-0-0
2)Health on proposed regulations for NOTWS (septic systems): Due 1/1/2010- Response to Environmental Health on proposed draft ordinance for NOTWS (septic systems): resend letter of May
3)Technical Advisory Committee for Environmental Health- Recommendation to add Don Henry has already been sent
4)Hauled Water Task Force Work Group,- Separate committee, different agency people who have input into policy but we don’t know much about it. Rosalind suggest sending letter to Dr. Fielding Environmental Health, Gail Farber Dept Public Works, John Sanabri, Regional Planning, Bill Fujioka, CEO County, cc: Antonovich and asking for pre-meet with ADTC / DH write letter
B.Other Committee Spotlights: Disaster Preparedness, treasurer’s report, no change from last report. Offering ham operators class either January or February for certification
  1. Open Forum: MJ spoke with Audra Strickland’s office about AB 1041, which would remove environmental health oversight from septic and well systems for any system serving four or less services. LA County EH is the only agency which opposes this bill.

  1. Unfinished Business

  1. New Business: ADTC Communications-ADTC facebook page to point to website and push out announcements. LS will handle facebook
MSP: Move to establish ADTC facebook page that provides informational updates / M:LS
S:AD / 6-0-0
  1. MSP: continue administrative meeting at 6:00 pm and regular meeting 7:00 PM
/ Consensus
  1. Announcements

  1. Future Agenda Items

A.Community Meeting with Hauled Water Task Force
B.Lafferty Project Presentation: Umbria Estates—Project Update on 30 unit residential development on 70 acres near AguaDulceAirport- January
C.Disney Presentation-February
D.Continuing dialogue with Environmental Health
  1. Adjournment: DA, LC 21:00

NOTE: The Agua Dulce Town Council serves as a meeting place for the free expression of community views, for the coming together of diverse opinions into a consensus, and to review public and private proposals that may affect the community. Participation by the public, civic groups and private organizations is welcomed. The ADTC conducts all business in an open fashion and relies on donations for its nominal expenditures. The Agua Dulce website is:

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