Nurse Leadership Summit 2011

A Focus on Nursing Partnerships: Workforce Regulation and Resources

Sponsored by Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders (VONL)

Call for Abstracts – Due date is February 14, 2011

The Nursing Summit2011 will be held on April 7 & 8, 2011

at the Essex Inn and Spa, Essex, Vermont.

The purpose of the Nurse Leadership Summit 2011 is to learn more about transitions within the nursing profession as we grow our leadership skills and workforce resources. In light of the 2010 IOM Report on the future of nursing, it is a critical moment for nurses to create their own future for the decades to come.

Join this networking opportunity as we:

  • Consider the impact of the IOM report on Nursing Education and Practice Settings
  • Address issues, challenges & solutions for all types of transition within the healthcare setting.
  • Showcase innovative workforce initiatives, leadership, research, education, &/or patient care

Call for abstracts – Poster presentations are invited for display in the specified poster area of the Summit. We are planning to offer contact hours for attendance at the poster presentations. Presenters will need to ‘man’ their poster and initial forms which qualify the attendee for gifts donated for drawings.

Please submit abstracts by e-mail attachment to

Complete the following form and save it with your initials or name in the document title.

The planning committee will complete blind reviews of abstracts and notification of selection will occur by February18, 2011. Poster and concurrent session presenters will receive discounted registration. Only one registration discount will be awarded per presentation.

All presenters must register for the conference.

Nurse Leadership Summit 2011: Navigating Transitions

Abstract and Bio Sketch for Nurse Leadership 2011

Nurse Leadership Summit2011will be held on April 7 & 8, 2011 at the Essex Inn and Spa, Essex, VT

Please complete all sections of this form and save it with your initials added to the document title.

Name: Credentials


Preferred mailing address

City, State, Zip Code

Work Phone: Home


Title of Presentation

I agree to present a poster at the VT Nurse Leadership Summit 2010, and I give permission for duplication of my abstract for inclusion in the Summit Program Book and the VT Nurse Connection publication.

Signature: (electronic confirmation of agreement)


Submit demographic and presentation information via e-mail attachment to: VT Nurse Internship Project (VNIP) 289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089

802674-7069 802-674-7155 - send c/o Susan Boyer, VNIP

Please outline your presentation and its impact on healthcare delivery. If reporting on research, you should clearly state the project objectives, methodology, population, data, outcomes & recommendations.

Identify which of these objectives are addressed:

Consider the impact of the IOM report

Address issues, challenges & solutions for all types of transition within the healthcare setting.

Showcase innovative workforce initiatives, leadership, research, education, and/or patient care


Vermont State Nurses Association

Biographical Data Form – For the contact hour application!


If you are a speaker/ content expert for this activity, complete Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Return this completed form to the nurse planner by the date specified. If there is a perceived conflict, the nurse planner will discuss with you how the conflict will be resolved before your continued participation in this learning activity.


Section 1: Demographic DataName, Degrees & Credentials:

If RN, nursing degree(s):

AD Diploma BSNMastersDoctorate

Please list all institutions of higher learning from which you have received a degree or degrees. Please list all residencies and fellowships which you have completed. Use additional space if needed.

Name of Institution / Year and Degree Awarded

Home Address OR Business Address:

Day Telephone:

Email Address:

Present Position (Title) & Employer:

Section 3: Faculty/Content Expert Information: Describe your expertise in this topic:

Planner, Faculty and Content Specialist Conflict of Interest Statement

If you are in a position to control the content of this educational activity (planner, faculty presenter, content specialist), you must disclose whether or not you have a conflict of interest. Conflict of interest disclosure identifies the presence or absence of any potentially biasing relationship of a financial, professional or personal nature. A perceived conflict of interest would occur, for example, if you have or a member of your family has, within the past 12 months, received a salary, royalty, speaking honorarium, research appointment, board of directors remuneration, or consulting fee from an organization whose product or service is being discussed in the learning activity or if you or a family member own stock in such a company. Conflict of interest would also occur if you have any potential to benefit personally or professionally from the presentation (work for a proprietary company presenting the learning activity, have written a book about the topic, provide consulting services related to the topic, etc.) All information disclosed must be shared with the audience on the program handouts, advertising and/or audiovisual presentation.

Section 4: Conflict of Interest

Is there a perceived financial, professional or personal conflict of interest (self or family)?



If yes, describe the perceived conflict:

Section 5: Resolution of Conflict

Procedures used to resolve conflict of interest or potential bias if applicable for this activity: (Check all that apply)

1. I have discussed this conflict with the nurse planner and agree to the provider unit’s policy.

2.I have signed a statement that says I will present information fairly & without bias.

3.In conjunction with 1 & 2, I understand that the nurse planner or designee will monitor session to ensure conflict does not arise.

4Not applicable since no conflict of interest.

5.Other: Describe:

Section 6: Off-label Use

Presenter/Content Specialist discussion of off-label uses:



If yes, you must disclose this information during your presentation. How will you do this?

1.Information provided on handouts

2.Information provided in audiovisuals (slides, overhead, powerpoint, etc.)

3.Other: Describe:

Section 7

Signature (optional)______Date: ______

Electronic Signature acceptable

Note to nurse planner: If signature is not obtained, describe how this data was collected: