Form VR1: ‘Internal Verifier’s Report for a Programme Delivered Collaboratively’



(Authors should refer to Chapter 5 of the Quality Management Handbook

and the agreed Collaborative Delivery Plan for the provision[1])

This template should be used to produce a single report on the delivery of a programme by one or more partner organisations. Please indicate clearly where your comments are generic, i.e. apply to delivery of the programme across all partners, or are specific to its delivery by a single partner.
Host University department:
Host University Faculty:
Programme/modules being delivered:
Partner organisation(s) involved in delivery:
Period under review:
Report author(s)[2]:
Date of production:
Dates of meetings with partner organisation(s):
Evidence used in compiling the report:
1. Curriculum
(Comment on and evaluate the curriculum. Is it being delivered as agreed at validation?)

2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment

(Comment on and evaluate the processes for TLA, e.g. module handbooks and assignment specifications, and arrangements for Work-Based Learning. Indicate that the assessment strategy is as agreed at validation and that the standard of submitted work is commensurate with the award/level of credit being considered.)

3. Learning Resources and Student Support
(Indicate whether the available learning resources are as agreed at validation and that they are appropriate for both the level of programme being delivered and the student numbers. This judgement should be informed by the most recent audit of partners’ learning infrastructures. Any significant issues recorded in this section must be communicated to the Head of Collaborative Partnerships.)
4. Staffing
(Internal verifiers are required to approve the staffing profile of the programme, indicating any changes to staffing and commenting on whether appropriate staff development opportunities are made available to staff within partner organisations.)

5. Quality Assurance

(Comment on and evaluate the local quality assurance mechanisms that are in operation including arrangements for internal and cross-partner moderation of assessment and processes for involving stakeholders in QA procedures such as student module evaluation, programme boards and student-staff consultative fora, employers’ fora and effective liaison with the host department/Faculty/University.)

6. Published Information

(Comment on the nature, content, quality and accuracy of the information that is provided for prospective and current students, i.e. print publicity, website and student handbooks. Any significant issues identified in this section should be communicated to the Head of Collaborative Partnerships.)
7. Student Experience
(Comment on the experience of students studying at partner organisations. Any significant issues identified in this section should be communicated to the Head of Collaborative Partnerships.)

8. General Information and Observations

(Internal verifiers should notify the Academic Liaison Tutor, Faculty Partnership Officer, Head of Academic Quality and Head of Collaborative Partnerships of any other issues that impact upon on the general quality and management of the programme as delivered by partner organisations.)

Copies of this report should be forwarded to:

  • Academic Liaison Tutor
  • Faculty Quality Officer
  • Faculty Partnership Officer
  • Head of Academic Quality (for AQSC)
  • Head of Collaborative Partnerships.


Latest version: September 2011

[1] Formerly ‘Standard Classification of Functions’. Signed Collaborative Delivery Plans for all current provision are held by the Head of Collaborative Partnerships.

[2] Where the Verifier role is filled by more than one individual this report should reflect consultation between all Verifiers for the programme.