HR Liaison Network Meeting

/ November 1, 2011
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teaching Academy TA 1177
Meeting called by: / Human Resources / Type of meeting: / HR Liaison Network Meeting
Facilitator: / Beth Scheitzach / Note taker: / Deborah Frankenbach
Attendees: / 77 HR Liaison representing 60 colleges/departments signed in attendance.
HR Staff included Roxane Walton, Bert Mariani, Michelle Brooks, Deborah Frankenbach, Ivette Martinez, Elizabeth Rivera, Christine Keena, Nancy Gayton, Becky Moulton, Deborah Evans, Beth Scheitzach, Abbee Camen, David Amaro, and Isha Guerrero-Londeree.
Agenda item: / Introduction of HR Team / Presenter: / Roxane Walton

The first HR Liaison Network meeting was called to order on November 1st at 2:30 p.m. by UCF’s Human Resource Director, Roxane Walton. Ms. Walton opened the meeting by welcoming all HR Liaisons and introducing the HR Managers. Ms. Walton expressed Human Resources desire to provide a forum for communication between HR staff and the HR Liaison. By holding quarterly meetings, we hope for continuous improvement in HR programs, services, and best practices for the UCF community. Ms. Walton announced that all meetings, agenda with handouts, and minutes will be posted on HR’s web-site.

Agenda item: / Purpose & Objective of HR Liaison Network Meeting / Presenter: / Beth Scheitzach

Ms. Scheitzach continued by explaining the purpose of the quarterly meetings. HR wants to continue to build and strengthen a sense of partnership between HR and HR Liaisons that are responsible for HR functions throughout UCF’s colleges/departments. Meeting goals:

•  find out about dates and deadlines for events (performance reviews, benefits open enrollment, payroll processing;

•  bring problems or concerns from departments to be discussed with HR staff;

•  share ideas, solutions or obstacles in their positions with other HR liaisons;

•  take back information to their own departments;

•  act as a point person within a department for HR to contact with questions or to relay information;

•  occasionally attend round table sessions to help generate ideas, address concerns, and work with other liaisons.

Future meetings:

•  January 17, 2012, 9:00 – 11 a.m., Garden Key Room 221

•  April 10, 2012, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., Garden Key Room 221

•  July 10, 2012, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. in the HR Training Room

•  October 30, 2012, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., Garden Key Room 221


Throughout this process, HR would like to hear from you, the HR Liaisons, about what YOU would like from these meetings.

Agenda item: / Bridge the Gap / Presenter: / Beth Scheitzach

Imagine a bridge as “the process of building and maintaining relationships and communications between two parties”.

By using the UCF creed, an example was given from HR Liaisons that have worked in HR and several UCF colleges/departments:

Integrity Make your written and verbal communications direct and honest.

Scholarship Cite your reference when answering questions (e.g., HR website, Employee Handbook, UCF policy, General Counsel Ethics Listing, etc.)

Community Sincerely say “Thank You” whenever possible.

Creativity Share your ideas through available networks, such as the HR Liaison Network.

Excellences Put it in writing and keep updating procedures and policies regularly. Set a date to do this on your calendar.


We look forward to hearing from you what is working for you and if you have tips and strategies you would like to share.


·  Always call HR when questions.

·  Create a network, support network.

·  Print emails from HR announcing changes in policies, procedures and forms. I file them for future reference in chronological order.

·  Call HR for anything I cannot find answer to on the website.

·  Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Email/call when not sure about policies; better than making a mistake or giving incorrect information.

·  Use the F+A DAL system to track accounts in the HRIS area for ePAF process.

·  Have a contact person in the different HR sections that I can contact directly is very helpful.

·  How can we work more effective? Departmentally (by college), we all do different things. Maybe it would be helpful to other colleges to have a "go to" place to see how other colleges are doing things. 2) Sometimes idea generates new ideas.

·  Focus on employees' positive contributions. Too often, we comment on things that need to change + improve. Letting an employee know what they're doing right goes a long way.

Agenda item: / Leaves of Absence from UCF / Presenter: / Deborah Evans

·  Senate Bill 2132 which established the Return-To-Work Program effective July 1, 2011

·  New Military Leave Procedures

·  Updated Leave Request forms and checklists

·  FMLA Deadlines


Please contact LOA/WC Section to find out about future FMLA Seminars that are available in HR or schedule to hold in colleges/departments. The next Parental Leave Workshop for expectant Moms and Dad is scheduled for Dec. 8, 2011

Agenda item: / SSA – 1945 / Presenter: / Abbee Camen

Ms. Camen, HR Records Manager, gave a brief overview of the new Social Security Administration Form SSA-1945 titled “Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security” administered by the Social Security Administration. This form has been added to the required hire/rehire sign-in documents ONLY for OPS Non-Student, Adjuncts, and Post-Doctoral Associates, who are all mandatory participants in the FICA Alternative Plan. All departments/colleges should begin to use this form as soon as possible, but Records will accept the hire/re-hire packages without the SSA-1945 through 12/31/11. Any questions should be directed to the .

Agenda item: / Questions submitted by HR Liaisons / Presenter: / A Camen & D Amaro

Abbee Camen answered the following questions.

Q: Can HR establish clear guidelines regarding signature authority related to each HR form?

A: It would not be feasible for HR to establish signature authority, since each college/department has its own business practices. The colleges/department designates who has the authority to sign forms in their area.

Q: How often are department staffs driving (or taking the shuttle) to HR to “correct” payroll sign-in? Can this review be done on campus?

A: We ask that you take five minutes to review the paperwork prior to submitting it to HR, to check that employee has signed and dated, checks boxes that apply. It was asked at the meeting if it would be helpful for HR-Records to go on campus one day a pay period for three hours to review the paperwork in a central location, but there wasn’t a response from the crowd that would be a service that would benefit them.

Q: What is the correct termination effective for 9-month faculty members who are going from a visiting line to a regular line, so they do not have a break in service?

A: In this specific example, visiting line professor works through Spring Semester, is coming back in Fall Semester in a regular line, the termination effective date can coincide with the day after the end of a Summer C Contract.

Mr. Amaro answered the following Recruitment question.

Q: Could we discuss the employment process and why it sometimes takes longer in some cases, but not in others?

A: No simple answer to this question. Much depends on how complete and accurate the hiring package when submitted to Recruitment. Power point slide with “Top 7 errors on Hiring Packets” and using the A&P and USPS Hiring Checklists the process will help recruitment finish the process faster.

Mr. Amaro also shared that the PeopleAdmin upgrade has experienced several delays but at this time it is scheduled for the first of December. Recruitment will be scheduling training.

Agenda item: / E.A.P. and Open Enrollment Moved / Presenter: / Nancy Gayton

Next, Ms. Gayton, Benefits Manager, discussed the annual Open Enrollment from Monday, November 7th – November 18, 2011. Encouraging employees to check password TODAY with PeopleFirst and to remind staff in your areas that employees must make enrollment changes with PeopleFirst. Ms. Gayton presented the power point slide on “What’s New for 2012 Open Enrollment," “HMO Changes and “Medco Prescription Provider” all are very important this enrollment period.

With the tight enrollment period and December having three pay periods, benefit deductions will NOT be taken on the first pay check in December (normally the third pay check). Please make your staff aware that they will see deductions on the second and third pay checks in December.

Ms. Gayton continued by discussing UCF’s Employee Assistance Program and the benefits available to the UCF community. Information can be found at User ID, and password is UCF.

Agenda item: / Current HR Topics / Presenter: / ER & Payroll Managers
Discussion: / Michelle Brooks & Isha Guerrero-Londeree

Ms. Brooks, Assistant Director of Employee Relations, reminded that Performance Appraisals are due by February 15, 2012 and encourage all supervisors and department heads to join in training during the upcoming scheduled courses listed.

Ms. Guerrero-Londeree, Payroll Manager, reminded the group about the benefits of signing up for electronic W-2s. Consent by clicking on Employee Self-Service features. The deadline to consent for tax year 2011 is January 8, 2012.

Agenda item: / Question & Answer / Wrap Up / Presenter: / Beth Scheitzach

The meeting concluded with Ms. Scheitzach leading a question and answer period. Some of the questions submitted at the meeting and on the index cards will be shared in the “Q&A” email blasts.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

**The next meeting is scheduled for January 17, 2012, 9:00 – 11 a.m., Garden Key Room 221**

Register today in Employee Self-Service Course PER098 Session 0002.