Qatar University Academic Promotion
Verification Checklist for the College of Health Sciences (CHS)
Candidate Name: ………………………………….. Rank Applying for: Associate Professor
All information existing in the application should be documented including:
-Applicant M.Sc. and PhD theses (soft) including the names of the advisors
-An official letter indicating the appointment dates in the attained ranks prior to joining QU
-Soft copy of each paper, with an evidence of meeting QU and college criteria including peer reviewing process that should be attached.
-Contribution forms
I confirm that the content of the Checklistis correct.
The candidate:
The Department Head:
The Dean of College:
Signature ………………….………………….. Date:………………………………………..………
No. / Item / Please tick (√)Yes / No
1 / Has the candidate spent at least one year at QU?
2 / Has the candidate been in academic rank for at least five years?
3 / At least two of the publications must show Qatar University as the primary affiliation for the author
4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Original research article (ORA) with IF of at least 1
Book/ Book chapter/
review article / Patent (B, BC, P)
Published / Accepted (P/A)
Sole / Senior Author
(First author or first faculty following student (or research assistants, post-docs ) or the last written name in the list of authors.)
The paper is submitted for publication while the applicant is working at Qatar University and identifies that the applicant is affiliated with Qatar University!
5 / In case of co-authored publication, has the applicant submitted the “Contribution in Collaborative Research Form” (signed by the applicant and all the co-authors
6 / Is the paper extracted from the Master or Ph.D. thesis
7 / Did the applicant submit a minimum of 4Peer-Reviewed publications?
8 / At least 2 out of the 4 papers have been published?
9 / Is the applicant sole or senior author of at least two papers?
10 / Did the applicant submit a maximum ofone refereed review article, refereed book, or book chapter, that is not counted in lieu of a senior author papers
11 / In the papers where the applicant is senior, did the latter submit the “Contribution in Collaborative Research Form” ( signed by the applicant and all the co-authors indicating that the weight of the senior author work is the highest amongst all authors?
12 / Is there a Publication in journals that charge acceptance fees prior to peer-review decision or a publication in Conference proceedings and presentations?
13 / *Based on the QU/College promotion guidelines, does the Candidate Satisfy the Minimum Required Publications?
14 / Comments
Head of Department:
EXTERNAL REVIEWERS: (To be completed by the Department and College Promotion Committees)
15 / A list of 12 external reviewers at the rank of “Professor” has been provided.
16 / Short bio for each external reviewer is included (including Contact information).
17 / Reviewers distribution satisfies the diversity in geographical locations.
The minimum requirement to apply for promotion to Associate Professor:
- The applicant must be a regular faculty member, and must have spent at least one year at Qatar University, and must have spent no fewer than five years in the rank of Assistant Professor.
- The applicant must submit a minimum of four refereed publications that are not extracted from his/her Masters or Ph.D. thesis, to be considered for promotion and external peer review evaluation;
- At least two of the publications must show Qatar University as the primary affiliation for the author (applicant for promotion)
- The applicant must ensure that the following conditions are met:
- Publications include only reputable peer-reviewed journal articles, peer reviewed scholarly books or/and book chapters, or/and other creative work (the latter if applicable); i
- At least two out of the four submitted publications have been published;
- The applicant must be the sole or the senior author of at least two of the submitted publications for promotion.
- The senior author is generally defined as the person who leads a study and makes a major contribution to the work. The Senior Author takes overall responsibility for its content. CHS defines senior author to mean:
First author or
First faculty following student (or research assistants, post-docs).
The last written name in the list of authors.
- Applicant may submit a maximum of one refereed review article or book, or book chapter, as long asthisis not counted in lieu of a senior author paper.
- In all cases of multiple authors, the applicant must submit the “Contribution in Collaborative Research Form” ( signed by the applicant and all the co-authors indicating that the weight of the senior author work is the highest amongst all authors.
- The applicant should ensure that the submitted publications meet quality standards
- Quality of submitted articles is assessed based on the ranking of the publication medium/journal and impact factor;
- All papers submitted for publication should have been published journals with impact factor of at least 1.0.
- The applicant should provide as much evidence as possible on the quality of the journals.
September 2016 / Verification Checklist for the College of Health Sciences / Page 1 of 4