GR 6 / Al BASMA ASSESSMENT WEEK 8 to 12 March 2014
8 March / ENGLISH
Grammar / Ms Lynsie
Ms Hayley / The assessment will be given in the style of the SATS exam in three separate papers: reading, writing and SPAG (spelling and grammar).
Reading for information and inference skills. Students will be given a booklet with 3 separate texts inside and comprehension questions on these texts.
Spelling and Grammar
Students will be tested on their knowledge of:
  • Tenses
  • Pronouns
  • Verbs, adverbs, nouns, adjectives
  • Commands and questions
  • Punctuation
  • Prefixes/suffixes
  • Connectives
  • Contractions
  • Main clauses and subordinate clauses
  • Synonyms/antonyms
Spelling will be unseen as this is the format for the SATS exam. Students do have a list of words that they are working their way through each week that they can use to study from.
The children can use their exercise books and any homework given to revise.
Recommended websites to help them with their revision:

9 March / ENGLISH
Writing / Ms Lynsie
Ms Hayley / The assessment will be given in the style of the SATS exam in three separate papers: reading, writing and SPAG (spelling and grammar).
  • Accurately using a variety of: connectives, punctuation, and ambitious vocabulary and sentence openers.
  • Organising work into paragraphs with an appropriate structure and neatly presented.
  • Using correct grammar and a variety of sentence types: 2a/3a sentences, noun, which/who/where sentences.
  • Using a range of stylistic features for effect e.g. rhetorical questions, repetition, passive voice, metaphors, similes, alliteration, adjectives and adverbs.
Recommended websites to help them with their revision:

10 March / SCIENCE / Mr Saju /
  • The human circulatory system
  • The detailed structure of the human heart.
  • The process of double circulation
  • Determination of pulse rate
Refer the science note book, worksheets and other printed materials given.
11 March
12 March / MATHS
Paper 1:
Mental Maths
Paper 2:
solving / Ms Annelie
Mr Saju /
  • Mental Maths
  • Multiplication and division
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000
  • Problem solving
  • Reading and interpreting bar charts, pie charts, pictograms and line graphs.
  • Median
  • Mode,
  • Range, Mean
  • Fractions of numbers
  • Fractions of shapes
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Mixed number and improper fractions - converting between the two
  • Adding and subtracting decimals
  • Ordering decimals up to three decimal places
  • Identifying different types of angles
  • Finding missing angles
  • Estimating angles
  • Measuring angles
  • Drawing angles.
  • 2D and 3D shape names
  • Finding percentages of numbers.
  • Writing percentages as fractions and decimals and vice versa
Recommended websites:
(click on theme you want to practice) (for quick online lessons)

Please note that all the timetables and the assessment letters will be uploaded on our website: