Leading our Children to Success

Procurement Services

29529 CR 561 Tavares FL 32778

(352) 253-6760 Fax: (352) 742-8516

Superintendent: School Board Members:

Susan Moxley, Ed.D. District 1

Bill Mathias

District 2

Rosanne Brandeburg

District 3

Tod Howard

District 4

Debbie Stivender

District 5

Kyleen Fischer

November 28, 2012


RFP #3659DB Bus Routing Software System

Addendum #1 for RFP #3659DB Bus Routing Software System has been issued to make changes to the RFP schedule as shown below and provide revised GoToMeeting® links for the pre-proposal. The rescheduled dates are in red italic font and underlined. This addendum is currently posted on our website as a Microsoft Word and a PDF format document. To download the document, go to, click on Bid Opportunities under the Most Popular Links section. Once on the Bid Opportunities page scroll down the table to the RFP title and click for a list of all the current information and documents published for this RFP. Please contact Diane Bennett at or 352-253-6751 if you have difficulties downloading or need further assistance.

11/27/12 12/11/12 / Non - Mandatory Pre-Proposal @ 1:30 PM
11/29/12 12/13/12 / Deadline for Questions: 4:00 PM
12/04/12 12/19/12 / Last date for Addendums.
12/12/12 01/07/13 / Public Bid Opening: Proposals due @ 2: 00 PM
12/19/12 01/15/13 / Evaluate proposals and make selection.
02/05/13 02/19/13 / Presentations, if needed.
TBD / Negotiations
02/26/13 03/20/13 / Posting of Committee Recommendation
03/11/13 04/08/13 / Board Action on Recommendation

The revised links to join the pre-proposal meeting via GoToMeeting® are: Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone:

Dial +1 (619) 550-0001 Access Code: 278-218-478

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 278-218-478

Please note that the opening date has been changed. All proposals are due in the Purchasing Department, 29529 County Road 561, Tavares, Florida 32778 by no later than 2:00 PM, local time, on Monday, January 7, 2013.

Acknowledgement of Addendum by Vendor:

This addendum shall be completed by Vendor and returned with the proposal package. If a proposal package has already been submitted, this addendum must be submitted to the above address in a sealed envelope, which is marked on the outside: Addendum to RFP #3659DB Bus Routing Software System.

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This is to acknowledge receipt of this addendum, which will become a part of the proposal document.This addendum must be signed and returned in order for your proposal to be considered.

Company Name

Name (Typed or Printed) Title

Signature Date

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