( January 2016)

Monica Spiridon

Professor, Faculty of Letters,University of Bucharest

Specializing in:Critical and Cultural Theory, Semiotics, Comparative Literature, Cultural studies

Personal web page: byu.edu/icla/officers/bio/spiridon.html

I. Scholarships:

1981.British Council, visiting scholarship, University of Cambridge, U.K.

1984.International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX),research scholarship, IndianaUniversity, Bloomington and University of California, Berkeley.

1991.Research associate (attachée de recherche haut niveau),L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHES), Paris, Le Laboratoire pour l’ étude des langages artistiques.

1992.Soros Foundation for an Open Society, research ScholarshipCollège International de Philosophie and EHES Paris

1994.Fulbright Senior Research Associate, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, Department of Philosophy, (Philosophy of Mind and Language: Professor John R. Searle)

1996. Research Associate, Northrop FryeCentre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto

1998. Research Scholarship, New EuropeCollege,Bucharest (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences)

1999.Research Scholarship,The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, (NIAS), Wassenaar, theNetherlands

1999.Research Scholarship, the Rockefeller Foundation: The Bellagio Study and ConferenceCentre,Italy

2002-2003 NEC-LINK Fellowship ( New EuropeCollege and CentralEuropeanUniversity)

2004.Visiting Fellowship, St. John’sCollege, Oxford, U.K.

II. International Research experience:

1.Partner in the Project: The Comparative History of East-Central European Literatures: Junctures and Disjuncturesin the XIX-th and XX-th Centuries, ICLA, andUniv. of Toronto

2.Member of the Advisory Board of the international project: NationalLearning: Scholars and Cultural Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century, (2000- 2010), The Huizinga Institute (Dutch National Research Institute for Cultural History).

3.Member of the Steering Committee of the European Research Project ACUME (Approaching Cultural Memory).Coordinator of Subproject3: Spaces andMemory

4.Member of the Steering Committee of the project Nationality Buildingand the Break up of theEmpire(Balkan Literatures in the Era of Nationalism), Bilgi University, Istanbul and The South-East European Academic League (SEAL)

5.Partner in the European Research ProjectACUME 2 (Interfacing Science, Literature and the Humanities) Subproject 2: Cultural Representations of Science in the Medias.

5.Partner in the European Research Project SENT (The Network of European Studies), Working Group 6: The Development of European Studies in Social and Cultural Studies

6.Partner in the European Transversal Research Project HUMART:Sectorial Qualification Framework for the Humanities and the Arts, European Qualification Framework (EQF)

7.Consultant of the European Research Project EUSCAPES. Reconfiguring European Landscapes:The CulturalNegotiation of Borders and Belonging

III. Professional experience

1.Member, editorial board of Multicomparative Theory, Definitions, Realities, Council on National Literatures

2.Member, editorial boardofForum for World Literary Studies, Shanghai, Wuhan, China/ Purdue:West Lafayette, SUA World Report,New York, USA

3.Member, editorial board ofWorld Literature Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

4. Member editorial board Exégèse: Journal of Contemporary Studies in Applied Critical Theory, Éditions Degré Second, US,Belgium, The Netherlands

5.Member, editorial board of Interlitteraria, Publication of the ICLA and the Estonian Comparative Literature Association, University of Tartu, Estonia

6. Member, editorial board of Spektar, The Macedonian Academy of Sciences, Skopjie, Macedonia

7.Member, editorial board of Synthesis,RomanianAcademy, Bucharest, Romania

8.Member, editorial board of Euresis.Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires et culturelles, Romanian Cultural Institute, Bucharest

9.Member, editorial board of Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication, University of Bucharest, Romania

10.Member, editorial board of Phillologica Jassyensia, Romanian Academy and The Institute for Literary Studies Al. Philippide, Iassy, Romania

11.Member, editorial board of Analele Universitatii din Craiova, University of Craiova, Romania

12. Member editorial board Scrisul Romanesc (cultural journal)

IV. Scientific membership:

1.The International Comparative Literature Association, ICLA / AILC

- Vice-president 2010-

- Chair to the ICLA Research Committee on Eastern and South- Eastern Europe 2000- 2010

- Member of the Nominating Committee, 2000-2003.

- Member of the Executive Bureau (1997-2003)

2. The European Network for Comparative Literary Studies /Le Réseau Européen d’Etudes Littéraires Comparatives, ENCLS/REELC, founder, member of the Executive Bureau(2004-2006)

3. The International Society for Phenomenology and Literature

4. The Romanian Writers Union

5. The PEN CLUB, Romanian Chapter

6. The International Association of Business Communicators, IABC

V. Academic Affiliations

Fellow of NorthropFryeCenter,University of Toronto, Canada

Fellow of New EuropeCollege, Bucharest

Fellowof NIAS (The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities), Wassenaar

Fellow of St. John’s College, University of Oxford

Elected member of Academia Europea (The Academy of Europe)

VI. Peer Review Activity:

1.Chair to the Literature Experts Panel, the European Science Foundation (Program ERIH)

2. Member of the European Pool of Reviewers (cultural and media studies)

3.Evaluator for the European Research Council Executive Agency ( Research program Bringing Great Ideas to Life, Starting Grants, Panel SH5: Cultures and cultural production)

4. Evaluator forEURIAS (European Association of Institutes for Advanced Studies) Scholarship programs

5.Member of ARACIS (The Romanian National Board for Assessing Quality in Universities) The Humanities Panel, 2007-2008; The Institutional Panel, 2008 -)

6. Member of CNAT-DCU (The National Board for Titles and Awards), Panel of Philology, 2011-2012

VII.Scholarly publications:

1. Books:

18 individual monographs. Among the most recent :

1.Melancolia descendentei. O Fenomenologie a memoriei generice în literatura. (Melancholy ofSuccessorship. A Phenomenology of the Generic Memory in Literature), Bucuresti, Ed. Cartea Româneasca,1989; 2nd. edition Ed.Polirom, 2000

2.Principii de semiotica, (An Introduction to Semiotics), Bucuresti, Casa de Editura si Presa Viata Romaneasca, 2000

3.Eminescu. Proza jurnalistică(The Journalistic Prose Writing of Mihai Eminescu), Bucuresti, Ed. Curtea Veche, 2003

4.Cultural Frameworks: Real and Made-up Patterns,Bucharest, Ararat Publishing House, 2004.

5.Les dilemmes de l’identité aux confins d’Europe, Le cas roumain, Paris, La Maison d’édition “L’Harmattan” (coll. La philosophie en commun , dirigée par Jacques Poulain et Patrice Vermeren), 2004

6.”Cum poti sa fii roman?”Explorari pe teme identitar,( “How Can One Be a Romanian?”The Feud of Identities),Craiova, Scrisul Romanesc, 2006

7. Paradoxul despre actor ( The Paradox of the Actor), Craiova, Ed. Scrisul Romanesc, 2009

8. Europa Centrala de peste Ocean. Exil si constructie identitara,( The Transatlantic Central Europe: Exile and IdentityBuilding) Craiova, Ed. Scrisul Romanesc, 2011

9. Popular Culture. Modele, reperesi practici contemporane, Ed. Scrisul Romanesc, 2013

2. Edited books

1.Comunicarea şi schimbarea culturală,coordinated by Monica Spiridon, Bucureşti, Editura Ars Docendi, 2001.

2.(Multiple)Europe: Multiple Identity, Multiple Modernity / Europes (multiples): Identités multiples, modernités multiples,coordinated by Monica Spiridon,Bucharest, Ararat Publishing House, 2002.

3. Echilibrul intre antiteze. Studii oferite profesorului Paul Cornea cu ocazia celei de-a 90-a aniversari, Bucuresti, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2014 ( in colaborare cu Mircea Anghelescu, Laura Mesina, Carmen Musat)

3.Chapters in books

45 chapters in international collective anthologies. Among the most recent :

1.”The Romantic Pamphlet: Thematic and Stylistic Impurity of a Double-Edged Genre”, in Steven P. Sondrup, V. Nemoianu eds., Expanding Borders: Studies inRomantic Non-Fictional Prose,Amsterdam, John Benjamin Publisher, 2003, pp. 335-349

2.”Models of Literary and Cultural Identity on the Margins of (post)modernity: The Case of pre-1989 Romania”, in Marcel-Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer eds, History of The Literary Cultures of East Central Europe. Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and the2oth Centuries, Amsterdam, John Benjamin Publisher,vol.I, 2004, pp. 65-71.

3.”Literature is Dead: Long Live Literature!. A Challenge to Literary Theory,” in Dorothy Figueira ed, Cybernetic Ghosts: Literature in the Age of Theory, Albany, ICLA and Brigham Young University, Provo, 2004, pp.78-88

3.”On the Border of Mighty Empires: Bucharest the City of MergingParadigms”in Marcel Cornis-Pope , JohnNeubauereds, History of The Literary Cultures of East Central Europe. Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and the 20th Centuries, Amsterdam, John Benjamin Publisher, vol.II, 2006, pp.93-115

4. ”Exile, Nostalgia and Recollection: How Many Parises Have TheRomanians Had?” in Marcel Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer eds.,History of The Literary Cultures of East Central Europe. Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th andthe 2oth Centuries,Amsterdam, John Benjamin Publisher, vol.II, 2006, pp. 428-443

5. “The City of Texts”,Introduction to the Section Literature and Cityscapes and “Memories of a Postmetropolis”, in Maurizio Ascari and Adriana Corrado eds.,Sites of Exchange. EuropeanCrossroads and Faultlines,Amsterdam and New York, Rodopi, 2006,pp.169-177; 197-207

6.“Torn Halves:Romantic Narrative Fiction between Homophony and Polyphony”, in Gerald Gillespie,Manfred Engel, Bernard Dieterle eds.,Romantic Prose Fiction,Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008, pp. 435-452

7.”Borders: A View from the European Far East” inLucian Boia, Anca Oroveanu eds.,The Borders of Europe. An InternationalSymposium,NewEuropeCollege, Bucuresti, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2008, pp.81-97

8.“Bakhtin after Bakhtin: The Fate of a Pioneering Theory of Language”, in Martin Prochazka, Marketa Mala, PavlinaSadova eds.,The Prague School and Theories of Structure, Gottingen, V&R Unipress, 2009,pp.353-363

9.”Literature and the Symbolic Engineering of the European Self”,in Theo D'Haen, Iannis Goerlandt eds.,Literature for Europe?Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2009, IV, 437 pRodopi,Amsterdam ,New York, NY, 2009,pp.417-429

10.” “We Ought to Know Who We Are”.Post-ottoman identitites: the Feud of (Hi)Story Telling”, in Murat Belge, Jale Parla eds., Nationality Building and the Break Up of the Enpire: the Balkan Literaturesin the era of Nationalism,Istanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2009,pp. 271-282

11.”Facing the Canonical Challenge”, in Murat Belge, Jale Parla eds.,NationalityBuilding and the Break Up of the Empire: the Balkan Literaturesin the era of Nationalism,Istanbul, Bilgi University Press, 2009,pp. 261-269

12.«La culture alternative: une chance de survie pour la littérature des années communistes», in Identité et révolte, dans l’art, la littérature, le droit et l’histoire enEurope Centrale et orientale entre 1947 et 1989, Textes réunis par Roumiana Stantcheva et Alain Vuillemin, Sofia, Editions de L’institut d’Etudes Balkaniques,Paris, Editions Rafael de Surtis, 2009,pp. 189-199

13.”Europes: Real and Made-Up Patterns”, in Libusa Vajdova, Robert Gafrik eds.,New Imagined Communities. Identity Making in Eastern and South- Eastern Europe, Bratislava: Kalligram, 2010, pp.17-27

14. «(Le) Bucarest de Mircea Eliade», in Dictionnaire des lieux et pays mythiques, sous la direction de Olivier Battistini, Jean-Dominique Poli, Pierre Ronzeaud, Jean Jacques Vinvensini, Paris: Robert Laffont, 2011, pp. 81-85

15.«Bucharest-on-The-Seine» in The Other Francophonie: French Writers of Romanian Origin Ann Quiney ed., Amsterdam,Rodopi,2011, pp. 3-17

16. «Errances réelles, errances revées, errances mythiques», in Migrazione e Patologie Dell’Humanitas nella Letterature Europea Contemporanea, a Cura di Alexandra Vranceanu/ Angelo Pagliardini, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2012, pp.39-51

17.«Mapping Europe. On Overview from the Eastern Peripheries», in Vita Fortunati, Francesco Cattani eds., Questioning the European Identityties. Deconstructing old Stereotypes and Envisioning New Models of Representation, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 61-73

18.The Day Europe Ended. Urban Apocalypses in the Hinge of Darkness, in Haun Saussy, Gerald Gillespie (eds), Intersections, Interferences, Interdisciplines. Literaturewith Other Arts, Bruxelles, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Peter Lang, 2014, pp.47-57

19.”Le comparatisme contemporain et les défis du village global», in Monica Spiridon, Mircea Anghelescu, Laura Mesina, Carmen Musat eds. Echilibrul intre antiteze. Studiioferite profesorului Paul Cornea cu ocazia celei de-a 90-a aniversari, Bucuresti, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2014, pp. 45-55

20.“The Well-Tempered Relativism , Or How to Compare the Incomparable “, in Jean Bessiere, G.Gillespie(eds.) Contextualizing World Literature, Bruxelles, Berlin, New York, Peter Lang, 2015, pp. 103-111

21.”Emanciparea lectorului in era “Neo-Iluminismului Tehnologic” in Al. Ofrim, Cristina Bogdan(eds.),Pentru o Istorie Culturala a Cartii si a Practicilor de Lectura, Bucuresti, Ed. Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2015, pp.267-277

4.Studies in scholarly publications:

150 studies in peer reviewed scholarly publications, listed in international databases. Among the most recent ones:

1. “Défense et illustration de la modernité romanesque», Synthesis, XXIX-XX, 2003, pp.137-147

2.”The Great Code and its Theoretical Legacy, Interlitteraria, 8, 2003,Tartu,TartuUniversity Press,pp. 31-44

3.«Confins réels, confins revés», Caietele Echinox,5, 2003, pp.80-87

4. «Il gioco della vita e del libro. Cospirazione romanzesca e intreccio, dal romanticismo al postmoderno”, (,. Quaderni di Synapsis, Firenze, Le Monnie, 2003, pp. 67-79

5. «Paris, terre d’asile», Neohelicon:Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers,vol XXXI, 1, 2004, pp.61-67.( ISI)

6.«Les confins: fatalité ou provocation ? Un aperçu de l’identité roumaine», Cultures d’EuropeCentrale,Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches Centre-Européennes (CIRCE), Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2004, pp.78-90

7.”Les Balkans c’est les Autres”, Literary Research/Recherche littéraire, London, Universityof Western Ontario Press, vol.39-40, 1, 2004, pp.219-227

8.”Life in a Work of Art: The Great Chain of Reading”, in Literary Research/ Recherche littéraire, London, University of Western Ontario Press, vol. 39-40, 1, 2004, pp.374-379

9.”Les Balkans dans le mirroir de l’Europe», Neohelicon. Acta Comparationis LitterarumUniversarum,Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic Publisheres vol. XXXI, 2, 2004, pp.19-27( ISI)

10.«Le rideau de papier», Caietele Echinox, 7, 2004, pp.11-23

11.“The Fortune of a Stereotype. The Happy Good Savage and the Pitiful Westerner”, Neohelicon. Acta Comparationis Literarum Universarum, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, XXXI, 1, 2005, pp.95-104( ISI)

12.«Entre le Paradis perdu et la Terre promise.Errances réelles, errancesrêvées, errances mythiques», Les Nouveaux Cahiers Franco-Polonais, Le Centre de Recherche en littérature Comparée de L’université de Paris, Sorbonne IV, 4, 2005, pp.148-160.

13. «Kronika Napovedane Smrti:Postmodernizem», Primerjalna Knjizevost, Ljublijana, 1, 2005, pp.1-15

14. “In the Wake of Walter Benjamin”, Interlitteraria,10, 2006, Tartu University Press, pp.150-160

15. “History and Destiny: Faces of Memory and Oblivion”, Dedalus, Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, 10, 2005, pp.361-369

16. «Les identités frontalières: Les «parentes pauvres» ou les «riches héritières» de la tribu?»,Philologica Jassyensia, An II, 1, 2006, pp. 171-181

17.”Identity Discourses on Borders in Eastern Europe”,Comparative Literature,University of Oregon, Eugene, Vol.58, .4, 2006, pp.376-387 ( ISI)

18.”The Fate of a Stereotype: Little Paris”, PMLA, Vol. 122, 1, 2007,pp. 170-175( ISI)

19.«Literatura je mrtva, dolgo naj zivi literatura: izziv literarnim teorijam», Primerjalna Knjizevost, Ljublijana, 30, 1, 2007, pp.1-11

20.«Le temps retrouvé: Littérature comparée et écriture de la mémoire collective», Neohelicon:Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, Springer, Dordrecht, XXXIV, 2, 2007,pp. 191-199 ( ISI)

22.”Paradise Lost: Story and History in IdentityBuilding, Interlitteraria, 12, 2007, Kjrjastus,Tarty Ulkooli, pp. 52-63

23.”Nova zaveznistva v digitalni dobi: knjiga, znanost in bajt”,Primerjalna Knjizevost, 31, 2008, pp.55-65

24.” Baktine our Contemporary”, Neohelicon. Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum,Dordrecht,Springer,XXXV, 2, 2008, pp.297-307 ( ISI)

25.“Europeismo: anatomia di un’ossesione», Quaderni di Romania Orientale, 2, Sapienza, Universita di Roma: Bagatto Libri, 2008, pp.131-143.

26.”Literary studies at the crossroads: the strategies of “co-optation”,Interlitteraria, Kjrjastus,Tarty Ulkooli, 14, 2009, vol.I, pp.40-50

27. “After Babel: Identities in Search of a Name”, World Literature Studies, I,18, 2009, New Theoretical Vistas in Comparative Literature,pp. 43-49( A&H, Thompson ISI)

28.« Symptômes d’un syndrome narratif: la tournure exégétique du genre romanesque», Caietele Echinox, sous la direction d’ Alain Montandon, «Fortunes et infortunes desgenres litteraires,16, 2009, pp.186-194

29.«Geographies transculturelles postmodernes», Philogica Jassyensia, V, 1, 2009, pp. 163-173

30. “The (meta)narrative paratext: Coda as a cunning fictional device”, Neohelicon, XXXVII, 3, 2010, pp. 53-62( ISI)

31. “Cultural Identity. The Critique of the Cartographic Reason, Revista de Jurnalism si Comunicare , V, 2010, 2,pp. 55-69

32.” Encounters with the Other: The Feud of Identitites”, Philogica Jassyensia, 2, 2010, pp. 245-255

33. «Literárna veda na rázcestí: stratégie „kooptácie“», World LiteratureStudies, 2 , 2010,pp.3-10( A&H, Thompson ISI)

34.“In the Looking Glass of Travel Writing: Europe and Its Others”, Foreign Literature Studies, vol. 33,4, 2011, pp 42-50

35.«Grandeur et décadence des paradigmes littéraires»,Interliteraria , vol.16, nr. 1, 2011, pp. 9-20

36.“Romanian Cultural Identity: Remembered, Recorded, Invented , Forum for World Literature Studies, Shanhai,Wuhan and West Lafayette, vol.3. 3, 2011,pp. 363-371.( ISI)

37.”Postmodernism explained to students”, Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication , VII (XI), nr. (38), 2012, Serie noua, ISSN 1842-256 X,pp. 69-76 ( EBSCO, ProQuest)

38. “Hra “zitia” a “pisania” : romanova konspiracia a zapletka od romantismu po postmodernizmus” , World Literature Studies ( ISSN 1337 9725( Bratislava, Institute of World Literature, SAS) , vol. 4,( 21) 2012, pp.67-81. ( ISI Thompson: A&HCI.; ERIH)

39.“Hétérotopies urbaines: l’espace bucarestois de l’entre les deux guerres», Philologica Jassyensia, VIII, nr.1(15), 2012, pp. 61-65 (CEEOL, EBSCO, FABULA, MLA International Bibligraphy)

40.”Holy sinners: narrative betrayal and thematic machination in Thomas Mann’s and Thomas Pynchon’s novels”, Neohelicon,1-2,2013, pp. (ISI)

41.“Seditious modernism(s) in stout dictatorships .Two cunning fictional strategies”, World Literature Studies, Bratislava, Institute of World Literature, 5( 22) ,2013, pp.3-11( ISI Thompson,A&HCI)

42.”The Wasteland Quest”:Cityscapes of Memory in Postmodern Fiction,”Philologica Jassyensia, An IX, Nr. 1 (17), 2013, p. 201–207, (CEEOL, EBSCO, FABULA, MLA International Bibligraphy)

43. “Fractured narratives in novel and film”, Interlitteraria, 18/2. 2013, pp.374-381, ( ERIH)

44..” Repairing the Paradigm: The Fate of the Narrative in a „Network Culture” “, in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare, IX( XIII), nr.3(45), 2014, pp. 32-38

45.”Remediality.Cultural Discourse in the Era of Technological Enlightenment”, Philologica Jassyensia, nr.1(21), 2015, pp. 259-266-( ISI web of Science)

46.” The Glass Bead Game. Matei Calinescu and the Secret Life of Concepts” in World Literature Studies, Bratislava, Institute of World Literature, vol. 7, nr. 2(23), 2015, pp. 15-23- cotat ISI, A&C

47.«La littérature comparée contemporaine: un paradigme alternatif» in Interlitteraria, 20/2, 2015, Taming World Literature, pp.55-63, ( ERIH)

48.“Eliade in the Looking Glass», in The Roupkatha Journal, vol. VII, nr. 2,2015,Desire and Deceit. India in the European Gaze, pp. 169-176

5. Author of more than 450 articles and book reviews in Romanian literary and cultural journals

VIII. Invited international conferences

Victoria University at the University of Toronto (Canada); Romanistiches Seminar, Heidelberg, (Germany);UFR d’italien et de français, Sorbonne II, Paris (France);Centre interdisciplinaire de Recherches Centre-EuropéennesSorbonne IV,Paris (France);Center for Slavic and East European Studies, University of California, Berkeley ( SUA); European School of Comparative Studies, “Synapsis”, Bertinoro (Italy); Department of Comparative Literature, Bilgi University, Istanbul, (Turkey); Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne, Universita degli Studi di Bologna,(Italy), Instituto Universitario Suor Orsula Benincansa, Napoli ( Italy); The Institute of Literary Studies, The Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (Slovakia).


National Award “ The Cultural Merit,in rank of High Officer(Ordinul Meritul Cultural “Serviciul Credincios”, in rang deofiter)awarded by thePresident of Romania , December 2000