The Verb
The grammatical categories that are distinguished in Pārsīg verb morphology are person (first, second, and third), number (singular and plural), tense and mood.
Verbal Stem Formation
§ The Pārsīg verbal system is based upon two stems: the present stem and the past stems (in the following indicated by present: past). A primary past stem ends in -t (°f-t, °x-t, °š-t, °s-t) or -d (°V-d, °n-d, °r-d). A secondary past stem is formed by adding -īd (Parth. -ād), or -ist to the present stem. When the present stem of a verb is transitive or causative, the past stem is with active sense; when the present stem is intransitive or passive, the past stem is with passive sense.
i. present stem: primary past stem
bar-: burd ‘to bear, carry’ < *bar (Av. bara- pres., bərəta- ppp. OPers. bara- pres., °bRta- ppp.).
b-/ bav-: būd ‘to be, become’ < *bū (Av. bava- pres., būta- ppp., OPers. bava- pres.).
gōb-/ gōv-: guft ‘to say’ < *gub (OPers. gauba- pres., Sogd. γōβ-: γuβt-).
ii. present stem: secondary past stem
dōš-: dōšīd, dōšist ‘to love’ *zuš (Av. °zuš, zušta- ppp.; OPers. *duš, dauštar- ‘friend’, Parth. zōš ‘love’).
kām-: kāmist ‘to wish, desire’ *kām (OPers. kāma- pres.).
iii. present stem: primary and secondary past stem
bēš-: bišt, bēšīd/ bēšist ‘to hurt’ < *diš (Av. Tbiš/ G daibiš, Tbiš(ya)-/ G daibiš(ya)- pres., Tbišta-/ δbišta- ppp.).
iv. Suppletive stems
vēn-: dīd ‘to see’ (Av. vaēna- pres., OPers. vaina- pres., Av. dī, °dīta- ppp., OPers. dī).
āy-: mad/ āmad ‘to come’ (Av. ā-i, aē-/ i- pres., °ita ppp., OPers. ā-i-/ ai-; Av. gam, gata-/ gmata- ppp., OPers. °gmata- ppp.), cf. Parth. ās-: gad/ āgad, Sogd. ēs-: āγət.
v. °r-: °št
dār-: dāšt ‘to hold’ *dar (Av. dāraya- caus. pres., °dərəta- ppp., OPers. dāraya- caus. pres., Parth. dār-: dird).
kār-: kišt ‘to sow, plant’ < *kar (Av. kāraya- caus. pres., Sogd. kēr-/ kəš-: kišt).
vider-: vidurd/ vidašt *i-tar, i-tara- pres. (Av. vī-tərvətō° ppp., OPers. vi-taraya- caus. > Pers. vidār-).
The Causative
§ There exists a number of old causative stems surviving in Pārsīg, having, however, lost their causative function; they are considered as simple transitive.
franam-: franaft ‘to go forth, proceed’ *fra-nam (Av. fra-nəma- pres., fra-nata- ppp.), franām-: franāft ‘to conduct’ (Av. fra-nāmaya- caus. pres.).
vidar-: vidurd ‘to pass, cross’ *i-tara- (Av. vī-tarəta° ppp.), vidār-: vidārd ‘to convey across, transport’ *i-tāraa- (OPers. vi-taraya- caus. pres.).
vinir-: vinird ‘to take up position, be established’ *i-dRa- pres., vinār-: vinārd ‘to establish’ *i-dāraa- caus. pres. (Av. vī.dāraya- caus. pres.).
ušmār-/ ešmār-: ~d ‘to count’ *hmar, *hmāraa- caus. pres. (Av. mar, mara- pres., māraya- caus. pres.).
nišīy-: nišast ‘to sit (down)’ *ni-had (Av. nišhiδa- pres., °šta-, °šasta-, Paz. nišīn-, Parth. nišīδ-), nišāy-: nišāst ‘to set down, place’ (Av. ni-šāδaya- caus. pres., OPers. ni-šādaya- caus. pres.).
visīn-: visist ‘to tear, split’ *i-sid- (Av. °sista- ppp., Pers. abesīh-: abesist), visān-: visānd ‘to decompose’ *i-sādaa- caus. pres.
nibay-: nibey-: nibast ‘to lie down’ *ni-pad (Av. nipaiδya- pres.), nibāy-: nibāst ‘to lay down’ (Skt. ni-pādaya- caus.).
§ A normal causative stem is formed by adding -ēn-: -ēnīd to the present stem.
burz-: burzīd trans. ‘to esteem, honour’ *barj, *bRjaa- pres. (Av. bərəjya- pres., bərəxδa- ppp.), burzēn-: ~īd caus. ‘to cause to hold in esteem’ *bRjaan- caus.
zīv-: zīst intrans. ‘to live’ *jī, *jīa- pres. (Av. jva- pres., Parth. žīv-), zīvēn-: ~īd caus. ‘to give life, resuscitate’ *jīaana- caus. (Av. jaa- caus. pres.).
§ In the case of a few causatives the original stem is only used with preverbs.
°rāy-: °rāst (peyrāy-, virāy-) *raz ‘to draw a line; direct’ (Av. rāzaya- pres., rāšta- ppp.), rāyēn-: ~īd caus. *rāzaana- ‘to organize’.
The Passive
§ A small number of old passive stems have been preserved in Pārsīg.
kir-/ kirīy-/ kirīh- ‘to be done’ *kar, *kRa- passive pres. (Av. kirya- pass. pres., OPers. °kəriya-, Paz. kunih-, Parth. krh-).
ešmīr- ‘to be counted’ *hmara- pass. (Skt. smarya- pass.).
abesīh-: abesist/ abesīhīd ‘to be destroyed’ *apa-sid, *apa-sida- pass. pres. (Skt. chidya- pass., Av. °sista- ppp.).
§ A normal passive stem is formed by adding -īy- or -īh-: -īyist/ -īhist to the present stem.
barīh-: ~ist pass. ‘to be carried’ *bar-a- pass. pres. (OPers. bariya- pass. pres., Av. bairya-).
The Denominative
§ There exist a number of denominatives which, in principle, are brought back to old denominative present stems.
fšōn-: ~īd ‘to breed/ tend cattle’ (Av. fšu- m. ‘cattle’, fšuya- denom. ‘to tend cattle’, fšaoni- f. ‘prairie, cattle’, fšaonaya- mid. denom. ‘to take cattle to pasture’).
parr-: ~ist, ~īd intrans. ‘to fly (in the air)’ < *parnaa- denom. pres. (Av. parəna- nt. ‘feather, wing’).
duz(d): ~īd trans. ‘to steal’ (Av. duždāh- adj. ‘having/ giving evil gifts’).
§ Denominative stems are usually formed by the addition of -ēn-: -ēnīd to nouns and adjectives, they have an active meaning.
bīm n. ‘fear’ *bīma-, bīmēn-: ~īd ‘to frighten’.
pērōz adj. ‘victorious’ *pari-ajah-, pērōzēn-: ~īd ‘to make (somebody) victorious’.
xvēš possessive pronoun, also used as an adjective ‘own’ *haipaθa-, xvēšēn-: ~īd ‘to appropriate, make one’s own’.
abāg preposition/ postp. ‘with’, adv. ‘together’, also used as an adjective ‘associated with, joined’ *upāka, abāgēn-: ~īd ‘to put together, join’.
zīndag verbal adjective (present participle) ‘living’ *jīant-a-ka-, zīnagēn-: ~īd ‘to bring to life’.
bōxt verbal adjective (past participle) ‘saved’ *bauxta-, bōxtēn-: ~īd ‘to cause to be saved’.
§ With the ending –īh-: -īhist (instead of -ēn-: -ēnīd) denominatives are with a passive meaning.
nām n. ‘name’ *nāman-, nāmīh-: ~ist ‘to be names; assume a name’.
xvēš-īh-: ~ist ‘to be possessed’.
The old inchoative
There exist a number of present stems which indeed stem from old inchoatives.
dān-: dānist ‘to know’, šnās-: šnāxt ‘to get to know’ (OPers. dān-ā- pres., xšnāsa- inch. pres.).
tāb-: tāft ‘to heat’, tafs-: taft/ tafsīd ‘to grow hot’ (Av. tap, tafsa- inch. pres., tāpaya- caus. pres.).
xvafs-: xvaft ‘to sleep’ (Av. xvap, °xvabda- pres., xvafsa- inch. pres., Parth. vxasp-).
A special passive form
A number of past stems in -xt- ( *-x-ta-) and -ft- ( *-p/f/m-ta-) and also in -xs- and -fs- ( *-p/f/x-sa- inch. pres.) have present stems in -xt- and -ft- with a passive meaning.
xvaft-ed *haftaati ‘he is slept’ = xvafsed.
hamuxt-/ hamuxs- ‘to be taught’ *ham-uc (or *ham-muc?), °uxta-/ °uxsa-.
bōxt-/ bōxs- ‘to be saved, be delivered’ *buj, *būja- pres. (Pres. būz-), *bauxta-/ *bauxsa-.
gumixt-/ gumixs- ‘to be mixed’ *i-miz, *i-mixta-/ *i-mixsa- = āmixs- (Parth. vimixs-).
hanzaft-/ hanzafs- ‘to be finished’ *han-jamta-/ *han-jamsa-; also fra-zaft/ frazafs- ‘to become perfect’.
vīft/ vīfs- ‘to be deceived’ *i-dapta-/ *i-dapsa- (Parth. viδəfs-).
draxt/ draxs- ‘to endure’ *draxta-/ *draxsa-.
The Person-number markers
The present endings determine the first, second and third persons in singular and plural. The inflectional forms go back to the verb in -a- or in -aa-. The past stem has no ending.
§ Indicative
s. pl.
1 -Vm/ often –am *-āmi/ *-aāmi -Vm/ often -em *-āmahi/ *-aāmahi
2 -eh/ -ē *-aahi -ed/ older -eh *-aa-θa
3 (-d/ -t)/ -ed *-ati/ *-aati -end < *aa-nti
§ Subjunctive
s. pl.
1 –ān/ older -āni *-ā-ni -ām *-āma
2 –ā/ -āy (Parth. -āh) *-āhi -ād *-āθa
3 –ād *-āti, *-āt -ānd *-ānti
§ Optative
s. pl.
1 -ēm *-aaam -ēm *-aaama
2 -ēš *-aaš -ēd *-aata
3 -ē/ -ēh/ older -ēd *-aat -ēnd *-aaant
§ Imperative
s. pl.
2 -ø *-a -ed *-a-ata
The Auxiliary Verbs
Three verbs are used as auxiliaries in the periphrastic tenses.
§ h-/ Parth. ah- ‘to be, exist’ (Av. ah, ah-/ h- pres., OPers. ah-).
1 s. ham/ hem/ hum (Av. ahmi/ G ahmī, OPers. ahmiy/ ahmiy, Parth. ahem, hem)
pl. hem/ hum (Av. hmahi/ G hmahī, OPers. ahmahi, Parth. hem, hemāδ)
2 s. hē (Av. ahi/ G ahī, Parth. ē)
pl. hed (Av. stā, Parth. hed)
3 s. ast/ est ‘is’ (Av. asti/ G astī, OPers. astiy), nēst ‘is not’
pl. hend (Av. həṇti/ G həṇtī, OPers. hantiy, Parth. ahend)
1 s. hān (Av. aŋhā, Parth. ahān, OPers. ahaniy)
pl. hām (Av. åŋhāma, Skt. ásāma, Parth. ahām)
2 s. hā/ hāy (Av. aŋhō, OPers. a-h-ay /āhi/ < *ahahi, Parth. ahāh)
pl. hād
3 s. hād (AV. aŋhaT, OPers. ahatiy, Parth. ahād)
pl. hānd (Av. aŋhən, Parth. ahānd)
1 s. hēm (Av. G ym)
pl. hēm (Av. yāma)
2 s. hēš (Av. yå, Parth. ahēndēh)
pl. hēd (Av. yātā)
3 s. hē (Av. hyāT/ G yT, Parth. ahēndē)
pl. hēnd (Av. hyārə, Parth. ahēndēh)
Two forms of the imperfect of h- are attested: the third singular form anād and the third plural form anānd (OPers. āhat 3rd s. imperf., āhan 3rd pl. imperf., Parth. ahāz, ahāδ 3rd s. imperf.).
§ b-/ bav- ‘to be, become’ (Av. bū, bava- pres., OPers. bava-, Parth. bav-), būd past stem (Av. būta- ppp., Parth. būδ).
1 s. bavam/ bavem (Av. °abaom/ OPers. abavam imperf., Parth. bavām)
pl. bavem
2 bavē/ bē/ baveh
pl. baved/ bed (Parth. bavēδ)
3 s. baved/ bed (Av. bavaiti, OPers. bavatiy, Parth. baveδ)
pl. bavend/ bend (Av. bavaiṇti, OPers. bavantiy, Parth. bavend)
1 s. bavān (Av. bavāni, Parth. bavān)
pl. bavām (Av. bavāma, Parth. bavām)
2 s. bavā/ bavāy (Av. bavāhi, Parth. bavāh)
pl. bavād/ bād
3 s. bavād/ bād (Av. bavāT, OPers. bavātiy)
pl. bavānd (Av. bavāṇti)
3 s. bēh (OPers. biyā, Parth. bavēndēh)
2 s. bāš *bāsd *bāušdi
pl. baved (Parth. baveδ)
§est/ ēst- ‘to be, stand’ *stā/ *adi-stā (Av. stā, hišta- pres., OPers. stā, išta-, ava-stā-ya- caus. pres., Parth. ešt-/ ēšt-).
1 s. estam/ estem (Parth. eštām)
pl. estem (Parth. eštām)
2 s. estē (Av. hištahe Mid., Parth. eštēh)
pl. ested
3 s. ested (Av. hištaiti, Parth. ešted)
pl. estend (Av. hištəṇti, Parth. eštend)
1 s. estān (Parth. ave-stān)
2 s. estā(y) (Parth. eštāh)
3 s. estād (Av. hištāT, °xštāT)
pl. estānd (Av. usə-hištąn)
2 s. estēš (Av. ava.hištōiš, Parth. eštēndēh)
3 s. estē (Parth. eštēndēh)
2 s. est (Av. °hišta, Parth. avest)
pl. ested (Av. °hištata, Parth. avested)
The conjugational patterns of the verb
The main conjugational patterns of the verb are illustrated below with forms of the verbs.
šav-: šud intrans. ‘to go’ (Av. śu, śao-, śava-/ śyava- pres., °śuta- ppp., OPers. śiyava- pres.); bar-: burd trans. ‘to carry, bear’ (Av. bar, bar-, bara- pres., bərəta- ppp., OPers. bara- pres.); kun-/ kar-: kird ‘to do, act’ (Av. kar, kərənao-/ kərənu- pres., kərəta- ppp., OPers. kunau-/ kun- pres., kRta- ppp., Parth. kar-); gōb-/ gōv-: guft ‘to say’ (OPers. gub, gauba- pres.); dān-: dānist ‘to know’ (Av. zan, °zān- pres., °zaṇta- ppp., OPers. dān- pres., Parth. zān-); dah-/ day-: dād ‘to give, put’ (Av. dā, dad-/ daδā- pres., dāta- ppp., OPers. dadā- pres.); āfrīn-: āfrīd ‘to bless’ (Av. frī, ā-frīn- pres., ā-frita- ppp.).
• From the present stems
present stem-present ending: present
Indicative: bar-am ‘I carry’, šavē ‘you go’, gōbed/ plder gōbd ‘he/ she says’, kunem ‘we do’, dāned ‘you know’, dahend ‘they give’.
Subjunctive: barān ‘let me carry’, gōbā, šavād, kunām, dānād, dahānd.
Optative: barēm ‘I should carry’, šavēš, gōbē, kunēm, dānēd, dahēnd.
Imperative: bar! ‘carry!’, dahed! ‘give!’
• From the past stems
In the past tense, intransitive and transitive verbs are construed differently.
§ Past stem h – present ending: preterit
intransitive: šud ham ‘I went’, šud hē, šud, šud hem, šud hed, šud (hend).
transitive: i. agential. It is of ergative type. The agent is in oblique case and the patient (sometimes omitted) in oblique case. The patient determines verbal concord: an nēk būd ham, u-t nēktar bē kird ham ‘I was beautiful, and you made me more beautiful’; tū murvān bē burd hē ‘the birds carried you off’; dēn (P) īgman (A) vizīd ‘the religion that I have chosen’.
ii. non-agential. It is of passive type. ped hangām ō frahangestān dād ham ‘in due time I was given to the school’; burd hed ‘you were carried’.
intransitive: šud hān ‘I may/ would have gone’.
transitive: dēvān rāz bē dānist hād ‘the Daēva would have known the secret’; nēkīh dād hād ‘goodness wouls have been given’.
intransitive: šud hē ‘(would that) he had gone’
transitive: bēzumān agar dānist hē ‘but if we had known’; kāc nēkīh dād hē ‘would that goodness had ben given’.
§ Past stem & present of b-/ bav-: periphrastic passive I
Indicative:guft baved ‘it is said’; ka hān mān kird baved ‘when that house will be built’.
Subjunctive: kird bavād ‘let it be done’.
Optative: āfrīd bēh yazd ‘blessed be God’.
§ Past stem & preterit of b-/ bav-: past anterior
intransitive: šud būd ham ‘I had gone’.
transitive: i. agential: ka-š hān guft būd ‘when he said that’.
ii. non-agential: nēkīh dād būd ‘goodness had been done’.
intransitive: šud būd hān.
transitive: u-š āfrīd būd hām.
intransitive: šud būd hē.
transitive: kāc ōy amāh burd būd hēm.
§ Past stem & anād/ anānd: past imperfect
u-š az nas īg dēvān ud az rīm ī druxšān kird anād ēn nasāh ‘and from the nasal mucus of the demons and from the dirt of the she-demons she had made this corpse’; u-šā, xvēš zahag ud hannām ō ōy dād anānd ‘and they had given their own progeny and limbs to it’.
§ Past stem & present of est-/ ēst-: perfect
intransitive: šud estam ‘I have gone’.
transitive: i. agential: dānāgān guft ēsted ‘the wise said (it)’.
ii. non-agential: guft ēsted ‘it has been said’.
§ Past stem & preterit of est-/ ēst-: pluperfect
intransitive: šud estād ham ‘I had gone’.
transitive: i. agential: ped harv ēvēnag peristišn ī ardavān būd hān kenīzag kird estād ‘any kind of service which was (necessary) to Ardavān, that maid had performed’.
ii. non-agential: kird estād ‘it had been done’
§ Past stem & past anterior of est-/ ēst-: perfect anterior
intransitive: šud estād būd ham ‘I had gone’.
transitive: i. agential: u-m guft estād būd ‘and I had said (it)’.
ii. non-agential: nēkīh dād estād būd ‘goodness had been given’.
§ Past stem& estād & present of b-/ bav-: periphrastic passive II
mardōm andar kāmag-zīvišnīh dāšt estād bavend ‘people shall have been stood in a happy life.’