CLASS / AUTUMN 1 / AUTUMN 2 / SPRING 1 / SPRING 2 / SUMMER 1 / SUMMER 2SUNS / MOONS / ASTEROIDS / Understanding the World – The World
‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’
We will explore learning across the curriculum through a range of traditional and modern nursery rhymes and songs. We will also be looking at maps and journeys, linking in with the whole school ‘Geography’ theme. / Understanding the World – People & Communities
This half terms whole school focus is linked to R.E.. In Reception we will be thinking about how special days are celebrated by the children and adults in our setting as well as from others in the world around us. Celebrations may include; Harvest, Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas. / Understanding the World – The World
‘Paint Me a Rainbow’
As well as learning about naming, matching and recognising colours we will also find out about colour mixing and experimenting with colour. This theme links in with our whole school learning focus on ‘Science’. / Understanding the World – People & Communities
‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
‘Bears’ will be the main inspiration for our learning this half term. Linking in with the whole school focus of ‘History’, we shall be comparing toys from the past and present, as well as sharing traditional tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. / Understanding the World – The World
‘Sink or Swim’
This area of learning will see us investigating the importance of water, pretending to be pirates and looking at living things. Our related whole school area of leaning is Science. / Expressive Arts & Design – Exploring and using media and materials & Being Imaginative.
‘All in a Days Work’ We will be learning about different jobs and finding out about professions first hand from visitors such as a paramedic, vet, school staff, police and fire officers. We shall also be looking at buildings and construction workers. This learning compliments our whole school focus of Design and Technology.
NEBULAS / Geography
Exploring our Country - The United Kingdom, its capital cities and different environments: such as towns, the countryside and the seaside.
Computing: We are Treasure Hunters 1.1
To learn more about the weather and seasonal changes.
The Human Body / RE
Belonging – To know that we belong to our families, friends, school and clubs. To know that people belong to different religious faiths.
Computing We are Celebrating 1.6
Year 1 Christmas Performance – Dancing
To learn more about the weather and seasonal changes.
Distinguish between objects and what they’re made from (Materials) / Science
We will be identifying different materials, their names and simple properties.
To learn more about the weather and seasonal changes.
Computing: We are TV Chefs 1.2 / History
Time Travellers –The children will be travelling back in time to see how significant people from our past lived. Computing: We are storytellers 1.5
To learn more about the weather and seasonal changes.
Begin to describe the seasons / Science
The Living World – To identify a variety of wild and garden plants. To group a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
To learn more about the weather and seasonal changes.
Computing: We are Collectors 1.5 / DT
Developing and understanding of simple mechanisms by designing and making moving pictures.
Computing: We are Painters 1.3
To learn more about the weather and seasonal changes.
PLANETS / Geography
Home and Away
explore UK and Africa
Squash or Squeeze
Identify and compare suitability of materials
How shapes of solid materials can be changed by squashing or squeezing
Computing: We are photographers / RE
Nativity Play / Science
Identify differences between living, non-living and never been alive
Computing: / History
Castles, Rats and Fire!
Science: Seeds and bulbs
How they grow and their needs
Computing: We are detectives / Science
Living Things
Identify and name plants and animals in their habitats
Computing: We are zoologists / DT
Cakes and Vehicles!
How animals obtain their food from plants and other animals
Computing: We are games testers
PLUTO / Geography
Local, national and European political and human geography.
Science: Rocks and Fossils
Computing: We are programmers / RE
Worship – an outline of Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism
Science: Forces
Computing: We are bug fixers / Science
Magnets, light and shadow
Computing: We are presenters
YEAR 3/4 Play / History
Local History
Stone Age to Iron Age
Science: Skeletons and Muscles
Computing: We are network engineers / Science
Plants- parts of and what they need to survive
Computing: We are communicators / DT
Levers and linkages – moving models
Food technology – seasonal vegetables
Healthy Eating
Computing: We are opinion pollsters
SATURN / Geography
(Volcanoes, mountains, rivers)
Climate and The Water Cycle
Science: Environments can change over time.
States of Matter: Evaporation, Condensation. Solid, liquid, gas.
Computing: We are meteorologists / RE
Special Books
Computing: We are Co-authors
We are HTML Editors / Science
Living Things
Computing: We are Zoologists
Year 4 PLAY / History
The Roman Invasion
The Anglo Saxons
Science: The Human Body
Computing: We are Software Developers / Science
States of Matter
Computing: We Are Toy Designers / DT
scones and biscuits and making the packaging for them.
Science: Solids, liquids and gases. Revise Digestive system
Computing: We Are Musicians
JUPITER / / Geography
Name and locate counties and cities of the UK.
Identify and compare topographical features within UK
States of Matter: Separating solids and liquids. Filtration.
Computing: We are game developers / RE
Discuss key religions in terms of ceremonies and how these affect the lives of believers.
Science: Human Life Cycle
Computing: We are artists / Science
Earth in Space
Computing: We are cryptographers / History
Vikings and Anglo-Saxons
What the Ancient Greeks did for us!
Computing: We are architects / Science
Plant and Animal Life cycles
Computing: We are bloggers / DT
Designing and making soups and bags
States of Matter – reversible and irreversible changes.
Computing: We are web developers
EARTH / Geography
A-Z Geography. A study of the Amazon Rainforest, and Austria. Looking at land use, economy, cultures and wildlife.
Science: States of Matter (Water Cycle) Living Things and Classification
We are App planners. / RE
Teachers and Leaders. Including British Values and Philosophy.
Science: Sound
Light and Shadow
We are project managers. / Science
Human Body,
Life Cycles
Health and Drugs
We are market researchers. / History
Britain since 1066. Key events in history linked to ‘conflict’.
Materials (rock types, fossils in sedimentary rock)
We are interface designers. / Science
Changing State
Earth in Space
We are App developers. / DT
Designing and making a night light using wood and an electric circuit.
Designing and making bread – generating ingredients lists.
Science: Electricity
Year 5/6 Production
We are marketers.