Request for updated information for the WA Men's Shed Association
Hello WA Shedders,
The Western Australian Men’s Shed Association (WAMSA) is continually in the process of updating records of Men’s Sheds around WA.
We hope that you can help with up to date details of your shed. We are getting many requests from the public to put them in touch with their closest Shed.Committees planning a Shed often want to contact other sheds. Our aim is to be in the best position possible to help the growth of the Men's Shed movement in Western Australia.
Listed below is the kind of information we need. Please complete and email to:
1. The correct name for your Shed is:
2. Your Shed meets at (Street address):
3. On these days and times:
4. Your Shed’s postal address is:
5. Your Shed’s website address is:
6. Your Shed’s primary contact person is:
Name:Position or Role:
7. Other Contacts:
We ask that Sheds provide 3 email addresses (including main contact), to cover for contacts unavailable or fail to pass on emails to shedders – thank you
Name: / Position/Role: / Phone/Mobile: / Email:1. Main Contact (details above – point 6) – no need to repeat details
8. Are you operating as a Men’s Shed at the moment?
9. How many members do you have?
10. Who owns your Shed?
11. Is there anything that you would like WAMSA to help your Shed with at the moment?
We have gathered information from a number of sources and we rely on Sheds to confirm the accuracy of our data. Please check that your information is correct at
We really appreciate any information you can give us to keep our database right up to date.
If you have changes to any of these details in the future please feel free to contact with the new information.
Margaret Collingwood
WAMSA Administration Officer
Phone: 0438 388337