17th February 2016

BioMedica 2016

Venue: Royal Dublin Society (RDS)

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Tuesday/Wednesday, 26th27th April 2016


Open to both undergraduates and postgraduates

Dear Member

Submissions (in the form of titles with abstracts) are invited from both current ACSLM members and student members (BSc Biomedical Science from DIT, CIT and GMIT).

If you wish to compete in this competition and are prepared to present your poster at BioMedica, RDS, Dublin, please email your Title and Abstract(using the guidelines attached) to . Please also inform us of the discipline from which your poster is taken i.e. (microbiology or haematology / other).

Please fill in Poster Abs in the subject line. Friday, March 25th is the final date for receipt of this material.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Columba Quinn

Columba Quinn


Encl:Call for Abstracts

Instructions for Authors


Medical Scientists who wish to present their work at BioMedica should submit an abstract for consideration.

All accepted abstracts must be presented in poster form.

At least one of the authors submitting an abstract must be a member of the Academy.

All members undertaking any research or development work are encouraged to participate in this poster presentation.

This will consist of a five-minute presentation with a maximum of 5 PowerPoint Slides.

Abstracts should indicate whether author is prepared to make an oral presentation, if selected.

Selected posters will be chosen for oral presentation during the scientific session.

Posters must be presented in Portrait format (landscape not acceptable)

March 25th will be the closing date for acceptance of abstracts. Please email abstracts to th Poster Abs on the subject line and indicate in the email message the corresponding discipline of your abstract (i.e. whether Biochemistry/Microbiology/Histology etc).

Prizes will be offered for the best presentation, along with acknowledgement in Converse together with photographs

Please see Instructions for Authors

CPD points = 10




BioMedica 2016


  1. Abstracts must be typed single spaced.
  1. Abstracts must not exceed 200 words and have not more than one table.
  1. Abstracts will be reproduced as submitted. However, an abstract may be rejected for publication if it contains errors, if it is not legible, or if it does not comply with these instructions.
  1. Capitalise the entire title and do not abbreviate.
  1. Give the initials and last name of every author, but omit degree or titles. For clarity, the person submitting/presenting the paper should have his/her name mentioned first and in bold print. Similarly, the submitter/presenters email address should correspond with their name throughout the period leading up to the event. The first author of the paper, should have their nameunderlined. Indicate the name and address of the institution where the work was carried out.
  1. The text should be arranged as follows without the use of the subtitles (mentioned hereunder);

a)Purpose of study


c)Summary of results

d)Conclusions (it is not satisfactory to state.‘the conclusions will be discussed’).

  1. Use standard abbreviations.
  1. References (no more than three) should be listed numerically in the text and then placed at the bottom of the text using a standard format.

Please email abstract to:

with Poster Abs on the subject line

Registered Office: 31 Old Kilmainham, Dublin 8 Charity Tax Exempt Number: CHYH7400 V.A.T No. IE 3331934F