The seven hundred seventeenth meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners, District #2, Gloucester Township was held in the Chews Landing Fire Station on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.

Commissioners present were: Genzel, Evans, Reichert, Donahue and Ritz. Solicitor Dave Carlamere and Administrator Robb were also present.

Following a brief bio provided by Administrator Robb, new career Firefighter Richard Knight was brought before the Board and public to be sworn in by Solicitor Carlamere and have his badge pinned on by his wife Cameo.

Roll call: Genzel, Evans, Reichert, Donahue, Ritz

A motion was made by Ritz, 2nd by Reichert to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

Chief’s Report: Chief Millisky reported that the department attended numerous Christmas parades.

Chief Millisky outlined some dispatching issues.

The Chief reported on the simultaneous working fires at LaCascata & Loch L

omond Drive and staffing issues that he discussed with mutual aid companies.

FF Dan Foley has graduated Fire School.

Members will participate in upcoming Christmas parades in our own district.

Comm. Donahue questioned the Chief regarding his conversation with the mutual aid company and asked if a conversation should be had with 8301. The Chief replied that he had spoken to Chief Smith first.

Comm. Reichert commented on the false information that is being passed around regarding response time and staffing at LaCascata fire.

HazMat training is being scheduled with FF Adomanis.

Comm. Evans commented that considering what we had to work with-the department did a great job and he is glad there were no injuries at LaCascata fire.

Administrator’s Report:

Reviewed written report (attached)

A motion was made by Genzel and 2nd by Reichert to purchase carpet for the front office.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

A motion was made by Evans and 2nd by Reichert to purchase the ID machine.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

Robb mentioned that the “Acting” Career Captain policy was discussed at the previous meeting but never formally approved.

Solicitor’s Report: No Report

Group Report: “A” Treasurer; Building Maintenance; Park (K. Donahue) Donahue reported a few line items are over budget.

Thank you to the members for decorating park & building.

New proposed budget will be discussed under new business.

Group Report: “B” Fire Prevention, EMS (J. Reichert)

Reviewed written report from Fire Marshal Young (see attached)


Donahue inquired about posting upcoming events on the LED sign.

Group Report: “C”, Apparatus & Equipment (R. Evans)

Reviewed report from FF Procopio (see attached)

Group Report: “D” Insurance, Hydrants; Radios; Uniforms (N. Ritz)

No Report

Group Report: “E” Training, Office (G. Genzel)

Board will be going into closed session.

Old Business: None

New Business:

A motion was made by Donahue and 2nd by Ritz to pay the bills presented this evening.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

A motion was made by Donahue 2nd by Ritz to accept the receipts of the evening.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

A motion was made by Donahue and 2nd by Evans to make a resolution to purchase office furniture in the amount of $2,649.75

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

A motion was made by Genzel and 2nd by Reichert to make a resolution for LOSAP payment for $26,000.00.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Abstain, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

A motion was made by Genzel and 2nd by Evans to implement mandatory direct deposit for all payroll by January, 1, 2017.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

A motion was made by Ritz and 2nd by Evans to adopt Policy 16-5 regarding Acting Career Captain status.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

Robb noted for the record that at last month’s meeting a motion was made to transfer $20,000.00 to the reserve truck fund.

A motion was made by Genzel and 2nd by Evans to make a resolution for adoption of the budget.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

Donahue made a motion to move to adopt the proposed 2017 budget 2nd by Evans.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes


Ritz requested that calcium, not salt, be placed on the sidewalks and lots of the station and park area for the impending winter weather.

Good of the District:

A motion was made by Genzel and 2nd by Reichert to go into closed session at 8:25pm.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

Closed session ended at 9:40pm.

A motion was made by Ritz and 2nd by Reichert to suspend this meeting until Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 9:00am.

Roll call vote: Genzel-Yes, Evans-Yes, Reichert-Yes, Donahue-Yes, Ritz-Yes

The motion carried and the meeting was suspended at 9:46pm


A continuation of the seven hundred and seventeenth meeting was held on Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 9:05am. The meeting was held in the Commissioner’s Office in the Chews Landing Fire Station.

Commissioners present were: Donahue, Evans, Reichert & Genzel.

Motion by Donahue 2nd by Reichert to establish accounts payable for 2016 as per the CPA’s schedule.

Roll call vote: Donahue-yes, Evans-yes, Reichert-yes, Genzel-yes.

Motion by Donahue 2nd by Evans to pay the bills presented.

Roll call vote: Donahue-yes, Evans-yes, Reichert-yes, Genzel-yes.

Resolution by Donahue 2nd by Evans to encumber Capt. Zawojski retirement payout upon verification of amount by the accountant.

Roll call vote: Donahue-yes, Evans-yes, Reichert-yes, Genzel-yes.

Resolution by Donahue 2nd by Evans to cancel unexpended balances at the close of 2016.

Roll call vote: Donahue-yes, Evans-yes, Reichert-yes, Genzel-yes.

Resolution by Donahue 2nd by Reichert to perform line item transfers as per the CPA’s schedule.

Donahue requested Robb look into the ages of our retired employees to see who has reached age 65 and are eligible for Medicare and to be dropped from our insurance as per the contract.

Evans commented that there were some last minute truck maintenance issues that arose resulting in additional encumbered funds.

Robb commented on the necessity of upgrading all of the radios to include Gloucester County and the funds will be encumbered. Evans commented that failure to do so is a safety issue for our members.

This concluded the business of the meeting. A motion to adjourn was made by Genzel 2nd by Reichert at 9:13am.

The Board will reconvene for a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 7:30pm.

Read and approved:Chairman:


TO: Board of Fire Commissioners

From: Bill Robb – Administrator

RE: December Meeting – 12/14/2016


  1. Equipment:
  2. The new Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) approved at last month’s meeting has been purchased and will be carried on the first out pumper. The TIC on the pumper will be moved to the Tower, and the TIC on the Tower will be moved to the Chief’s car.
  3. Two Bullard T4 TIC truck mount / chargers have been ordered and will be installed on E821 and E822.
  4. Work continues on the new FM 82 vehicle. See FF Procopio report for details.
  5. The mobile radios in the engines, tower, rescue, chief and duty vehicles, along with the officer portables, are now programmed with the Gloucester County operating frequencies. The loaner Gloucester County portable radios were returned today.
  6. Start2Finish Contractors has completed the renovation work in the front office. They donated both the material and labor, valued at $4,030.52. The fire company will be sending them a thank you letter, and I also plan to request a thank you be posted on the fire company website. The baseboard heating has been reinstalled by Sterling Heating and Air Conditioning and is now operational.
  7. Completion of the project will require the purchase of new furniture, carpet and window coverings. A Resolution is attached requesting the purchase of office furniture valued at $2,649.75 (state contract pricing, includes free delivery and setup). Window coverings should be less than $1,000.00. Carpet cost is unknown at present, but estimated to be approximately $2,000.00. If approved by the board, my goal is to pay for the project from this year’s budget.
  8. As discussed at the workshop last week, we plan to have Fire Marshal Young, FF Adomanis and FF Giambri occupy the renovated office. The former fire prevention office will then be renovated and assigned to the District Administrative Clerk and FF Knight.
  9. The concrete repair work has been completed by Cousin’s Concrete. The company did a great job and was a pleasure to work with.
  10. The AFG grant was submitted on Thursday, November 17th.
  11. Attached are two quotes for the purchase of an ID card printer. The higher quote was from Idesco Corp. of New York, NY for $2,137.00. Request authorization to purchase the printer and listed accessories from Alpha Card of Portland, Oregon for $1,794.40.
  12. I was notified today by GTOEM Coordinator Evans that Gloucester Township has received reimbursement for a haz-mat incident at the Sicklerville Road Wawa on May 17, 2015. Our district is slated to receive $3,160.00. Of that amount, $106.90 is reimbursement for overtime costs and the rest is for purchase of supplies used during the incident. Included in the supplies are fifteen (15) 5 gallon pails of foam, to be shared between our department and District 4. We need to ensure the supplies portion of the funds are deposited into our equipment budget (probably for 2017).
  13. As approved by Chief Millisky and the Board at last month’s meeting, the ASHE equipment has been ordered. Total cost of the purchase is $1,065.45 ($275.95 to VE Ralph for medical supplies, $789.50 to Public Safety Unltd. For helmet and vest).
  14. Our insurance broker is working with a different carrier for our Workman’s Comp policy that may result in significant savings. I received assurance from our broker that he would forward the estimate as soon as he receives it, but we do not have it yet.
  15. Per our recent discussions, I plan to convert all employees and members who receive payroll checks to direct deposit effective on or about January 1, 2017. This will include career staff, administrative staff, commissioners, substitutes and paid duty crew personnel. Attached is a Resolution authorizing same.
  16. Upon reviewing the administrative policies, I realized that Policy 16-5 Acting Career Captain was reviewed and discussed but not formally approved. Same is attached for your approval.
  17. Attached is the 2015 / 2016 LOSAP eligibility list (11/1/2015 to 10/31/2016). As required by statute, the list has been posted in the station for 30 days with only one challenge, which has been addressed. Attached is a Resolution requesting the Board to authorize disbursement of $26,000.00 to Lincoln National Financial Group for deposit into eligible member’s accounts.
  18. Request permission to dispose of the safe in the front office and replace it with a fireproof filing cabinet. The safe is antiquated and unable to be locked.