Tolutoluhama meeting July 25, 2012
When: Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Venue: McAuley High School.
Address: 26 High StreetOtahuhu 1062
Time: 4pm-6.10pm
Present: Lata, Leiola, Toa, Tina, Brian, Lima & Siliva
Apologies: Anahina (family commitment)
Meeting opened at 4.05pm with Prayer by Brian.
-1. 1. NCEA school data – schools given their own data for further analysis and identification of key problems.
Identified Issues / Questions for reflection1. Some students do not want to take part in assessments eg speaking, presentation.
2. Lack of confidence in front of class / What are the reasons behind this?
3. Speaking is a challenge for many students / What does this mean?
What do students say about the purpose for learning LFT?
What are we doing about it?
How are we developing students’ language skills and confidence to use Tongan?
What structures do we put in place to support students while learning LFT?
Is it vital that we seek answers to the questions above, as well as other questions that we individually have. Please take an inquiry approach to issues that you have and try to understand, and find answers for them. This approach is at the heart of the new Zealand Curriculum.
3. Baseline Data Collection – data collected will be scanned and emailed to teachers individually. The ‘after PD’ part will be completed at the end of the year.
4. Secondary Guides – recorded level 6 and 7 texts on garageband and digital voice recorder. These will be burned and distributed to teachers.
5. Next Steps / To do List
Task: to write some questions using Blooms taxonomy (levels 1-3) for each level 7 and 8 texts. These will be drafts. We will allow each teacher to make any necessary changes to cater for the needs of their students. When completed, PLEASE EMAIL TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE TEAM. OR EVEN BETTER – POST THEM ON OUR WIKI. – this way, they will be always be found!
Level 7
Text 1:Toa
Text 2. Brian
Text 3: Tina
Level 8
Text 1:Lata
Text 2:Lima
Text 3: Leiola
6. Meetings for 2012.
The team has decided to have regular monthly meetings at the last Friday of each month. The time will be shorted from 4 – 5.30pm.
-1. New Dates for 2012
· August 30
· September 21 (2nd to last week of term)
· October 26
· November 30
Week 2 of every term
-1. Wednesdays – 4-5.30pm
This does not stop teachers seeking assistance/working with each other of course.
-1. Teacher immediate needs (from May meeting)
1. Reliable sources of written, visual texts, aural
-1. 2. Unit on creative things eg making tapa, dancing, singing, poetry,
-1. 3. Wikispace tutorial to help with resource sharing.
-1. 4. Create booklets for junior programme
-1. 5. Assessment resources eg TKI eg AS. Conversation,
Meeting closed at 6.10pm with Prayer by Brian.
Malo ‘aupito