· District Board Meeting no 3 October 11, 2014
· Venue, Ina Dagyte Mituziene´s office, Vilniaus str. 14 - 5, Vilnius, Lithuania
· Time 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
· AD area 1 Ella Schumann
· AD area 2 Ina Dagyte Mituziene
· AD area 3 Gudrun Halla
· Treasurer Berit Birkelund
· Secretary Ruta Jasioniene
· Lieutenant Governor Ingibjörg Eliasdottir
· Governor Eva Nielsen
AD area 4 Bente Halvorsen sent her excuses but was with us at a not too good Skype connection during agenda points 1-6.
ZI President Maria José participated in the agenda points 1,2 and 3.
1. Welcome by Governor. AD Ina handed out written information on the meeting with area 02 in the afternoon at the University of Vilnius.
2. The role of the ZI Board Liaison. ZI President explained that the position “liaison” dates back to 1962, when the convention body decided that governors should no longer be members of ZI Board. Instead, the convention body elects seven directors to the board. Each member of the board is liaison to one or more districts. A liaison´s obligation is to keep governors updated and to present questions and proposals on behalf of the district to the ZI Board.
3. ZI President´s information and comments. ZI President Maria José commented on
a. The work with the new ZI website. The expectation is that the new website will be ready app. August 2015. District websites will be part of the new ZI Website.
b. The Zonta Says NO to violence against Women Campaign. New material will be uploaded on the ZI Website October 25, 2014
c. The attempt to streamline administrative procedures at ZI HQ.
4. News from Governor and Lt. Governor. Governor commented on
a. Meeting in Copenhagen in September for European Governors and Lt. Governors arranged by ZI Membership Committee. Governors and Lt. Governors are now in work groups. Next meeting will be in Bruges, Belgium in February (after the European Inter-district Seminar). Governor will participate and wants Lt. Governor to attend also.
b. European Inter-district Seminar, registration is now open
c. Geneva NGO- meeting, Governor and club president of ZC Trondheim will participate; CSW in March New York
d. Women´s Council in Denmark Open letter to Helle Thorning Schmidt
e. UN-campaign HeforShe
f. LT Governor commented on the membership situation in D-13.
g. Lt. Governor is working with ZI membership committee; she is currently working on a strategy and will soon address Club presidents and area membership committees.
5. D-13 accounts and budgets. Treasurer Berit gave her analysis of the accounts.
a. The situation is not as bad as feared; however, it is difficult to make both ends meet.
b. D-13 board meeting in spring is possible, if we arrange the meeting in a rented house and buy food in a super market (instead of Hotel and restaurant) and book flight tickets early to get them as cheap as possible.
c. There is room for some support to Governor and LT Governor to attend the Membership Committee meeting in Bruges, Belgium.
d. Nordic Forum 2014 was expensive; the amount was paid from the District Capital.
e. District dues raise from 130 to 150 DKR (equivalent to an ice cream cone) shall be considered.
6. Debate on accounts, budgets and district dues: District Board agreed that the budget was very tight and that it is difficult for the District Board to do what is required and expected within the budget limits.
a. Decision: Berit was asked to
i. Rent a house and book flight tickets for the first weekend in May (May 1-3, 2015)/ alternative for the second weekend (May 8-10, 2015) for a district board meeting.
ii. Review the budget and make two proposals one without dues raise, one with a dues raise to 150 DKR. District dues of 130 NKR were adopted in 2001, in 2011 the district conference body changed the amount into 130 DKR starting with dues 2012-2013
7. Guidelines for reimbursement of expenditure (enclosure) was debated.
a. Decision:
i. guidelines are needed
ii. Berit and Eva to review the proposal re Board Meeting Attendance and present it at the next board meeting.
8. District Committees. District Manual 2014 p 27-42 “The Zonta International Bylaws require that each district have a nominating committee, a bylaws and resolutions committee, a membership committee, a service committee and an advocacy committee (see Zonta International Bylaws Article XIII, Districts, Section 7. Duties of Officers, and Section 13. Nominating Committee). Although not required by the International Bylaws, it is suggested that districts adopt the same program committee structure that Zonta International has adopted; i.e. to have at least a committee on United Nations, public relations and communications, finance, Amelia Earhart Fellowships, Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships, Young Women in Public Affairs Awards and Z clubs and Golden Z clubs.”
a. For some time, the District-13 committees have lived and still live very quiet and secret lives. The board agreed that we want active committees. The Board had heard from the following District committee chairs: Bylaws and Resolutions, Advocacy Committee, Service Committee, Foundation Ambassador, JMK, YWPA, AE, and Nomination
b. The board had heard nothing from UN Committee Chair. Decision, AD Halla to find out if the board has the correct address and to report to governor as soon as possible.
c. YWPA District Committee, new member is Area 03 representative Valgerdur Sverrisdottir, ZC Thorun Hyrna President
d. JMK District Committee new member is Area 03 representative Ulla R.Pedersen, ZC Borgarfjörur President
e. There was no time for debate on a service subcommittee on Uganda and Lithuanian projects
f. New committees. Debate: do we need a District Centennial Anniversary Committee to help the areas plan the celebrations (exhibitions, events, PR) and/or a PR and Communications Committee?
g. Decision D-13 needs a PR and Communications Committee. ADs to forward to governor names of Zontians with competencies for work in this committee.
9. District, area- and club bylaws and procedures need to be updated because of the changes in ZI Bylaws adopted at the Orlando Convention. We also need to check that our bylaws are in line with the national laws re tax, registration and so forth.
a. Area 01 is working on it. Proposals to be adopted at area meeting late October
b. Area 03 area bylaws OK, working on club bylaws
c. Area 04 working on it after area meeting in September
d. Board Decision: Area 02-AD Ina to present proposal for Area Bylaws and standard Club Bylaws at area meeting no later than mid-December, cc to governor
10. D-13 and area websites
a. Decision:
i. Continue updating the present website and postpone any decisions until we have seen the new ZI website.
ii. Publish the minutes from ordinary district board meetings after approval by the district board members.
11. How will the areas further the district goals 2014-16
a. There was no time for this debate
12. District-13 Conference 2015,
a. Governor reported on the planning so far of the conference including economy. District Conference website to be published no later than mid-January 2015
b. Governor reported that D-13 has permission to elect a facilitator at the district meeting, which means that we must update rules of procedure. Governor to take action
13. District Calendar Updates
a. Decision: ADs to forward information to webmaster cc governor on meetings and events in their respective areas.
14. District Board members´ experiences so far, do you feel at ease with how we work, do you want changes, please let us have a friendly debate on how your talent and competencies can be used in the best interests of our district.
a. There was no time for a debate
15. Next Board Meeting will be May 1- 3, 2015 in Copenhagen.
a. District Treasurer Berit has rented a flat at Strandgade, near Metro Station Christianshavn and she will book flight tickets very soon that we can have them as cheap as possible. We will help each other to provide food.
Responsible for the minutes
Governor Eva Nielsen
D-13 secretary Ruta Jasioniene
Approved by all members of D-13 Board October 29, 2014
Enclosure 1 ( the paragraph in green to be reviewed)
Reimbursement Guidelines for District-13
General information
· Expense vouchers must be itemized and have receipts attached.
· If no receipts are available, the voucher must have the notice: “Receipts unavailable” and a signature from the person who has spent the amount.( i.e. a solemn declaration)
· Vouchers shall be submitted to the governor for approval before any reimbursement by the treasurer.
· Governor´s vouchers shall be submitted to lieutenant governor for approval before any reimbursement by the treasurer.
· Vouchers shall be submitted as soon as possible after the expense is incurred, but in all cases no later than May 15 of each year to facilitate closing of the books on May 31.
· Treasurer shall transfer the amount within 2 weeks in the cheapest way possible.
Board Meeting Attendance (including pre-and post-conference board meetings)
· Travel by most economical mode of transportation. Economy (tourist) class when travelling by air or rail. When travelling by private car toll charges and 3,73 DKR per kilometer (Danish State 2014). Parking shall not be reimbursed
· Accommodations on double occupancy basis. Single rooms may be requested with officers paying the difference in the rates. Miscellaneous charges (cleaning, phone, internet etc.) added to hotel bills are considered personal expenses and shall not be reimbursed.
· Meals in a private home shall be reimbursed with 150 DKR per person for dinner and 100 DKR for lunch. Meals at a restaurant shall be reimbursed with 170-200 DKR (middle price category)
District Conference Attendance, district board members
· Conference registration, travel, hotel and conference meals shall be paid by the district as outlined above.
District Conference Attendance, one delegate from newly chartered clubs
· District funds shall reimburse hotel costs on double occupancy basis and registration fee for one delegate to the first district conference after chartering of the club. Travel costs shall not be reimbursed.
Area meetings, club visits
· All area meetings must be self-supporting, ADs expenses shall be reimbursed by area funds according to the area rules.
Other expenses
· Governor, treasurer and secretary may receive reimbursement for expenses, such as postage, telephone, copying)