NES Medical Quality Management Group

Date: Wednesday 16 May 2012

Time:2pm – 4pm

Venue:Board Room and Dining Room, Thistle House, Edinburgh

Present: Stewart Irvine (DSI [Chair], Richard Buckley (RB), Duncan Henderson (DH), Adam Hill (AdH), Justine Menzies (JM), Harry Peat (HP), Eileen Peebles (EP), Hazel Scott (HS)

VC Links: Rosie Baillie (RB), Arlene Hurst (AH), David Reid (DR), Kim Walker (KW)

In attendance: Ashley Dennis (AD), Steven Irvine (SBI) [Minutes],

Apologies: Mark Bransby-Zachary, Simon Edgar, Ronald MacVicar, Brian Robson



DSI welcomed colleagues to the meeting and noted apologies as above.

2Minutes of Last Meeting – 21 March 2012

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as an accurate record of the discussion.

Note of GMC Demonstration of Reporting Tool

DSI advised that deaneries would get access to the GMC survey data before it is published, it is anticipated that the survey reporting and data will be made available 18th June to 6th July to deaneries for amendments and published on/after 9th July.

East – Update on Plastic Surgery

RB advised the progress reports were not due until June.

RB will report to the group when the progress reports are completed.

3Consideration of Matters under Any Other Business


4Progress Update

4.1Deanery Annual Reports 2012

4.1.1 Feedback From GMC

DSI reported that the GMC feedback letters were broadly similar across the UK, some with particular concerns for individual deaneries. It was noted that many of the areas of concern identified by the GMC were in the realms of service support of training and quality control, and thus dialogue with Directors of Medical Education and engagement of Medical Directors would be important.

Action: DSI and HS will produce a cover letter to be sent via the Deans with a copy of the GMC feedback letter to the DMEs and MDs to highlight these issues.

Action: DSI will discuss with Alison Graham the possibility of discussing the GMC feedback letters at the next Scottish Medical Directors Group meeting.

4.1.2Tracker of Annual Deanery Reports

DSI advised that the high risk issues that are either behind programme or at risk of falling behind would be discussed. At future meetings any issues that deaneries want to raise should be flagged this way.

SES : Trauma & Orthopaedics, RIE

AdH reported that an internal investigation was being carried out.

SES : Paediatrics, St Johns

AdH stated that this involved the RoyalCollege and a formal report has not yet been issued.

WoS, Patient Handover

HS advised that the red flags conflict with the PAQ data so further investigation is being carried out.

WoS, Emergency Medicine

There are some interface issues between departments and these will be monitored.

WoS, GP Training and Recruitment

DSI reported that Murray Lough was carrying out an analysis of 3rd and 4th year programmes for NES. HS advised that NHS Dumfries and Galloway have provided a programme of additional support to GP trainees and, after receiving positive feedback, will repeat it this year.

WoS, GP Supervision

HS reported that the East had developed a scheme of Educational Champions and the West hope to adopt a similar approach so the a the is a “go to “ person in each unit for trainees that are not aligned to that particular specialty e.g. GP or foundation. HS to progress with new Dean in West.

4.1.3October 2012 Deanery Reporting Template

RB reported that the main changes were to apply a risk rating to items in the ADR twice: when identified and when reported. The new reports will be pre-populated with red rated issues from the last report. Deaneries will be asked to risk assess their current ADR and highlight high risk items to carry forward. All LEPs are to be covered in the new report even if there are no issues. There will be drop down fields to help classification. The group thought a few more items need to be added to the lists and there should be additional columns for free text comments. The risk assessment guidance has been reviewed by JM; it lacks clarity and doesn’t have examples or definitions. Once the draft template is agreed it will be sent to deaneries on 29th June.

Action: RB will contact the GMC to raise these concerns.

DSI will report on discussion at COPMeD.

JM to speak to Jessica at GMC regarding Risk Guidance.


5.1GMC Trainee Survey – Progress Update (response rate)

DSI reported that the response rates were on the GMC website. HP informed the group that he had received a lot of requests to change trainee data. RB advised that the response rate will be closely monitored and reminders from the deanery and the GMC can be sent .

5.1.1Letter from GMC - Patient Safety Issues

DSI advised that patient safety issues were being raised and reported through the trainee survey and the GMC’s position is that these are real issues unless there is clear evidence that they have been investigated and shown to be otherwise. These were frequently issues that were already known to Deaneries and the service, some were new and some not about patient safety. The comments were anonymised but the GMC could identify trainees if necessary for proper investigation.

The group discussed how to deal with these issues and respond to the GMC in a consistent manner. HP had produced a process map which he will share with the group. Any issues that relate to service delivery are to be passed to the MD. DSI reported that this would be a significant agenda item at a forthcoming GMC/COPMeD liaison meeting and he would feed back any decisions. It was agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting on 13 June. The responses are to be shared internally and JM will coordinate this.

Action: HP to share process map.

Action: To be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Action: JM to create a folder on the shared drive.

5.2NES Trainer Survey

JM reported this had gone live last Friday and there had been over 700 responses. The questions from the two GMC surveys, to GPs and Consultants, were combined.


6.1Visits Tracker

The tracker had been circulated.

6.2Visit Reports

6.2.1North – Aberlour Medical Practice

Reported accepted by group.

6.2.2North – General Medicine – Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

Reported accepted by group.

6.2.3North – Stroke (Revisit) – Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

Reported accepted by group.

6.2.4North – Revisit to WesternIslesGeneralHospital

Reported accepted by group. A further visit was being planned, RCGP and lay representatives would attend.

6.2.5South East - Trauma and Orthopaedics – Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

Reported accepted by group. The GMC was being kept informed.

6.2.6South East – Core Psychiatry

Reported accepted by group.

7Any Other Business


8Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 11 July 2012, 2pm – 4pm, Calman Room, 2CQ, Glasgow