They have something in common: Both maintain a staple diet which includes, fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts and quality drinking water!

VEGANS avoid all sea, air and land animals and animal by-products, including eggs or honey. They have a more rigid lifestyle, often politically inspired and dedicated to life-protection of animals. That said, even clothing—namely silk, wool, furs or leather garments—are not worn.

VEGETARIANS eat dairy products, including eggs. Given the variety in this group, many do not eat fish, shellfish, nor poultry of any variety. While other vegetarians may not eat dairy or eggs. In either case, or any combination of, all do not follow in unison. It can be said that for vegetarians, diet is an individual’s free, lifestyle choice. Frequently, religious conviction is tied to their ultimate lifestyledecision. Garment selections are far less an issue and are for the most part, unrestricted.


“SAD”is a coinage and refers to the Standard America Diet which has been the ‘gold standard’ on U.S. nutrition for some time. The USDA’s My Pyramid model implies multiple servings of animal products, excesses of dairy product consumption, high fructose intake—even when portion size is taken into consideration.

Trusting consumers—like you and me—are compromised! In effect, SAD is designed to make the case that it is the right pathway to optimal health and healthy eating. But not necessarily so!

The competition among fast food chains is mounting as more and more breakfast, lunch and dinner meals mount up at drive-thru windows. Each establishment is attempting to convince patrons that they are offering optimal healthy eating.

Advertisers are intentional more now than before to dictate what, when and how food is defined, made available, selected and the purpose for its consumption. Their messages on packages line up with industrial food scientists in such a way that the public is no less the wiser.

With the erosion of quality soils, climate change and rapid advancement of product creation and processing protocols, terms like “refined, enriched or modified” have long been a very real cause for alarm—particularly in today’s culture. We simply didn’t understand where the concept of processed foods was taking us all.

These ‘familiar terms’ hideaway neatly what’s really happening in today’s manufacturing facilities. Our food has been compromised and as a result Americans are malnourished. We’re getting fatter and fatter; sicker and sicker!

Think about it: If food has to be fortified, enriched and modified, what was taken out? And what is being put in to make up the difference? How is real food all that it should be when food scientists can invent and produce “food” in their test laboratories?

The industry would call it a ‘value added’ proposition. But look at the ever-expanding overweight and obesity crisis we are battling here in the U.S. Our children are deeply caught up in this entangled web! So then, wherever SAD has been allowed to infiltrate in the global food market, health declines are predicted to follow.

Significant declines in quality of health and increases in deaths among virtually all groups trace back to the prevalence of non-nutritional diet behaviors. SAD has underperformed. This dilemma negatively impacts support of encouraging, true healthy eating.

Misguided nutrition and family health habits embraced across generations makes changing even more problematic—and in truth, insurmountable for many.

Somehow, we like and want what we see advertised. Turning things around means developing the discipline to support the optimal health goals you have identified for yourself.

All of us will need to adjust liking what’s not best for us nutritionally, “so that our health may prosper!”




Board-certified family physician and nutritional researcher, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD is the influence and is credited with promoting this creative concept of optimal health, life living. His passion is disease prevention and reversals.

The plan brings to the forefront a “nutritional design for people who are in search of exceptional health, proven weight balance planning—those who have decided to reverse—and to set barriers in place so that sickness and diseases are kept far from their dwelling!”

It’s not intended as a diet. Rather, a lifestyle choice. It is unlocking nature’s own formula for guiding each of us to optimal health—so that we may prosper in abundant living [See 3 John 2 –NKJV].

Lean, total fitness and the wealth of health is the complete goal.

Eating Like ANutritarian is a DVD that you won’t want to miss which is why we are presenting portions of it in our Session Three here tonight.