September 5th, 2017

Promontory Parking Lot Procedures


Due to the construction at the school the parking lot size has been significantly reduced. In order to have and safe, rapid and orderly drop off and pick-up of students Griffin Security has been asked to design and establish a system for the parking area. We ask you to abide by the rules and instructions that are listed below. The overall goal is to keep our students safe while at the same time allow orderly and quick pick up and drop off at the school.


The parking lot will be occupied by school staff vehicles and there is no additional parking available. If you need to park you must do so on the street and walk onto the school property. There are 2 spaces for those with Handicap Tags and they are the exception.


In order to maintain a safe environment, the following rules will apply.

1.Your children will not be allowed to move off of the sidewalk until you are in a designated safe pick up location. These are along the front curb of the school.

2.Do not stop your vehicle to pick up /drop off children in the through lanes. This is dangerous for the children and will cause other parents a delay .

3.Advise your children ahead of time where you will be picking them up. It will be helpful to spread the students out all along the Pick Up Lane.

4.Tell your children to remain on the sidewalk until you have a spot on the curb to pick them up.

5.Please follow the directions of the teachers and Security Professionals.


The morning drop off should move rather smoothly. There is a single lane as you enter the lot and it divides into 3 at the north end. One is for Kindergarten, the second is for other grades and the third is a through lane. Please do not stop in the thru lane or allow your children to exit the vehicle. This is dangerous and delays other drivers. Please use the following guidelines to drop off your children. STAFF MORNING SUPERVISION BEGINS at 8:10.

1. KINDERGARTEN - If you have a kindergarten student or a mix including a kindergarten student please follow these directions. As you arrive at the north end of the lot the roadway is coned off into three separate lanes. Move to the right lane, closest to the school. A Security Professional will be stationed at this point and will assist you in moving forward to the Kindergarten drop off area. You may exit your vehicle to help your children get out onto the sidewalk where they will walk independently or be escorted by a Peer Traffic Valet, to their line and wait until the bell rings. DO NOT WALK THEM INTO THE SCHOOL or to the line ups.Once you have dropped off your children please return to your vehicle and exit the lot.

  1. OTHER STUDENTS - If you do not have a Kindergarten student please move into the second lane. The Security Professional will stop you at this point and allow you to move forward to a drop off position to the south of the Kindergarten area as other vehicles leave. Once you are in a stopped position do not exit your vehicle. Your children exit the vehicle onto the sidewalk area only. Do not allow them to step out into oncoming traffic. Once your children are safely on the sidewalk. Please exit the lot and allow others to drop off their children.


A Security Professional will be stationed at the entrance to the school parking lot. He will allow only sufficient vehicles into the lot as there is room. You will not be able to leave your vehicle to go and get your children. If you wish to leave your car and walk to pick your child up , you will need to find parking out on one of the streets. Please do not block driveways.

Once you are allowed to enter the lot please follow these instructions for pick-up of your


1.There is single lane traffic as you enter the lot. At the north end there are three lanes of travel.

2.KINDERGARTEN ONLY - If you are picking up only a Kindergarten student you are to move to the lane at your extreme right closest to the school. A Security Professional will guide you forward to the Kindergarten Pick-up area.Do not leave your vehicle and enter the school. When the teacher notices you she will allow your child to walk to your vehicle. Once you have your child properly secured in the vehicle please exit the parking lot and allow others to pick up their children.

KINDERGARTEN AND OTHER STUDENTS - If you are picking up a Kindergarten student and a student from another grade please continue through the lot in the left lane. Continue to circle the lot until you see all of the children you are picking up in front of the Kindergarten classrooms. Once you see them you are to proceed around the lot and enter the lane to your extreme right and pick up all students in front of the Kindergarten Classroom.

  1. OTHER STUDENTS ONLY - At the north end of the lot continue through the lot in the left lane. Circle the lot until you see all the children you are picking up ready and waiting. Some students take longer to get outside at the end of the day. If you know your child is not the first one out, please consider arriving a few minutes later. There will be supervision until 2:30. You will not be allowed to stop in the Pick Up Lane, until your child(ren) are there waiting. Circle the lot until you come to the point at the north end of the lot and move to the center lane. The Security Professional will direct you to an open pick up spot as it comes available. Once you have all children on board please exit the lot to allow others to move up and pick-up their children.
  2. Thank you for your help and cooperation. It is appreciated