Checklist for Watson Curriculum Review


Are all curriculum action forms properly completed?

Is the course description about 50 words or less?

Is the justification understandable, particularly for those outside the WCE?

Program Impact

Has the impact to the program (number of hours, etc.) been considered? It is suggested to print the current catalogue and indicate the intended changes to clearly show revisions.

Might this change have any impact on another WCE department or program? If so, indication of support is needed from Department Chair.

Are any other courses impacted? For example, if this is a new course replacing an older course, then a course deletion form may also need to be completed. Similarly if there is a change in prerequisites then this would likewise need to be included on the form.

New Courses

Is a syllabus attached for new course proposal? (Syllabus should include objectives/student learning outcomes, possiblereadings, possible assignments, and evaluative measures.)

Does the course fulfill a unique need? In order words, is there any potential overlap with other, established courses?

Who Needs to Review the Curriculum?

The University Curriculum Committee (UCC)

(Senate Bylaws, Article V.C), a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, reviews all proposals for the following: the establishment, dissolution, division, or consolidation of academic departments or other degree-granting entities; the establishment or dissolution of academic degrees, including majors, minors, and certificate programs; the revision of academic degrees when these revisions directly affect any academic unit outside of the revising department’s school or college; policies for maximum and minimum hours required for majors, minors, and certificates; total number of hours required for graduation; university-wide requirements other than University Studies; course prefixes; any curricular conflicts between schools and/or colleges; and other general curricular policies which have total university impact. The committee shall submit all such proposals, along with the committee’s recommendations, to the Senate for consideration.

Teacher Education Council (TEC)

Teacher Education Council serves as a liaison between the WCE and the departments which recommend graduates for certification; advises the dean of the WCE on matters dealing with teacher education programs. Considers and makes recommendations on, prior to implementation, all proposals regarding policies, requirements, and guidelines which alter the general operations of teacher education programs; participates in all reviews of teacher education programs by external agencies and receives copies of resulting reports; functions as an appeal board for decisions (except for grades) affecting student standing in teacher education programs.