Vegan Camp Booking/Contact Forms 2017(version 1, E. & O. E.): Page 3/4
Please ensure you have completed sides 1 and 2. You only need to complete sides 3 and 4 if you are new to vegan camp or if you have not completed up to date contact information in 2015 or 2016 on similar forms. If in doubt please complete them! You will not be able to camp or stay this year without them being completed fully.
Keep a copy of these sheets - send this one back to us along with the booking form
Full names(please add lines if required) / Tel. numbers / Contact E-mail addressAddress(please add lines if required) / Town / Post code
Emergency contact details:
Phone no
Mobile no
Relation to you
Your doctor details
Surgery name
Tel. number
Does anyone in your unit have a medical condition that may require
special assistance at camp? / Yes / No
Are you a trained first-aider or do you have any other “emergency” skills?
Please detail: / Yes / No
General contact information during the camp:
1.Please see a camp committee member on arrival for more information.
2.Helen & Keith, our traditional welcoming couple, almost always greet new & old participants each year on the 1st weekend & try to say cheerio to all in the last week. Beric too may be helping check folk off the site at the end. If you can’t find them just find any other committee member.
3.The committee welcome people at all other times. Please contact a committee member on arrival, not the camp site management! No need for committee members this year coming to be asked to help distribute barrier passes! Any problems see Russel!
4.Gordon posts out / takes in booking forms.
5.Linda takes responsibility for indoor accommodation, meals out & for children’s games equipment on site and is our erstwhile shop assistant. Help always welcome too, see Linda.
6.Dave M organises some ‘freebies’ & photocopying also helps with various on-site activities.
7.Russell sees to collecting fees, loan distribution, sorting pitches & to booking forms on site.
8.Kelvin keeps an eye on security, including occasional passers by there on site for the period.
9.Sue sees to the programme for the fortnight, Dan edits it however, so blame hym for erors!
10.Helen & Linda are always helpful with proof-reading & suggestions this year.
11.Emzy is seeing to national publicity and to the website, following on from James.
12.Tony and Dave have taken responsibility for the camp trailer and freezer and Russel fetches it!
13.Steve sometimes takes some responsibility for the vegan camp shop, opening times to be announced. However there is a new situation this coming year and Andrew may be involved! Dan’s new company takes care of the food supplies for the fortnight.
14.Beric, Frankie and Steve are all helping to promote our event with social media, thanks folks.
15.Beric keeps an eye on the camp fridge and freezer too.
16.Heather was appointed to the committee in 2015 with the role of writing and publishing camp participation reports to encourage new visitors in the future through vegan publications.
17.Simon was appointed to the committee in 2015 with the role of providing protocol and functions advice in order to help the committee itself and its members..
18.Cynthia has responsibility for the daily notice board and co-ordinates activities for the young!
19.Dan is sorting out local fresh food supplies this year as always & designs the forms and tries to co-ordinate everything & has ultimate responsibility for contact with the site itself. This year coming he is intending to promote and organise more adult, child and youth activities.
20.All regular & occasional voluntary committee members do lots more too as necessary & they should be your first port of call for any queries. Anyone missed out; sincere apologies! Thanks all! The committee welcomes new members too!
21.And a big extra thank you from me to Beata and others who have had ideas and given help with redesigning forms, most appreciated. Also to Dave Martin for the photocopying. And to Beric for all his carrying stuff about these last few years.
On behalf of ALL in my group I/we acknowledge that ANY communications with the staff & the site on any matter BOTH BEFORE & DURING the event must be addressed through the committee. Site visits welcome but bookings must be via the committee.
Sign below to acknowledge you accept that: Amendments since 2013 event are highlighted.
1.Possession of illegal drugs, being involved in offensive behaviour or consumption of animal products on site is not welcome at any Vegan Camp. Such, fortunately rare, practice is likely to result in a demand to leave (adults responsible for all under 18’s in their unit). The law of the land must be followed & all camp site rules must be adhered to.
2.ALL members are responsible for their own personal and holiday insurance (see booking form for a company we recommend for this), their own health and safety & that of children in their unit, including fire regulations, safe use of cooking equipment etc., positioning of tents/guy ropes. 6 metres between groups of family tents is the minimum permitted gap, this includes space for a vehicle. Just ask your neighbour if they are happy! If they are not then just sort it!
3.All dogs must be under strict control at all times. All dog owners must abide by the site rules regarding dogs. Dogs must always be kept on leads, only beingallowed off leads in designated exercise areas. On no account must dogs be allowed to run freely through camp, as there are too many potential hazardscaused by dog mess, the risk of dogs fighting each other, orhurting children. There are no exceptions to these vegan camp & public campsite DOG rules.
4.Any activity likely to cause offence will not be tolerated. I/we shall leave if requested by a committee member. That camp rules including items such as minimum (& agreed) distance between tents must be adhered to. Please note, Vegan Camp is a quiet event, especially at night. Any activity anywhere that disturbs others peace will not be tolerated; non-compliance may result in you and/ or your group being asked to leave. There may be announced and agreed exceptions to this, shown on the programme of events, but if in doubt just ask a committee member. There is to be no noise after 11 pm that may disturb others on any part of the site.
5.ANY communications with the staff and the site on any matter BOTH BEFORE AND DURING the event must be addressed through the committee.
6.Site visits welcome, but bookings must be notified via the committee. Visitors for the day who are not staying overnight may participate in the Group’s activities on payment of a group insurance contribution of £1 per adult, no charge to children. They must similarly sign to agree to this Code of Conduct.
7.All attendees at Vegan Camp are to agree to keep to the Countryside code. The Caravan Code (if applicable) and to keep the Seashore code, copies will be supplied to view at camp.
8.N.B. Children are expected to tidy up, to respect and to replace any friends or communal equipment they borrow or use or ruin, parents must also agree to this please. Best to ask before taking, borrowing or even lending!
Name (ALL ADULTS TO SIGN PLEASE!!!) / Signature / DateVegan Camp is essentially what the present year’s participants make of it. If you’ve any skills/talents you would be willing to share with others at the camp (e.g. sports gear, circus skills, sign language, jewellery workshops, singing, music, aromatherapy, massage, meditation, Crafts, Tai Chi) please let us know as this would be very welcome. Suggestions and comments welcomed – please continue separately. We look forward to seeing you at camp. Offers/Comments/Suggestions welcome here:
Visit us at Please also complete the booking form.