Boosting Your Nonprofit’s Bottom Line Workbook

An Action Plan to Raise, Make, and Save More Money

Raising More Money

Yes or no? / If yes, how can you improve in this area? / If no, how can you implement this idea? / Next Steps / By who? / By when?
Do you focus on individual donors?
Do you visit and/or call your donors?
Have you screened your membership for major donor prospects?
Do you segment and/or personalize your solicitations?
Do you use challenge grants?
Do you have a board giving program?
Do you have staff giving program?
Do you have house parties to raise money?
Have you asked your donors to renew early this year?
Have you solicited funds from discretionary accounts at foundations?
Do you ask your donors for multi-year commitment and have them sign an agreement?
Do you have a fundraising plan?
Do you have a monthly giving program?
Other ideas?

Additional notes:

Making More Money

Yes or no? / If yes, how can you improve in this area? / If no, how can you implement this idea? / Next Steps / By who? / By when?
Is there an expertise of the staff that could be sold as a service?
Have you created a technology or program that you could sell to others?
Are there any services/products that you offer for free that you could charge for?
Can you increase the price of services/products that you already charge for?
Do you give out publications that you could charge for?
Can you rent out extra space for other organizations, events, meetings?
Can you rent out any office
Do people love your brand/ logo? Could you sell t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc?
Can you sell “backroom” services?
Have you recently evaluated your accounts/investments?
Can you sell off any assets?
Is there a revenue generating business-like activity that you could incorporate into the organization?
Do you have extra parking spaces that you could rent out and charge for?
Other ideas?

Additional notes:
Saving More Money

Yes or no? / If yes, how can you improve in this area? / If no, how can you implement this idea? / Next Steps / By who? / By when?
If you rent out your office space, have you negotiated your contract/lease?
Are you able to move into a smaller and/or less expensive office space?
Have you negotiated contracts with suppliers?
Can you share office equipment with other tenants/organizations?
Do you place larger orders for supplies with other tenants/organizations?
Do you take advantage of the bulk mail rate?
Are any of your events losing money? Can you cut out any of your events?
Do you have volunteers who work with the organization on regular basis?
Do you outsource tasks that could be done in-house?
Have you considered hiring college interns instead of employees for entry-level positions?
Have you considered hiring staff on contract rather than as an employee?
Other ideas?

Additional notes: