b. organic with michele beschen


Episodes #301 thru #313

Season 3 – “Living The Life”

smorg #301 – Foraging Fun

Forager Andy Benson talks about why he chooses wild edibles for his daily diet and joins Michele in her own backyard to share how to prepare a few of his favorite wild edibles like Wild Bergamot, Chicory, Cattails, Milkweed Pods and Sumac.

smorg #302 – Smaller, Simpler Living

Michele tours the 572 square foot home of Tim and Debbie Freeberg-Renwick and chats with them about their choices to dramatically downsize, building their home with salvaged materials, and what they’ve learned along the way.

smorg #303 – Aronia Berries

Michele visits with a couple of the leading Aronia Berry Experts and Growers to learn more about this newly celebrated SuperFood. They share delicious recipes, products to look for, and how to grow Aronia Berry plants in your own backyard.

smorg #304 – Natural Pets

Three Dog Bakery Owner, Diana Emehiser joins Michele in the kitchen to share how easy it is to prepare organic home-cooked meals and treats for our pets using the same every day ingredients we use to cook for ourselves.

smorg #305 – Healthy Home Brews

Michele’s friends from Aura Cacia and Aromatherapist Tim Blakley stop by to demystify essential oils for everyone. They share easy, do it yourself recipes for home cleaning and bath and body products along with a simple way to create essential oils in your own kitchen using things from your garden.

smorg #306 – Growing Food -The Heirloom Way

Michele visits with the family behind Eldorado Heirloom Seeds at their homestead in Kansas. They talk about the benefits of heirloom gardening, seeds, soil, and simple living.

smorg #307 – Natural Healing

Michele’s friend and cancer survivor Glenda Aldrich introduces us to the benefits of Laughter Yoga and her daily foraging routine. Michele also shares a couple of healthy uses for homegrown herbs and the healing rewards of creative expression.

smorg #308 – Kids and Nature

Michele shares fun, creative ways to get the kids outdoors exploring, building, and enjoying nature’s playground. Grab the kids and learn how to build nests and forts just their size using natural materials along with game style activities guaranteed to keep things entertaining and interesting!

smorg #309– Dehydrated

Michele visits nutritionist Sheree Clark’s home to see first hand her love for the dehydrator and how she uses it to prepare some of the most delicious meals and snacks that are fresh, simple and healthy.

smorg #310 – Naturally Decorative

Michele shares resourceful, budget friendly ideas on how she creatively redecorated a guest bedroom using nothing but scraps of wood and fabric from around the house and natural items from the backyard. Everything from a bed, headboard and trim work to lamps, rugs, and art accessories.

smorg #311 - For The Birds – Benefits of Backyard Wildlife

Discover why encouraging beneficial birds and wildlife to flock to your backyard can be naturally great for the environment. Learn about building houses and assisting with shelter, food recipes, and do it yourself feeder ideas.

smorg #312 – Naturally Entertaining – Outdoors

Clever, budget friendly ideas on how to have naturally great parties OUTDOORS with ‘party plantings’, ‘no waste serving ware’, ‘repurposed lighting’, and multi-purpose, long lasting cement block patio furniture you can build yourself.

smorg #313 – Natural Babies

Michele shares her experiences with their newest little one and talks everything from cloth diapers, the benefits of babywearing, and do it yourself baby foods, to healthy bedding, clothing and toy options. She shows how keeping things simple keeps things healthy, happy and economical.