Aims and objectives
- Aims and objectives
Main aims of Easterton Village Forum:
- To encourage close co-operation and liaison between village organisations and the community
- Co-ordination of village-wide social activities.
- Membership
Membership of the Easterton Village Forum will be open to residents within the defined boundary of the Civil Parish of Easterton and Eastcott within the defined boundary and representatives of organisations with interests in the Parish.
The Forum shall have the power to appoint a Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer and to co-opt other members as specialist advisers.
- Meetings
The Village Forum will hold regular and open meetings to which all parishioners will be invited. Notice of such meetings will be announced in the ‘Easterton Echoes’.
- Voting
All members of the Forum, except those co-opted as specialist advisers, shall have one vote.
Decisions shall be reached by a majority vote of those present and voting. The Chair shall have a casting vote.
- Finance
- The Village Forum will open a bank account with Lloyds TSB. Any funds raised as a result of events will be used solely for the purposes of the activities of the Easterton Village Forum, village organisations and other organisations. and the benefit of the village as a whole.
- From time to time the Forum may invite bids from village organisations to assist with their activities. Organisations bidding for funds under these arrangements should indicate how the allocation of funds mightwill benefit the village community..Money will not usually be allocated to assist with the running costs of an organisation.
c.Grants made to village organisations should normally be taken up and used within 12 months of the grant. Unused grants should be returned to the Forum for reallocation.
d.Should the Forum cease to exist, any surplus funds remaining will be passed to the Parish Council for appropriate future use at the Council’s discretion.
- Dissolution
The Forum may be dissolved at any time by a resolution passed at a general meeting by two thirds of those present and voting. At least 21 days notice of such a meeting shall be given in writing to all households and organisations in the Civil Parish of Easterton and Eastcott. Should the Forum cease to exist, any surplus funds remaining will be disbursed as agreed at this meeting.
Original Terms of Reference approved and adopted at the Meeting of the Easterton Village Forum held on
6th October 2005.
These New Terms of Reference approved and adopted at a Meeting of the Easterton Village Forum held on