How to Make a Chumash Net

The net size is 6 foot by one foot- use 3 inch PVC Pipes they come in 5 and 10 foot sections at Home Depot and Lowe’s (If you buy 10 footers - save the pieces you cut off and we can make other nets in future with the cut off pipes). Buy 2 Ten Foot 3 inch Pipes and cut them to 6 feet. Buy two 3 inch 90 degree elbows for the top (cut the top cross bar piece a little shorter than one foot as the elbows add a little length at the top - you will understand when you go thru making it - cut top piece last). Using thin PVC pipes (1 inch) will not work. Use 3 inch for sure. Then you need two PVC toilet collar flanges too (get the high sleeve ones). Mount the collar flanges centered on a 3 by 3 (or even 3 by 2) piece of 3/4 inch plywood (1/2 plywood inch is too thin). Paint the plywood so it will last longer. Get some nuts and bolts with lock washers to mount it (toilet flanges) to the plywood. Do not glue anything! Just dry fit the pipes and it will work. Also, wrap the collar flanges with duct tape to strengthen them (they crack over time). To finish, go to Play it Again Sports or the web and buy a replacement hockey net (6 by 4) and lace it up on one side to make a pillow case type of net and pull it over the chumash goal. There will be some netting left at the end - not perfectly even but you will get enough length to make it work. See pix on website for visual detail. Get your freak on and put Duct tape on pole if you like, to trick it out – or paint it any color you like – Camo Duct Tape is cool, or come up with your own idea – the Goal in the pix has red electrical tape to make it look like a candy cane…

By not gluing it you can take it apart and bring it anywhere! Bring it to Summer Chumash we need goals! Bring it on vacation and play it on the beach (watch the crowds flock!) for serious flow…Play it in the neighborhood! We want a goal in every yard in Chelmsford!

Jim Dalton


2 six foot, 3 inch wide PVC Pipes

2 – 3 inch PVC 90 degree elbows

2 – PVC Toilet collar flanges with “high sleeves” (Important) – see pix

1 - 3 by 3 (or 3x2) piece of ¾ inch plywood (1/2 inch will not work well)

1 – 6x4 Replacement hockey net

  • nuts/bolts and lock washers to mount toilet flanges to plywood – 3 sets for each collar for a total of 6 sets

How to play:

Play on any size field , yard, parking lot, or whatever – Put goal in middle of “field” make a regulation goal crease (field paint/chalk or an old bag of flour will work to make it). Put in larger shooting creases if you want (learn about that at Summer Chumash) to make the game more interesting. Shooting creases are areas you can pass thru on both teams, but you can’t shoot in them – makes you pass more to score. Then all you need is to make “clearing” boundaries on both sides of the field and when ball changes possession, you have to clear past the clearing spot before you can shoot – we have used cones/ gear bags/you name it for making clearing boundaries. You can also make up your own rules if you want.