Virginia Department of Education: Aligning Academic Review and Performance Evaluation (AARPE)
Principal Performance Standard Two Look Fors July 2015
Standard Two: School ClimateThe principal fosters the success of all students by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe school climate for all stakeholders
Indicator 2.2: The principal consistently models and collaboratively promotes high expectations, mutual respect, concern, and empathy for students, staff, parents, and community.
Principal Look Fors
- Principal promotes a common language around student growth and achievement.
- Principal leads a process for the regular monitoring of student growth with the specific goal of increasing the number of students in Tier 1 and reducing the number of students in Tiers II and III.
- Principal uses active listening skills (Examples include but are not limited to: eye contact, body language, restate/reflect concern, clarify next steps, timely response, etc.) in a variety of settings with a variety of stakeholders.
- Principal clearly communicates expectations to all stakeholders.
- Principal models effective feedback and expects feedback from staff.
- Principal starts and ends meetings on time and provides clearly developed agendas.
- Principal models expected professional behavior (Examples includes but are not limited to: on time, visible, accessible, focused on student learning, etc.).
- Principal regularly convenes and actively participates in stakeholder meetings (Examples include but are not limited to: PTA, student leadership, teacher leadership team, community partnerships, etc.).
- Principal recognizes and celebrates student, teacher, and community successes and communicates them broadly (Examples include but are not limited to: newsletter, web-based communication, announcements, etc.).
- Principal recognizes students across all realms (Examples include but are not limited to: academics, the arts, service, sports, etc.).
- Principal identifies and responds to the individual needs of stakeholders (Examples include but are not limited to: home visits, positive and proactive communication with families and staff, opportunities for informal social interaction, school schedule and calendar, etc.).
- Principal participates in professional development activities alongside teachers.
- Principal is regularly visible in the classroom.
- Principal receives high ratings on stakeholder surveys involving climate.
- Principal includes students, parents, and community representatives on the school leadership team.
- Principal monitors teacher performance on annual goals.
- Principal meets regularly with student leaders to collaborate about a variety of school based topics.
- Principal uses transitions (elementary to middle, middle to high) as an opportunity to build common expectations.
- Principal uses daily announcements as an opportunity to reinforce expectations for achievement and behavior.
Indicator 2.8: The principal involves students, staff, parents, and the community to create and sustain a positive, safe, and healthy learning environment that reflect state, division, and local school rules, policies, and procedures.
Principal Look Fors
- Principal establishes the expectation that office staff greets visitors with a smile and asks if assistance is needed.
- Principal invites community agencies to attend school-sponsored activities.
- Principal encourages that the PTSO-PTSA hosts meetings monthly and provides updates to all parties.
- The leadership team has student, parent, staff, and community member representation.
- The principal ensures that weekly or monthly communications via newsletters, emails, and/or instant alerts are distributed to all stakeholders to discuss upcoming school events and are in multiple languages as appropriate.
- Principal encourages community/business members and parents to serve as volunteers and mentors at school-sponsored events.
- Principal hosts community forums or town hall meetings.
- Principal promotes programs that encourage environmental stewardship (Examples include but are not limited to: beautification, community gardener, recycling, etc.).
- Principal seeks feedback from all stakeholders and addresses feedback as evidenced by meeting notes, surveys, work orders, etc.
- Students follow established rules and expectations (evidence of research based best practices such as Effective Schoolwide Discipline and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports). Appropriate consequences are enforced when necessary.
- Students are encouraged to report any misconduct to school officials/teachers.
- Principal provides a mechanism for anonymous reporting.
- Students take ownership to assist with maintaining buildings and grounds.
- Principal has established a student advisory committee to discuss concerns and provide feedback.
- Parent conferences are held regularly to share feedback and discuss concerns.
- There are co-op programs at the high school level designed to get students involved in community organizations.
- Principal encourages field trips to local community destinations to build/strengthen ties between the school and community.
- Students actively participate in class.
- Surveys and/or audit teams are used to determine safety, family engagement, general climate, and cleanliness needs.
- Safety drills are scheduled and conducted.
- Safety guides, school maps, and safety exit routes are posted as appropriate.
- Principal monitors attendance and disciplinary data as an indicator of satisfaction with the school environment.
- Principal monitors student participation in extracurricular activities as an indication of school satisfaction.
- School lunches meet established guidelines/regulations.
- Safety searches are conducted as appropriate.
- Principal provides evidence that school board policy and regulations regarding school climate and safety are being followed.
- Principal ensures the alignment of the student and staff handbooks and has a process for monitoring the expectations set.
- School setting is clean, uncluttered, and accessible to all.
- Principal ensures that celebrations/showcasing of achievement include all areas (Examples include but are not limited to: academic, the arts, sports, etc.).
- Printed displays within the school use positive and inviting language.
- Principal includes safety indicators in the school improvement plan.
Indicator 2.9: The principal develops and/or implements best practices in school wide behavior management that are effective within the school community and communicates behavior management expectations to students, teachers, and parents.
Principal Look Fors
- The principal provides professional development opportunities focused on best practices in behavior management. Professional development is differentiated and based on needs assessments.
- The principal monitors the implementation of best practices and provides support to teachers who are not implementing with fidelity as indicated by established documentation.
- A purposeful school wide behavior plan is in place that focuses on teaching appropriate behavior (Examples include but are not limited to: Positive Behavior Intervention System {PBIS}, character education, etc.).
- The school-wide plan is reviewed and modified, as appropriate, based on updated data analysis and is included in the school improvement plan (Indistar).
- The school-wide plan focuses on preserving instructional time.
- The principal consistently communicates the expectations for student behavior in multiple ways (Examples include but are not limited to: website, newsletters, handbook, posters, announcements, new student orientation, etc.).
- Principal promotes parent training in collaboration with the PTA.
- Discipline referrals are consistent with the code of conduct.
- Discipline data is collected monthly and shared with teachers as a whole and individually.
- Discipline-based goals included in the SMART goal process when appropriate.
- Expectations for student behavior apply to all students.
- The principal has an established compact among the students, parents, and school staff, which specifies best practices and expectations for school wide behavior.
- Students are active participants in the development and implementation of school wide expectations.
- Behavior plans are implemented, as appropriate, for whole group, small group, and individual students. Individual plans identify academic, behavior, and attendance needs.
- Principal ensures that mechanisms are in place to celebrate success.
- Principal and leadership team set the tone each day by being visible as students arrive to school and throughout the day in halls, classrooms, lunchrooms, playgrounds, etc.
Indicator 2.11: The principal maintains a positive, inviting school environment that promotes and assists in the development of the whole student and values every student as an important member of the school community.
Principal Look Fors
- Office staff is helpful, greets people in a friendly and professional manner, practices good communication skills when answering questions, and has knowledge of the school’s rules, procedures, and available resources.
- Student, teacher, and community recognition is conducted regularly and in a variety of formats (Examples include but are not limited to: student/staff of the month, honor roll, perfect attendance, citizenship, positive behavior, character counts, most improved, use of social media for recognition, art displays, etc.).
- Principal ensures that school grounds are maintained and are inviting.
- Positive messages are displayed throughout the building.
- Principal establishes pro-active communication of all school wide events to ensure that parents and the community are well informed (multilingual versions are available).
- Principal ensures that oral and written communications are positive and welcoming.
- Students demonstrate an understanding of expected responses to drills, etc.
- School and classroom expectations are made clear and are followed by both students and adults.
- Principal sets and monitors the expectation that teachers are stationed at the classroom door during class changes.
- Principal knows students as individuals.
- Principal promotes and practices cultural diversity and the expectation that all students are important.
- Principal has an established advisory group that includes staff, students, parents, and community members designed to garner input for continuous improvement of school climate/culture.
- Programs are evident that support the social, emotional, and physical/behavioral needs of students.
- Administrators and teachers are visible throughout the school community and at a variety of events (Examples include but are not limited to: academic teams, music/choral/drama performances, art exhibits, athletic events, club meetings, etc.).
- Principal has established a student mentor program.
- Principal promotes the understanding and implementation of the school vision, mission and goals.
- Teachers are expected to be role models.
- Principal models that all curricula areas are important.
- Principal promotes the importance of extracurricular participation (Examples include but are not limited to: club meetings during the day, advisory program, ensuring easy access by all students, ensuring effective communication of extracurricular information, etc.).