VCU LGBT Subcommittee

November 18, 2008 Minutes

Equality Virginia Resolution:

Equality Virginia would like to the Faculty Senate to present a resolution to the university supporting the employment of a non-discrimination law for public employees. The subcommittee agreed to support and encourage this resolution moving forward to faculty senate.

Equity and Diversity Committee:

Jan’s update –

The meeting today was cancelled; instead the committee will meet tomorrow with the Presidential Search (Steve).

Presidential Search:

How to represent diversity with a candidate and how to frame questions. LGBT and disabilities should be addressed specifically, including Domestic Partner Benefits in a hostile climate.

Make sure to get the words “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender” spoken during interviews (not just implied with the term “diversity” or in reference to “Domestic Partner”).

They will talk to Steve and let Steve chose the best wording.

E&D would like to make sure there are questions in the interviews on:

o  Vision and values regarding diversity

o  Retention and recruitment regarding diversity

o  Climate at VCU (addressing a hostile environment/climate in VA)

E&D will suggest prompts if candidate does not address LGBT in their response.

The Diversity Plan has been revised and is now with University Council for review. The Board of Visitors will get the plan at the next meeting.

LGBT Awards:

Jeff will email the timeline from last year for the committee to review.

Dorothy will check on music for this year’s ceremony

Reminder, the ceremony has been set for Thursday, 4/2/09 at the Scott House, 4:30-6pm

OMSA update:

Xavier reports –

The LGBT Social Network meetings (discussion group of mostly freshman) has been continually well attended this semester.

LGBT Panel Discussion on Intersecting Identities was also well attended.

This week they will show the film “For the Bible Tells Me So” again. The first showing was very well attended.

Also this week on Thursday, there is a brown bag lunch on LGBT and Legislation.

Speakers Bureau:

Due to regular requests for interviews and such on LGBT issues, it is suggested we revisit the idea of a Speakers Bureau and/or contact list. Perhaps the LGBT Subcommittee, OMSA and/or the counseling center can work on this. It could be used for student affairs as well as academics. It would be ideal for people from all groups at VCU as well as outside of VCU were represented on such a list. We will need to address how to begin working on this in a future meeting.

Future LGBT Subcommittee’s Meeting:


Due to end-of-semester timing, the subcommittee determined the December meeting will be a brown bag lunch at noon, 12/16/08 in Rodney’s, inside Shafer Court. Everyone is encouraged to bring a lunch and gather!


If Liz Cramer’s schedule permits, the January meeting will be devoted to discussions on the Domestic Partner Benefits proposal.


The February meeting will focus on the awards – including discussions on the number of awards to give this year.


Dorothy will gather the Gender Identify workgroup in the new year.


The subcommittee discussed Xavier’s grad assistant position in OMSA. The position is currently only part-time, 20 hours a week, and is focused on LGBT and Women’s issues.

There will be a Safe Zone workshop for the MCV Medical School Diversity Advisory Board in December.

Next Meeting:

SPECIAL MEETING: Bring your lunch and gather with your friends!

(Note time and location change for this meeting only)

12:00 p.m. December 16, 2008, Rodney’s, inside Shafer Court