VBQU118 Conduct a project with guidance
Element / Performance Criteria / Range Statement / Evidence Guide1 Propose a project / 1.1 Proposed project is discussed with appropriate support people
1.2 Project goals are confirmed / Appropriate support people include: those within and without the learning environment
Project goals include: • completion of an activity eg:construction of a newsletter, compilation of a recipe book, compilation of a photo collection, creation of a catalogue of songs, participating in organising a class activity, e.g. an outing, a party, a dance, participating in organising a community activity, e.g. sporting club fundraiser, over 50s soccer competition, preparation of a lunch / dinner for a group, preparation of a biography using digital stories, producing a song book, designing and producing a T shirt for an event /cause, designing and producing a community mural, working in a community garden, investigating child care options, finding solution to problems with a piece of technology
• additional knowledge and skill outcomes, eg: reading, writing and numeracy skills
• value of project to other aspects of the learner’s work, learning, community involvement
• previous experiences related to identified goals, e.g. work experience, volunteer or recreational experience, family responsibilities, study including formal schooling or informal learning, health and other personal matters, any possible barriers to completion
The elements of the project include: what, who, why, how, when, where
Process may include: establishing advantages and disadvantages of working with others on the project
Responsibilities of the learner /group include:participation and/orworking collaboratively
Responsibilities of teaching staff include:
project tasks, roles, time lines and responsibilities; providing customised training; using a collaborative approach; awareness of and strategies for dealing with conflicting discourses; identifying and discussing cultural issues; ethical standards
Action plan includes:commencement dates, roles and responsibilities, tasks, completion dates
Factors which contribute to success can include:
• teacher structured scaffolding activities,transferring learning from one area to a new area, applying appropriate strategies, practising new skills, seeking support of teacher, peers, other interested parties when needed, role definitions, problem solving techniques, developing co-operative learning techniques
Barriers may include: • current life circumstances, conflict with discourses of education, cultural differences,multiple roles and responsibilities / • Learners will be able to clarify project goals with an appropriate support person, plan the project, and carry out the project, evaluate the conduct of the project including successful outcomes and barriers to completion.
• Competency is shown by the final product of the project
• assessment is undertaken over the course of the program
• access to real/authentic texts in context, a computer and internet, community facilities, e.g. library, community ‘experts’
Appropriate assessment strategies include:
• portfolios
• direct observation of activities
• questioning,
• third party feedback,
2 Plan the project / 2.1 The elements of the project are determined with guidance
2.2 The process for completing the project is identified
2.3 Responsibilities for all parties are identified
3 Carry out the plan / 3.1 All required materials and information are obtained
3.2 Project tasks are undertaken with guidance from an appropriate support person
3.3 Activities are recorded and discussed with appropriate support people
4 Review the conduct of the project / 4.1 Factors which contributed to success in meeting goals are discussed with appropriate support people
4.2 Barriers to success are noted
4.3 Benefits of the project are discussed with appropriate support people
Required Skills & Knowledge
• communication skills to discuss, plan and reflect on a project
• negotiation skills to determine roles and responsibilities of parties
• ability to gather required resources
• ability to locate information
• problem solving skills to complete tasks
• communication skills to present a project and undertake assessment
© CGEA Transition Working Group- Hume ACFE Region 2007