Longuenesse, C.V. 18/18

Béatrice Longuenesse

Curriculum Vitae (March 2015)

Professional address

NYU Department of Philosophy

5 Washington Place

Tel. (212) 998 8332

Education, Degrees

1967: Baccalauréat (national final exam for completing high school education)

Mathématiques Elémentaires (major in mathematics and physics), Mention Très Bien (Summa cum Laude)

1969: Admission to the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris).

1972: Maîtrise de Philosophie (BA), Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Mention Bien (Magna cum Laude).

1973: Agrégation de Philosophie.

1979-1980: Jane Eliza Procter Visiting Graduate Student, Princeton University.

1980: Doctorat de Troisième Cycle en Philosophie (PhD), Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Mention Très Bien (Summa cum Laude): "La Critique de la Métaphysique dans la Doctrine de l’Essence de Hegel.”

1992: Doctorat d'Etat ès Lettres, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Mention Très Honorable à l'Unanimité du Jury (Summa cum Laude, unanimously granted): "Le Pouvoir de Juger. Sensibilité et Discursivité dans l'Analytique Transcendentale de la Critique de la Raison Pure."

Academic Employment

2010-: Silver Professor, New York University.

2004-: Professor of Philosophy, New York University.

1996-2004: Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University.

1994-96: Associate Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University.

1993-94: Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University.

1985-1993: Maître de Conférences en Philosophie, Université de Clermont-Ferrand.

1983-1985: Assistante en Philosophie, Université de Franche-Comté.

1981-1983: Chargée de Cours (Lecturer) en Philosophie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

1981-1982: Pensionnaire (Research Fellow), Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.

1978-79: Chargée de Cours en Philosophie, Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).

Other Teaching Positions

Summer 2012: Central European University, Summer School on “Problems of the Self” (three weeks).

Spring 2008: Professeur Invitée, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales et Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) (one month visiting position).

1980-1981: Professeur Agrégée, Lycée Technique de Lens.

1975-77: Professeur Agrégée, Lycée Polyvalent, Carvin.

Areas of Specialization

Kant, Hegel, modern philosophy, philosophy of mind.

Areas of Competence

Early modern philosophy, contemporary European philosophy,


French (native), English (fluent, speaking, reading and writing), German (fluent, speaking, reading and writing), Russian (fair, speaking and reading), Latin (advanced), ancient Greek (elementary), Italian (fair, reading; elementary, speaking).



(1981) Hegel et la Critique de la métaphysique, Paris: Vrin, 217 pages.

(1991) Hegel: Notes et fragments. Iéna 1803-1806, traduction et commentaire (ouvrage collectif), Paris: Aubier, 320 pages.

(1993) Kant et le Pouvoir de juger. Sensibilité et discursivité dans l'Analytique Transcendantale de la Critique de la Raison Pure, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 482 pages.

(1998) Kant and the Capacity to Judge. Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pb ed. 2000, 420 pages (extensively revised and expanded English version of (1993))

(2005) Kant on the Human Standpoint, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 304 pages.

(2007) Hegel’s Critique of Metaphysics (expanded English version of (1981), including two additional chapters and a new Preface), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 243 pages.


I, Me, Mine. Back to Kant, and Back Again. Under contract with Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Second, expanded French edition of Hegel et la Critique de la Métaphysique (including revisions of the original French edition and a translation of the chapters added in the 2007 Cambridge University Press edition), forthcoming fall 2015.

Portuguese (Brazil) translation of Kant et le Pouvoir de Juger, with a new Preface, forthcoming fall 2015.

Edited volumes:

(2008) (with Dan Garber) Kant and the Early Moderns, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 257 pages.

(2010) Le Moi/The Self/Le Soi, special issue of the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.


(1982) "L'Effectivité dans la Logique de Hegel," Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale vol.87, No 4, p.75-86.

(1990) "Actuality in Hegel's Logic," transl. of (1982), The Graduate Faculty Journal Volume 13, Nr1., p.115-124

(1992)  "Hegel, Lecteur de Kant sur le jugement," Philosophie, No 36, p.42-70.

(1994) "Logique et métaphysique dans le système critique: l'exemple de la causalité," Paris: Bulletin de la Société Française de Philosophie, 88e année No. 3, p.65-105.

(1995a) "Kant et les Jugements empiriques. Jugements de perception et jugements d'expérience," Berlin: Kant-Studien, 86. Jahrgang, p.278-307.

(1995b) "The Transcendental Ideal, and the Unity of the Critical System," Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant-Congress, Memphis: Marquette University Press, p.521-537.

(1998a) "The Divisions of the Transcendental Logic and the Leading Thread," in Georg Mohr & Markus Willaschek (eds.) Immanuel Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, p.131-158.

(1998b) "Synthèse et donation. Réponse à Michel Fichant," in Philosophie, Nr. 60, p.79-92.

(2000a) "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason," in Sally Sedgwick (ed.), The Reception of Kant’s Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.253-282.

(2000b) “Sujet-Objet dans l’Analytique Kantienne du Beau,” in Autour de Hegel. Hommage à Bernard Bourgeois, Paris: Vrin, p.291-319.

(2000c) “Kant’s Categories, and the Capacity to Judge. Responses to Henry Allison and Sally Sedgwick,” Inquiry, 43, p.91-110.

(2001a) “Kant’s Standpoint on the Whole: Disjunctive Judgment, Community, and the Third Analogy of Experience” in Ralph Schumacher & Oliver Scholz (eds.), Idealismus als Theorie der Repräsentation?, Festschrift für Rolf-Peter Horstmann, Berlin: De Gruyter, p.287-312.

(2001b) “Logical Functions and the World-Whole,” in H.F. Fulda und Peter Klein (eds.), Kants Idee eines Systems der Philosophie, Berlin: Felix Meiner, p.171-192.

(2001c) “Kant über den Satz vom Grund,” in Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung, Akten des 9. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, Berlin: De Gruyter, Band I, p.38-57.

(2001d) “Kant’s Deconstruction of the Principle of Sufficient Reason,” The Harvard Review of Philosophy, vol. IX, p.67-87.

(2001e) “Synthesis, Logical Forms, and the Objects of our Ordinary Experience. Reply to Michael Friedman,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 83. Bd., p.199-212

(2003a) “Kant: le Jugement Moral comme Jugement de la Raison” (“Kant: Moral Judgment as a Judgment of Reason”), in Michèle Cohen-Halimi (ed.), Le Jugement Moral, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, p.15-54.

(2003b) “Kant’s Theory of Judgment, and Judgments of Taste. On Henry Allison’s Kant’s Theory of Taste,” Inquiry, vol.46, Nr.2, p.143-63.

(2004a) “Les Concepts a priori Kantiens et leur destin,” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, vol.109, N°4, p.485-510.

(2004b) “History of Philosophy in France. Response to Denis Kambouchner,” in Jerry Schneewind (ed.) Teaching the New Histories of Philosophy, Publications of the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, p.58-64.

(2005)  "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?" in Christia Mercer and Eileen O’Neill (eds.), Early Modern Philosophy: Mind, Matter, and Metaphysics, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.231-261.

(2006a) “Kant on a priori Concepts: the Metaphysical Deduction of the Categories,” in Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy, New York, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.129-168.

(2006b) “Cogito Kantien et Cogito Cartésien,” in Descartes en Kant, Michel Fichant & Jean-Luc Marion (eds.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, p.67-91.

(2006c) “Kant’s Leading Thread in the Analytic of the Beautiful,” in Rebecca Kukla (ed.), Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant’s Critical Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, p.121-149.

(2006d) “Self-Consciousness and Consciousness of One’s own Body. Variations on a Kantian Theme,” Philosophical Topics, vol.34, No 1 & 2, p. 283-309.

(2007a) „Sartre on Self-Consciousness,“ in Tom Bishop and Coralie Girard (eds.) Situating/Situation de Sartre 2005, The Florence Gould Lectures at New York University, Special Volume 2006-2007, p.99-110.

(2007b) “Kant on the Identity of Persons,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. CVII, Part 2, p.149-167.

(2007c) “Selbstbewußtsein und Bewußtsein des eigenen Körpers; Variationen über ein Kantisches Thema,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 55. Jahrgang, Nr 6, p.859-875 .

(2008a) “Kant’s ‘I think’ versus Descartes’s ‘I am a thing that thinks’ ” in Dan Garber & Beatrice Longuenesse (eds.), in Kant and the Early Moderns, Princeton: Princeton University Press, p.9-31.

(2008b) “Neurone vergeistigen. Philosophie und Neurowissenschaft in Gespräch,” with Frank Rösler, Jahrbuch des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin, p.241-258.

(2008c) “Self-consciousness and self-reference: Sartre and Wittgenstein,” in The European Journal of Philosophy, vol.16, issue 1, p.1-21.

(2008d) “Cassam and Kant on ‘how possible’ questions,” in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. LXXVII No. 2, p.510-517.

(2010a) “De Différentes manières de se rapporter à soi,” in Le Moi/the Self/le Soi, special issue of the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, Nr 4, p.419-434.

(2010b) “La Déconstruction Kantienne du Principe de Raison Suffisante,” in Michael Foessel et Pierre Osmo (eds), Kant, Paris: Ellipses, p.55-72.

(2011) “Kant’s Standpoint on the Whole. Disjunctive judgment, Community, and the Third Analogy of Experience,” in Charlton Payne & Lucas Thorpe (eds.), Kant and the Concept of Community, North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy, University of Rochester Press, p.17-40.

(2012a) “ ‘I’ and the Brain,” in Psychological Research, vol. 76, Issue 2 (2012), p.220-228.

(2012b) “Kant and Freud on ‘I’,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Kant Congress, Pisa 2010, Berlin: De Gruyter, p.287-308.

(2012c) “Two uses of ‘I’ as subject?” in Simon Prosser and François Récanati (eds.), Immunity to Error through Misidentification, New Essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.81-104.

(2012d) “Kant’s ‘I’ in ‘I ought to’ and Freud’s Super-Ego,” Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, p.18-39.

(2013a) “Kant and Hegel on the Moral Self,” in Dina Emundts (ed.), Self, World and Art. Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel, Berlin: De Gruyter, p.93-117.

(2013b) “I, Me, Mine. Self-Consciousness and the First Person.” The Berlin Journal, Nr. 24, p. 44-48.

(2014) “Kant und Freud über die Moral,” in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, p. 2014.


“Conscience de soi et usage de la première personne,” in Pécharman, Martine, et Philippe de Rouilhan (eds.), Le Philosophe et le Langage. Etudes offertes à Jean-Claude Pariente, Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, publication expected 2015.

In Progress

“Usages du ‘je’.” Invited contribution to a volume honoring Francis Wolff.

“Kant on ‘I think’.” Invited contribution, Palgrave Kant Handbook.

Kant on self-consciousness and agency” (provisional title). Invited contribution, volume honoring Karl Ameriks, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre-Dame.

The unity and disunity of the mind in Kant’s Third Critique.


(2001) Review of Allen Wood’s Kant’s Ethical Thought, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 83. Bd, p.341-346.

(2003) Review of Henry Allison’s Kant’s Theory of Taste. In the Journal of Philosophy, Vol.C, Nr.9, p.487-492.

(2003) Review of Michelle Grier’s Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic. In Mind, vol.112, Nr.448, p.718-724.

(2007) Review of Sebastian Rödl, Self-consciousness, Harvard University Press, 2007, in Notre-Dame Philosophical Review.


(2005) Interview on my work by a panel of faculty and graduate students, The Dualist (Stanford Philosophy Journal), vol. 12, Nr1, p.67-80.

(2007) “Eine Sache der Verschaltung. Béatrice Longuenesse und Frank Rösler versuchen sich in der Überwindung des philosophisch-neurowissenschaftlichen Dualismus“ Interview (with Ralph Grötger and Frank Roesler), Köpfe und Ideen, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, p.14-21.


- 1977:

- Congress of the Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft, Lisbon, "Le 'Renversement' de la dialectique Hegelienne."

- 1982:

- Congress of the Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung, Stuttgart, "L'Effectivité dans la Logique de Hegel."

- 1983:

- Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, "Hegel Critique de la morale Kantienne."

- 1985:

- Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, "Hegel: l'Histoire comme advenir du sujet."

- 1992:

- Université de Paris-Sorbonne, "Kant et le Pouvoir de juger" (Soutenance de Thèse pour le Doctorat d'Etat).

- Université de Lyon III, "Hegel, Lecteur de Kant sur le jugement."

- 1994:

- Société Française de Philosophie, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, "Logique et métaphysique dans le système critique: l'exemple de la causalité."

- Université Blaise-Pascal (Clermont II), "Logique et métaphysique dans le système critique: l'exemple de la causalité."

- 1995:

- Eighth International Kant-Congress, Memphis, Tennessee, "The Transcendental Ideal and the Unity of the Critical System."

- University of Pennsylvania, "Logic and Metaphysics in the Critical System: the Example of Causality."

- Conference on Kant and German Idealism, Dartmouth College, "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason.”

- Yale University, "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason."

- M.I.T., "Kant on Causality: What is the Question?"

- University of New Hampshire, "Kant on Causality: What is the Question?"

- 1996:

- I led discussions in a Colloquium (seven three-hour sessions) on my book, Kant and the Capacity to Judge. The Colloquium took place at the Wissenschaftskolleg and was organized by Pr.Dr. Rolf-Peter Horstmann (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin).

- 1997:

- University of Pittsburgh, "Point of View of Man or Knowledge of God. Kant and Hegel on Concept, Judgment and Reason."

- American Philosophical Association, Central Division, "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?"

- Johns Hopkins University, "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?"

- Conference on Systematicity in Kant, Vienna (Austria), "Logical Functions and the World-Whole: on Kant's Third Analogy of Experience."

- McGill University (Montreal, Canada), "Kant on Causality: What Was He Trying to Prove?"

- Université de Montréal, Canada, "Fonctions logiques et représentation du monde: sur la Troisième Analogie de l'Expérience."

- New York University, "Practical Reason and Systematic Philosophy in Kant and Hegel."

- 1998:

- Haverford College, Philadelphia, Distinguished Visitor, "Kant's Leading Thread," paper and seminar.

- 1999:

- Pennsylvania State University, “Logical Functions and the World-Whole: on Kant’s Third Analogy of Experience.”

- Columbia University, New York, “Logical Functions and the World-Whole: on Kant’s Third Analogy of Experience.”

- APA (American Philosophical Association), Pacific Division, Berkeley, “Author Meets Critics,” on Kant and the Capacity to Judge.

- APA, Central Division, New Orleans, invited paper, session on German Idealism: “Kant’s Standpoint on the Whole.”

- APA, Central Division, New Orleans, NAKS, “Author Meets Critics” on Kant and the Capacity to Judge.

- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris (équipe de Pierre Zarka, journée organisée par Martine Pécharman), “La Déconstruction Kantienne du principe de raison suffisante.”

- 2000:

- Berlin, 9th Congress of the International Kant Society, “Kant über den Satz vom Grund.”

- Harvard Philosophy Colloquium, “Kant’s Deconstruction of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.”